View Full Version : **Official 2006 Results and 2007 goals thread**

01-01-2007, 04:08 PM
So 2006 is officially over, so lets see some results. Lets try not to make this a dick waving contest, but see how your fellow uNLers are doing.

2006 Results

I didn't reach my hand goal of 200k, or my level goal of 200nl, or my winnings goal of 10k. Here is the graphical results:


Add in a 2500 cruise, about 2k in bonus and 1.5k in rakeback and all in all it wasnt that bad of a year.

2007 goals

<ul type="square"> Consistently play at 200 and 400nl
250k hands
Make 12k
Qualify for one 10k buy in tournament


So uNL, what are your goals and how was your year?

01-01-2007, 04:28 PM
Mostly 25NL. Total poker profit 8.5k (bonuses and mildly positive in donkaments)
2007: Work off Ongame $250 bonus by 20 Jan stick it on Stars and start learning 6-max at NL25, moving up quite aggressively. No withdrawals from this - if I need cash I'll robot the FR tables like last year. Might help my nerves to start a roll with bonus money and see where it takes me.
A cruise would be nice /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Anyone with links or info about how Stars bonus program pans out for 25NL and 100NL 6-max (ie prob sub-Nova) that'd be great.

01-01-2007, 04:31 PM
I get to post here because I was playing $25NL on Jan. 1, 2006. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/7461/2006da6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

So, my year went /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/crazy.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/confused.gif /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Sir Winalot
01-01-2007, 04:34 PM
2006 results:
Started to play poker, [censored] around at full-ring for a while. Found 2p2 at the end of July, switched to 6-max (thanks iSTRONG /images/graemlins/laugh.gif) and learned to play some poker (thanks 2+2 /images/graemlins/smirk.gif).

2007 goals:
Get to 100NL.

01-01-2007, 04:42 PM
2nd half 2006 was a mess online. -$330, although that was dabbling in short stacked NL as high as 400, without which I'd be +500 or so. I'm too lazy to install Poker Patterns and I don't play that much, about 20K hands since my computer was stolen (PT backups, doh!) in July 2006.

B&amp;M was good, though, which makes sense as the game is so much easier.

2007 goals:

<ul type="square"> Figure out if I really suck above NL50 or if it's really bad variance like it "feels"
Work my way up the 6-max to NL200 or so.
Work up a bankroll for B&amp;M play in Tunica while I'm living in the South. (I would have a reasonable B&amp;M 'roll except that I've spent it for living expenses. ADD and freelancing is a tricky combination.)
Move close to one or more cardrooms as lifestyle allows. (Tunica, AC, Vegas, CA, all of the above?)

01-01-2007, 04:50 PM

2007 goals

<ul type="square"> take shots at NL50 and eventually move up
start really building my bankroll
move to NL100 by the end of the year

01-01-2007, 04:50 PM
Make 10K including bonuses as RB
Play 200,000 Hands
Reach and beat 200NL, 6 max
Play 8 tables as efficiently as 4
Average 14 hours/week of poker

01-01-2007, 04:54 PM
2006: Deposited at the start of August, have been playing 10, 25 and 50NL since. I netted about 2.5k over 50k hands. 2006 didn't end v. well, as December was break-even but meh.

Goals for 2007:
Move up to 100NL before the summer and hopefully hit 200NL sometime during the year.
Net between 10-20k.
Try and get a &gt;1k cash in an MTT.
Play some live.

01-01-2007, 05:04 PM
Most of my play was Limit in 2004 and 2005 - I kind of eased off in 2006 and didn't start consistently playing NL until November, so I don't really have any worthwhile results to post.

As for goals for 2007:

- Establish a decent winrate for at least 10k hands in 25NL
- Move up to at least 100NL by the end of the year
- Figure out how to post hand histories that are compelling enough that I don't have to bump them myself to get someone to respond to them.

01-01-2007, 05:06 PM
One more BIG 2+2 related goal:

Build an aggregator so I don't have to click on a million forums for threads of interest!

Also, making some progress on reviving the Ruby hand converter (http://rubyforge.org/projects/poker/) would be just ducky...

