View Full Version : Push on flop? I am torn (set vs 4flush on turn)

01-09-2007, 06:24 PM
sorry about the HH - prima from PT

My thoughts follow HH

- SPHurme sitting in seat 1 with $43.84
- Davros97 sitting in seat 2 with $19.58
- mchonts sitting in seat 3 with $33.66 [Dealer]
- somkaest sitting in seat 4 with $21.04
- hoodedclaw1 sitting in seat 5 with $28.40
- rekamniar sitting in seat 6 with $16.30
- txevans sitting in seat 7 with $63.28
- koppes sitting in seat 8 with $49.98
- Vindhem sitting in seat 9 with $29.47
- MagicSnatch sitting in seat 10 with $50.70

somkaest posted the small blind - $0.25
hoodedclaw1 posted the big blind - $0.50
** Dealing card to mchonts: Ace of Spades, Ace of Clubs
rekamniar folded
txevans folded
koppes folded
Vindhem folded
MagicSnatch raised - $1.00
SPHurme folded
Davros97 folded
mchonts raised - $3.00
somkaest folded
hoodedclaw1 folded
MagicSnatch called - $3.00

** Dealing the flop: 3 of Diamonds, 8 of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds
MagicSnatch checked
mchonts bet - $3.37
MagicSnatch raised - $6.74
mchonts called - $6.74

** Dealing the turn: Queen of Diamonds
MagicSnatch bet - $20.23

I really wish that you got more time to think at online tables... I felt like I was against the made flush on the turn but could not decide if my 13 outs were enough to make the call. I think my neighbors heard me screaming obcenities when that queen fell. My thought is that I should have pushed the flop.

Please let me know where I blew up in this one.

01-09-2007, 06:47 PM
You can convert hands manually, makes it easier. But I am in a good mood, so here goes my analysis:

You are half right. I don't think you need to push this flop, but you do need to commit more chips here.

Your opponent raised preflop, and called your raise, brewing the start of a big pot. I like this part.

Flop: What sorts of hands could our opponent hold? And what sorts of turn cards affect how he plays them.

Best case scenario: he has a set, but any diamond will scare him. Best play: play fast and hard, get in all the money on the flop.

Another scenario: He has a diamond
High: He likely puts you on an ace, so charge him to draw. A diamond ruins it for you, and you want to enlarge the pot to make a big turn bet.

Med/low: It is doubtful he will continue, regardless of what you bet.

-> with or without a diamond, if his kicker is good enough, he may try to fastplay it. He has added incentive to get it all in if he has say AK with the Kd.

All in all, looks like your best bet is to play this faster. I would have led for more perhaps 5-6, but as the play went, he c/r'd you, which makes it seem like he likes his hand, and now you have an excellent chance to trap him.

You probably arent going to fold to a diamond turn, as you have tons of outs to improve, so you want to get the pot big enough to warrant a turn call with 9 outs if its a diamond. The pot is about 15 and your opponent looks like he wants to play, so lets get our money in on the flop.

01-09-2007, 07:32 PM
Need to bet more on the flop initially and definitely 3-bet when he repops...this is a very dangerous board so we need to protect.

Turn is a fold...you are only getting 2:1 and you have 10 (not 13) outs.