View Full Version : Moral Progress

02-07-2006, 05:04 PM
I had a discussion with a friend, in which I claimed it was obvious that there was moral progress in the world (say, over the last 2000 years), but he claimed it was not obvious. What do you guys think?

Societies today tend to have less slavery and torture than in the past. There are more Democracies than in the past. Women are treated better than in the past. Are these observations real, or are societies cyclic and this is just an upswing? Or is my perspective skewed because I live in a 1st world country, and even though things are better here (in the last century, say), they are getting worse everywhere else?

02-07-2006, 05:25 PM
I wouldn't call it 'moral progress' but there is definitely a progress in enlightenment, but it's not always an upward path...there's been periods of stagnation and regression too. We're in a brief regression at the moment as fundamentalists of all persuasions try and sway the masses...ho hum...

but generally there is progress. Think about the role of women, the nature of racism, and reaction to homosexuality and so on have changed in the last 50-100 years, for example. They ain't great now, sure, but they leave 50 years ago WAAAAAAAAY behind.

02-07-2006, 05:50 PM
I think people in general have a better quality of life and considerably more freedom and dignity today. And it seems obvious to me.

02-07-2006, 07:40 PM
If you understand what morality actually is, you'll quickly discover that democracy is utterly immoral.

If you want to understand where today's prosperity came from, check this out:


