View Full Version : Did I make the right call???? TP+OESD on flop...50NL

02-03-2007, 08:59 PM
This situation came up recently in a .25/.50 cent home nl cash game. Effective stacks are $70 ..nomal buy in is $30 villian covers.

Hero opens UTG for $2 with KQdiamonds...5 callers including both blinds and were off to the flop. Flop comes Q-J-10 rainbow with one diamond. BB opens for $3 i immidatley make it 11...it gets around to villan in MP who smooth calls. It goes fold..fold..fold back around to BB who goes all in for $9.25 on top, i instacall and then it gets back to MP who hems and haws and goes into this speech then goes all in for $48.75 more putting me all in (i've got like $43 behind)

So i go into the tank for a good while...maybe 5mins or so thinking about the hand, and i was pretty certain this guy didnt flop the straight for several reasons mostly being that if he had A-K he would of %100 certainly re-popped me preflop. Also I was pretty confident that he didnt spike trips, because hes one of those types that always gets it ai on turn. So keep in mind its like 1am and this guys pretty nervous i'm watching him the whole time and i could tell by the way he was showing his cards to his neighbor that his hand was suspect..good but vulnerable. I put him on a limited range of hands, being either j/10 q/10 or q/9 or same hand as me. So i make the call....

BUt first a little history with villian. Hes pretty lagish we seem to always tango in a big pot when we play together including several times hes pulled off big bluffs and flips them over and ridicules me.. Hes pretty drunk this night in question and kinda on tilt because i doubled through him the 2nd hand he played when i made an allin call with 10-7 spades on a 10-9-3r board and he flips over j-j i catch runner-runner straight. He belittled me all night for that one even during the play of this hand. I also doubled him up 10 mins earlier with A-J when i ran into A-K on a rainbow A high flop ai on flop

Unknown Soldier
02-03-2007, 09:37 PM
i'm too tired to work out thos odds, but looks like you're getting quite a bit over 2:1? Probably a good call.