View Full Version : PPA Finacials Posted

01-29-2007, 09:59 PM
I just wanted to let everyone who doubts the PPA that they posted their finacials on there website and you can access it here: http://www.pokerplayersalliance.org/pdf/PPA05Public990.pdf

01-29-2007, 10:08 PM
link isn't working for me.

01-29-2007, 10:08 PM

01-29-2007, 10:12 PM
It didnt work for me at first and all I did was reload the page/file and it opened up....Yes it is only 05 but atleast its a start and I am sure 06 will follow as soon as they actually file..

01-29-2007, 10:16 PM
Odd how Michael is not listed under current officers, directors, trustees and key employee compensation, but there is 110k of other salaries & wages. On the bright side I am happy to see that this is not a money grab for the trustees. Score one point for Mason's law firm!

TT /images/graemlins/club.gif

01-29-2007, 11:28 PM

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Guess how many people have 2006 financial ready to go during the last week of January???? Hardly none, just FYI.

Russ Fox
01-29-2007, 11:41 PM
The deadline for filing Form 990 is the 15th day of the fifth month after their fiscal year-end; for the PPA, that's 5/15/07.

Russ Fox
co-author, "Why You Lose at Poker"

01-29-2007, 11:59 PM
The deadline for filing Form 990 is the 15th day of the fifth month after their fiscal year-end; for the PPA, that's 5/15/07.

Russ Fox
co-author, "Why You Lose at Poker"

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So the 2005 Form 990, dated 12-12-06, was past due?

01-30-2007, 07:25 AM
Odd how Michael is not listed under current officers, directors, trustees and key employee compensation, but there is 110k of other salaries & wages. On the bright side I am happy to see that this is not a money grab for the trustees. Score one point for Mason's law firm!

TT /images/graemlins/club.gif

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I have dealt with the PPA in the past and I do know that they had one guy who handled a lot of stuff for Michael and then he left and there's a new guy. $110K in salaries doesn't seem out of range for even one person, let alone if that also includes administrative help as well.

Self Made
01-30-2007, 07:55 AM
The other odd thing is that they had $316K in inventory at the end of 2005. I wonder what that was?

01-30-2007, 08:35 AM
The deadline for filing Form 990 is the 15th day of the fifth month after their fiscal year-end; for the PPA, that's 5/15/07.

Russ Fox
co-author, "Why You Lose at Poker"

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So the 2005 Form 990, dated 12-12-06, was past due?

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you can get automatic extentions, just like an individual. Does an individual have to file by 4/15? No, you can get an automatic extention to 9/15 (I believe it is).

01-30-2007, 09:37 AM
I will be awaiting Mason or other knowledgeable posters concerning if this allays their concerns. I have made a small donation in the past. If qualified 2+2 members feel this is adequate transparency I will have to donate more.

01-30-2007, 12:00 PM
Odd how Michael is not listed under current officers, directors, trustees and key employee compensation, but there is 110k of other salaries & wages.

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Later in the document, Michael is described as the current president.

It is also interesting to note that the chairperson of the board, Linda Johnson, is a partner with Cardplayer Cruises.

01-30-2007, 12:09 PM
Odd how Michael is not listed under current officers, directors, trustees and key employee compensation, but there is 110k of other salaries & wages.

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It is also interesting to note that the chairperson of the board, Linda Johnson, is a partner with Cardplayer Cruises.

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Linda Johnson has been in the poker business for 30 years....I think that's why she is involved with the PPA.

What's interesting about being associated with Cardplayer Cruises?

01-30-2007, 12:18 PM
Settle down, yeahright. Not everything is an accusation of wrongdoing.

I just think it's interesting to know who is involved in operating, advising and running PPA. In addition, the Cardplayer Cruises connection may potentially help explain the source of some of the funding.

01-30-2007, 12:44 PM
My take from my blog

One of the problems with a straight document dump that is unaccompanied by a full dialog is new questions are raised. Its hard to get a full grasp on how "normal" this is, but at its core, it seems to suggest it cost over 600k to raise 220k for lobbying. Even though I have little experience with non-profits, that seems like a challenging equation though in fairness it was year one and a lot of those expenses might be chalked up to getting set up. The 2006 docs are the important ones; though just as important would be for the president to schedule some kind of Q&A or to create some kind of dialog for the membership.

01-30-2007, 12:47 PM
Settle down, yeahright. Not everything is an accusation of wrongdoing.

I just think it's interesting to know who is involved in operating, advising and running PPA. In addition, the Cardplayer Cruises connection may potentially help explain the source of some of the funding.

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I'm settled down...I wasn't accusing anything, I was really just wondering what your thoughts were on her association with CP Cruises.

I'm still not 100% sure what the association you're making is, but I can tell you that this is no association between Cardplayer Mag and Cardplayer Cruises. They are two completely seperate companies. The only connection is Linda sometimes writes for the CP Mag.