01-01-2007, 06:27 PM
No results only SNG's last year.

Goals 150k hands starting at 25NL move to 100NL by end of year. Thought I'd keep it modest as I'm sure I'll still play SNG's for the income until I actually get good at this cash game thing.

01-01-2007, 07:37 PM
just turned 18 so only started playing online this month. I've learnt a ton over the last month, but i've still got a bulk load of leaks to plug.



50K hands a month
$100K year
$1000NL by june
Run at 6ptbb/100 overall

I know it seems like abit much, but i'm gunna try. TY uNL for all your help and support

01-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Started playing with $50 in July - FL. Played about 6 weeks (BR $200), then built my BR to about 400 with the beginners' SNGs on Bodog, switched to NL, played NL25 until I had 1.7k. Then had a little downswing and switched to SNGs which I played in Oct. and Nov. Then in december, I made the decision to really learn poker and switch to NL25 6max and NL50 6max which brought a profit of 3k in december so I'm at 5.2k now after 6 months.

My goal for 2007 is to achieve consistent winnings, stop tilting, work on my game and settle somewhere between NL200-NL600 in the course of the year.

01-01-2007, 08:27 PM
my results were crappy.
I was having a good year until i tried my hand at NL200 around mid october.

I won for about 2 weeks. Then I lost, and lost and lost some more.
Dropped to 100NL, kept losing
Droped to 50NL
Could notw in.
Finally gave up and quit playing in december.
Got irritated, withdrew bankroll, put it towards bills.

Goals for 2007
Starting over from scratch as low as possible. .01/.02 NL on Pstars.
I want to move up one Limit every single month until I am back to playing the 100NL tables.
with rakeback and Bonus's this should be easy to achieve.

at the end of the year, I want a graph that looks like sputums but with more hands /images/graemlins/smile.gif

01-01-2007, 08:37 PM
Played my first hands of Hold'Em Poker online at Party this year towards the end of June. Started at $0.05/$0.10 with around $50 in my bank roll. Worked my way to $1/$2 before getting beat down. Switched to SnGs, didn't do stellar. Took a month or two off from poker and came back in November to try out No-Limit. So far so good.

Didn't have any goals for 2006 really except to learn poker, and not go busto.

You wouldn't know if from the graph, but I've had worse losing sessions at limit that at no-limit.

2007 Goals
<ul type="square">
Move from $10NL to $100NL by year end.
Play a LOT more hands.
Get more tournament experience so I can play in MTTs &gt; $1 buy-in. Penny poker FTW!

01-01-2007, 09:35 PM
I started keeping track of my online play in September. Up to that point I had been playing limit (.50/1 and 1/2 mostly) and was probably running slightly better than break-even. I had been watching a friend of mine who plays NL and is a 2+2er, trying to understand the game better and thinking of making the transition. In September I started playing $20 SNGs. I had an amazing run that convinced me I was a pretty good player (about $300 up over 25 or so tourneys), but in retrospect it was probably mostly luck.

After that, in December, I came to 2+2 and switched to $10 NL and have been trying to plug up all the holes in my game so I can be a +EV player all the time. I've started with a real bankroll (20 buy-ins) and will only move up when I've met that condition for the next level. I also am playing exclusively on World Poker Exchange (100% rakeback), which adds tons to my results (no rake to beat) and has the added benefit of having trickier players, IMO (so my game must improve).

Since this new phase of my poker career has begun (in the last few weeks), I'm up to about $600 on my initial $200 (I cashed out $150 already after a downswing, so I'm at nearly $400 now)... so things are going well thus far.

Goals for 2007:
-Move up. Be enough of a winning player to do so quickly and effectively.
-No more casino trips. This was my New Year's resolution, in fact.
-Understand the game better, plug up any remaining holes, profit.

01-01-2007, 09:53 PM
Made good money playing micro and small stakes limit holdem and grew several grey hairs on my head even though I am in my twenties.

Get the hell out of dodge with frustrating and suckout players at limit and move to NL. Hope to move from 25NL to 100NL by the end of the year. So far I am -30BB/100 at 25NL over 600 hands. Im still getting beat by suckouts even though I price them out of the pot!!


