View Full Version : difference between VPPs and FPPs on stars?

01-13-2007, 07:13 PM
I am new to poker so excuse my ignorance but I cant seem to be able to figure this out, on their site it says you earn one vpp for every fpp and then it has all the stuff you can buy in fpps! but then for example for their new bonuses for reaching 100vpps 200vpps and etc it uses vpps? why not just use fpps and make it simple? or am I missing something here?

any help appreciated

01-13-2007, 07:26 PM
VPP's accumulate at the same rate. As you reach a higher status (i.e. Gold, Platinum, etc...) you get additional FPP's for each VPP that you accumulate. Since you're paying for items with FPP's this means you can buy items quicker as you move up in status.

01-14-2007, 01:06 PM
VPP and FPP are different point systems based on the same thing. (Rake)

You earn VPP and FPP for paying rake.

VPP is only a counter towards the tier levels in the stars rewards program. As you gain vpp, you gain rank and can earn more and more fpp.

FPP is the actual points you can spend. You can spend them on items tourneys, cash etc....

Their explanations are very good on their site (http://www.pokerstars.com/vip/) , just read it all and check the points in your cashier. You will notice all the tier levels and such. It will all come together as you earn points and watch.

01-14-2007, 06:37 PM
thanks both very much for your replies, I understand it now.