There's not much question though that funding is coming from several places. The PPA isn't offering free memberships without funding from somewhere else.

I'm sure Cardplayer Mag is giving the PPA money. Thank goodness at least some companies in the business are funding the fight to save poker or we'd have no voice at all.

01-30-2007, 01:17 PM
Settle down, yeahright. Not everything is an accusation of wrongdoing.

I just think it's interesting to know who is involved in operating, advising and running PPA. In addition, the Cardplayer Cruises connection may potentially help explain the source of some of the funding.

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Wynton... this is not new news /images/graemlins/smile.gif

fwiw, I still can't actually see the file yet, but I am encouraged somewhat by the addition of this document to their website.

I will likely have more to say once I actually see it /images/graemlins/wink.gif

ps... That MichaelB didn't think it was important enough to come over here and post this link himself, is still a concern...

01-30-2007, 01:25 PM

Wynton... this is not new news /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Probably not, but I forget a lot. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

For those who can't see the document, I'll mention a couple of other details I saw:

Direct revenue: about $1,191,000
"program services": $220,000
"management and general": $167,412
fundraising: about $434,000
net assets left at end of year: about $350K

Compensation of officers/directors: $53K
Other salaries/wages: $110K
legal fees: $110K
lobbying: $220K
advertising: $277K

Key officers/directors:
Greg Dinkin, Linda Johnson, Mary Magazine, Sam Gorewitz

Return was signed by Bolcerek, current president.

01-30-2007, 01:29 PM
The deadline for filing Form 990 is the 15th day of the fifth month after their fiscal year-end; for the PPA, that's 5/15/07.

Russ Fox
co-author, "Why You Lose at Poker"

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So the 2005 Form 990, dated 12-12-06, was past due?

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you can get automatic extentions, just like an individual. Does an individual have to file by 4/15? No, you can get an automatic extention to 9/15 (I believe it is).

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The 12-12-06 date is late even for an extension. Are you not curious as to why it took that long; AND how the form was done 4 days after they were politely asked to provide information; AND why the 12-12-06 document just now makes their blog, 7 weeks later?

01-30-2007, 01:36 PM
Another thing that was pointed out to me.

Towards the end of the form, it appears that the PPA is indicating that roughly $60K was raised from dues and assements from its members (though such information is left out on another earlier page). I'm not really sure what to make of that.

01-30-2007, 01:44 PM
ps... That MichaelB didn't think it was important enough to come over here and post this link himself, is still a concern...

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Sniper - I've tried to make it pretty clear that the chances of Michael ever coming to 2+2 again are about one in a million. The PPA isn't going to have an association with 2+2 pretty much no matter what, regardless of what Berge and others have said.

I think everyone should just move on from that issue. I'm sure Michael is pretty upset with the distraction this has caused. He's now made it free to join just so people don't bring up this issue again.

This entire issue was nothing but a distraction from what the PPA needed to be doing, which is lobbying in DC and other places.

As I've said for months now, you will see the PPA has given a lot of money in lobbying efforts for poker players. The public numbers are already at $480k as of July 2006, and you will see the number will be more like $800k or so by the end of 2006.

Yet, all people on 2+2 do is bitch about when the 990 was filed, how much is michael making, why won't they respond to my email, blah, blah, blah.

The PPA has the Federalist Group, one of the best in the business fighting for our cause. That will continue with or without 2+2.

I'm done with the issue. I'll leave it to you guys to waste time about stuff that doesn't matter.

01-30-2007, 02:01 PM
ps... That MichaelB didn't think it was important enough to come over here and post this link himself, is still a concern...

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Sniper - I've tried to make it pretty clear that the chances of Michael ever coming to 2+2 again are about one in a million. The PPA isn't going to have an association with 2+2 pretty much no matter what, regardless of what Berge and others have said.

I think everyone should just move on from that issue. I'm sure Michael is pretty upset with the distraction this has caused. He's now made it free to join just so people don't bring up this issue again.

This entire issue was nothing but a distraction from what the PPA needed to be doing, which is lobbying in DC and other places.

As I've said for months now, you will see the PPA has given a lot of money in lobbying efforts for poker players. The public numbers are already at $480k as of July 2006, and you will see the number will be more like $800k or so by the end of 2006.

Yet, all people on 2+2 do is bitch about when the 990 was filed, how much is michael making, why won't they respond to my email, blah, blah, blah.

The PPA has the Federalist Group, one of the best in the business fighting for our cause. That will continue with or without 2+2.

I'm done with the issue. I'll leave it to you guys to waste time about stuff that doesn't matter.

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Yeahright... are you posting these statements on MichaelB's behalf... at his request and with his approval?

Because if you are not... you should stop... because you are making him look like more of an idiot than I believe him to be.

