View Full Version : Cardplayer says it's ridiculous not to join the PPA......

01-31-2007, 09:56 PM
Allyn Jaffrey Shulman's latest article. You'll notice at the bottom she points out "it's ridiculous not to join the PPA."

Ms Shulman is on the board. Ms Shulman works for the biggest and most well known publication in poker. CP has made millions of dollars.

Do you think she's risking her name and her companies name to help conspire to rip off a bunch of poker players for $20?

Just something to consider.


01-31-2007, 10:04 PM
You are a little slow (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=8998574)

01-31-2007, 10:15 PM
Look...it's getting a little ridiculous for people who are doing nothing to keep shooting at the PPA for doing something. They are now accepting FREE memberships people. What could show more transparency than that. If it was all about the money why would they do this. I still think a PAC is preferred but right now PPA is one of the few options we have to get behind.

01-31-2007, 10:29 PM
And so you figure an organization who cannot convince a substantial portion of its own constituency is the organization to send to convince Senators and Congressmen and such?

01-31-2007, 10:34 PM
Look...it's getting a little ridiculous for people who are doing nothing to keep shooting at the PPA for doing something. They are now accepting FREE memberships people. What could show more transparency than that. If it was all about the money why would they do this. I still think a PAC is preferred but right now PPA is one of the few options we have to get behind.

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I guess you fail to realize that the people who are shouting the loudest are its CURRENT MEMBERS...

01-31-2007, 11:49 PM
Allyn Jaffrey Shulman's latest article. You'll notice at the bottom she points out "it's ridiculous not to join the PPA."

Ms Shulman is on the board. Ms Shulman works for the biggest and most well known publication in poker. CP has made millions of dollars.

Do you think she's risking her name and her companies name to help conspire to rip off a bunch of poker players for $20?

Just something to consider.


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Absolutely nothing controversial about Ms. Shulman's comments. It is ridiculous for us to not join the PPA.


02-01-2007, 09:11 AM
Allyn Jaffrey Shulman's latest article. You'll notice at the bottom she points out "it's ridiculous not to join the PPA."

Ms Shulman is on the board. Ms Shulman works for the biggest and most well known publication in poker. CP has made millions of dollars.

Do you think she's risking her name and her companies name to help conspire to rip off a bunch of poker players for $20?

Just something to consider.


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Absolutely nothing controversial about Ms. Shulman's comments. It is ridiculous for us to not join the PPA.


[/ QUOTE ]

agreed Les.

02-01-2007, 10:28 AM
The PPA is an unusual organization in that it does not lobby, but rather funds lobbists with OPM (other people's money). This isn't particularly efficient, and it will therefore be costly. By contrast, major corporations with an interest in government contracts maintain permanent "marketing" staff in DC and get around to influential congresspersons and staffers on a regular basis. Anyway, I guess I have two perhaps-pertinent comments:

1. There are different approaches one could take to "fight" the problem. PPA has taken a particular one and it might or might not be the best.

2. The proof is in the results, and it is way too early for those. Right now there is a big nasty legislative snowball rolling down a steep hill, getting larger and nastier as it goes, and efforts to reason with it aren't likely to have much effect. Think inertia. So in addition to cost and direction, there is also a matter of timing. Money does talk - if there is enough of it and it has a compelling message to convey. At this point... hard to tell.