View Full Version : UK Minister on case for regulation

01-21-2007, 10:20 AM


We are protecting gamblers, not bringing misery and despair

Tessa Jowell
Sunday January 21, 2007
The Observer

If everything I read about the Gambling Act were true, I would never have introduced it. According to this newspaper (Tim Adams on 7 January, then Nick Cohen and Antony Barnett on 14 January), I am 'hooked on gambling', addicted to the 'irresistible lure of more tax revenues' and in league with an industry that brings only misery and despair. None of this is true.
The fact that the over-riding purpose of the Gambling Act is to bring in stringent new controls to protect children and vulnerable people, and impose a new onus of social responsibility on the industry, is unreported........

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