01-30-2007, 02:53 PM
I'm sure Michael is pretty upset with the distraction this has caused. He's now made it free to join just so people don't bring up this issue again.

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I can totally understand how a "players" organization would find responsibilities to the players themselves would be timeconsuming, upsetting and generally a pain in the ass. Not.

01-31-2007, 04:27 AM
The deadline for filing Form 990 is the 15th day of the fifth month after their fiscal year-end; for the PPA, that's 5/15/07.

Russ Fox
co-author, "Why You Lose at Poker"

[/ QUOTE ]

So the 2005 Form 990, dated 12-12-06, was past due?

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you can get automatic extentions, just like an individual. Does an individual have to file by 4/15? No, you can get an automatic extention to 9/15 (I believe it is).

[/ QUOTE ]

The 12-12-06 date is late even for an extension. Are you not curious as to why it took that long; AND how the form was done 4 days after they were politely asked to provide information; AND why the 12-12-06 document just now makes their blog, 7 weeks later?

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The power of 2+2... /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif

This is an encouraging sign...

01-31-2007, 05:14 AM
ps... That MichaelB didn't think it was important enough to come over here and post this link himself, is still a concern...

[/ QUOTE ]

Sniper - I've tried to make it pretty clear that the chances of Michael ever coming to 2+2 again are about one in a million. The PPA isn't going to have an association with 2+2 pretty much no matter what, regardless of what Berge and others have said.

I think everyone should just move on from that issue. I'm sure Michael is pretty upset with the distraction this has caused. He's now made it free to join just so people don't bring up this issue again.

This entire issue was nothing but a distraction from what the PPA needed to be doing, which is lobbying in DC and other places.

As I've said for months now, you will see the PPA has given a lot of money in lobbying efforts for poker players. The public numbers are already at $480k as of July 2006, and you will see the number will be more like $800k or so by the end of 2006.

Yet, all people on 2+2 do is bitch about when the 990 was filed, how much is michael making, why won't they respond to my email, blah, blah, blah.

The PPA has the Federalist Group, one of the best in the business fighting for our cause. That will continue with or without 2+2.

I'm done with the issue. I'll leave it to you guys to waste time about stuff that doesn't matter.

[/ QUOTE ]


Besides what Sniper said above regarding your speaking for the PPA prez, you are vastly understating the issues many of us have with the PPA, and their now allowing free membership doesn't change that. In fact all that does is make even clearer that they intend to seek most of their funding fromt the poker sites and media dependant on same, and just use the membership numbers to try to impress players in the political process and assert all of their actions are actually representative of those members.

The other issues of their board makeup, refusal to state their objectives clearly wrt B&M poker and tying poker too firmly to non-poker goals of many of the online sites (casino and sports gambling), etc., are STILL out there and UNADDRESSED. If the PPA doesn't address those issues spelled out in detail in other threads, then it is just looking to do the minimum necessary to get some critics off their back and go on their merry way. So this latest posting of their financials is just such a smokescreen, unless they also come here and have some dialogue with us. All of the interests of party poker and CP magazine don't mesh with many of the primary interests and considerations that many of us have asserted here and that is the bottom line that we would like addressed by the PPA along with better financial and operational transparency.

01-31-2007, 04:07 PM
Yeahright... are you posting these statements on MichaelB's behalf... at his request and with his approval?

Because if you are not... you should stop... because you are making him look like more of an idiot than I believe him to be.

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Also worth noting, that contrary to what yeahright is preaching, Mason's latest statement seems to indicate that PPA does recognize the issues that have been raised here, and is taking steps to address them.

The publication of the 2005 990 is one step in the right direction...

This is not a 2+2 vs the world issue... this is the PPA Membership (thanks primarily to the Party bonus) that is expressing concerns about the organization to which they are members, and would like to further help, but can't, while questions remain unanswered.

ps... aren't Mag guys supposed to have some sense in regard to understanding what their readership wants... yeahright's posting certainly does not reflect well on Bluff Mag.

02-01-2007, 07:35 PM
The other odd thing is that they had $316K in inventory at the end of 2005. I wonder what that was?

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Abramoff urinal cakes /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

02-01-2007, 07:36 PM
The PPA is a joke. The only way online poker gets regulated in the US if for the big gaming companies (Harrah's, MGM, Wynn, Hilton) to push for it. They will take over the market and unlicenced foreign operators (stars, UB, partt, FTP, etc.) will be shut out of it.

02-01-2007, 07:40 PM
The PPA is a joke. The only way online poker gets regulated in the US if for the big gaming companies (Harrah's, MGM, Wynn, Hilton) to push for it. They will take over the market and unlicenced foreign operators (stars, UB, partt, FTP, etc.) will be shut out of it.

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That would be a good line to take. Too bad PPA doesn't (apparently) advocate it. Not that we can tell since they won't reveal their lobbying agenda.