View Full Version : How do we adjust to villain's stats

01-07-2007, 02:47 AM
My guess is there's already a thread about this and if someone knows it and could link it here I would appreciate it.

If not, what do we do to capitalize off of a 60/25/3

What about an 80/1/0,

I've been finding these players that should be atms and feel like I havent been doing the best I can do get their monies.

Any advice would be great



The Velour Fog
01-07-2007, 02:55 AM
oh come on.. use your brain a little? if you cant figure out how to profit from these type of players take up another hobby.

01-07-2007, 03:08 AM
put the numbers into english then think about it

"a 60/25/3 is loose, raises a lot pf, and is aggressive."
So how would you beat someone who is very loose and aggressive preflop?

My suggestion would be to wait for big hands and get them to be overly aggressive vs you (stack-a-donk lines, check/raises, small bets to induce raises, etc...)

"an 80/1/0 player is playing almost all his hands, and never raising betting"
hmm... obviously you need to punish them for limping so much, raise a lot of hands preflop and put heavy pressure on them with c-bets, etc. obviously be careful when they do raise though!


seriously, quit if you don't start to realize this stuff.