View Full Version : I'm a "Small Business Leader" according to Rep. Tom Cole??!

01-24-2007, 09:19 AM
I just got to work, 8 am, and i receive a phone call from an "assistant" from Tom Cole. Apparently I'm selected as a small business leader and can have dinner with the president of the US or some [censored]. ANYWAY after interrupting the lady and telling her not only do I not own the business, but am the lowest biatch on the totem pole, I asked her how I was selected. She acted shocked and said I was still selected (they stated my name incorrectly a number of times).

So just to get off the phone I told her I googled Tom Cole online and he supported UIGEA so I want nothing to do with him.

WTF was that, how'd they get my number, and was this a scam in any way??! I'm kind of weirded out. It made NO sense.

01-24-2007, 09:59 AM
i believe this is one of those dinners where you pay $10k a plate.
my friend got invited to one just by getting a $20 buisness license.

01-24-2007, 11:52 AM
my mom once got a phone call from Tom DeLay inviting her to sit on some small business committee or something.

she told him to [censored] off.

but you can be reassured that stuff like this isn't a scam.

01-24-2007, 12:06 PM
I get these calls from Cole all the time.

If you stay on the line long enough, they'll ask you to donate money. In return, you'll get your name on a full page ad in the WSJ that they run. Donate ever more money and get to rub elbows with politicians at various events.

Its not a scam, per se, but the strong sell that you were somehow selected and special is shady, since the "honor" isn't at all exclusive.

The Don
01-24-2007, 01:13 PM
My dad got this too a while back.