View Full Version : Do u know math well?

02-06-2006, 02:19 AM
Hi there!
I got 4 simple probability questions for u people with good math experience.
The basics are. Im playing blackjack with 0,5% casino margin using perfect strategy. I bet 200 dollars a hand all the time.

I start with 1000 dollars, want to reach 2000 and cashout.
I start with 1400 dollars, want to reach 2400 and cashout
I start with 1000 dollars, want to reach 2400 and cashout
I start with 1400 dollars, want to reach 2800 and cashout

Please answer the probability in reaching those results in %. Also please do explane how you calculate it. But no need if i dont feel like it.
thanks in advance


02-06-2006, 02:23 AM
is there a time limit on how long you play?

02-06-2006, 06:35 AM
I'm working on this. I'll have the answer shortly, I think. FTR, does .5% advatage mean player has 49.75% chance of winning each hand or 49.5%?

02-06-2006, 06:59 AM

I'm pretty sure that it means that your EV for a hand is 0.995 times the amount of your wager.

02-06-2006, 07:01 AM
As for the original question, the complicating part is the doubling, splitting, and extra payoff from BJ.

The best way to find the definitive answer is to run a simulation, but you can approximate it by assuming a pure 2-outcome event and then adjusting it a bit for the higher variance of the real game.