01-01-2007, 09:57 PM
welp i posted this some where else but since this is "official" i guess ill repost and i deff wanna post some goals so i can try to stick to them more correctly.

here is my graph from when i first switched from sngs in may till party shut down (when ever that was)


now here is from since party shut down.


this is only my main stuff. i have played on a few other sites and dont wanna put 1838746263 graphs on here obv so this is a pretty solid display of my cash game success this year.

as for my goals this upcoming year im not totally sure wut i want them to b at the moment. here are a few deffinate goals i have

1. b ready to beat 400nl by the end of the semester
2. make 100k this year
3. buy a balla car with my poker money. either a lexus is300 or a bmw.
4. stop being a nit and move up quicker.

not to sure how high i wanna play. i might b content with 400nl once i get there but who knows. ill prolly have a better idea of wut i can handle mentally by the end of the semester. at this moment idk if i could handle 3 and 4k down swings in a day but maybe i will b better at this as i move up.

gl everyone. i hope everyone works hard and maked there goals happen. holla ballas

Unknown Soldier
01-01-2007, 09:59 PM
edit: moved to the right thread!

01-01-2007, 10:31 PM

this is pretty much the extent of my NL cash career (past 2 weeks)..besides a bunch of $25 NL FR to clear Bonii...

my goal for 2007 is to do well in school, and work my way up the SSNL ladder..hopefully up to regularly playing $200 NL 6max by the end of the year.

01-01-2007, 11:19 PM
Up until Oct. 13th I was crushing party 22-33$ sngs (and dabbling in the higher levels). Probably made about 22-25k from those and maybe 20-30k hands of min-bet hold them (2/4-3/6 on party earlier in the year).

Other then that, my only NL cash experience had come from clearing occasional reloads at the party 25nl and various PSO bonuses (I guess I was a small winner in the games).

After black friday, I tried continuing with my party sngs, but it was simply not going to cut it; they didn't start often enough and the competition seemed to be tougher. I tried sngs on stars but just ran terribly and became disheartened. I then read NLHTP and tried my hand at some 50nl 6max, winning a bit but then giving it back and then some...I needed more help.

I took the next 2 weeks (early november) and dedicated them to studying the game. This including getting a membership to cardrunners and watching all the videos, watching various videos of 2p2ers playing (thanks iStrong!) and reading the entire archive of monthly digests in SSNL. Finally I felt I could play with some confidence. Well things didn't start out too well at the stars 25nl (PS I hate stars) so I then created an account on Full Tilt with rakeback, deposited 600 and vowed to get on track. I played about 7k hands of breakeven/losing 25nl; the games just weren't poker and I was trying to apply principles that just didn't apply to such a game. My elaborate bluffs and squeeze plays barely if ever worked.

Out of frustration (and having the bankroll for it) I moved to 50nl in hopes of finding games were my alleged poker prowess would be rewarded. I ran hot for about 5k hands and was hooked. I then ran relatively well for another 12k and decided to try my hand at 100nl. Had a good start there too (10ptbb over 8-9k hands) and now find myself having an icky breakeven stretch.

My last 7k hands I'm down a bit, so rather then keep at it and risk giving more of it back, I've decided to take another 1-2 week sabbatical and study and work on my game some more. I hope to get back on track and ideally be playing 200NL full time by march and 400NL full time by the end of the year.

Here's my graph since nov. 15th, if anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to fire off a PM. You guys (and SSNL) helped me, although I don't post so much, I'd like to give back and help you too.

(I was actually proud of my winrates before the past week (8ptbb at 50 and 100nl...Looks like I have some work to do!)


01-01-2007, 11:53 PM
I am too tired right now from Sylvester to make a long post with graphs, but briefly I started playing limit holdem this summer. Played up to 0.5/1 limit short handed. I got bored somewhere on the way though, so I switched to NL about 1-2 months ago. Started off with NL 5 at party then switched to NL 10 then to NL 10 stars, NL 25 stars and currently I am playing 6max NL 25 party. My aim is to improve as much as I can in the next year and keep enjoying the game. I would like to get some live games in at my local casino too.
If anybody is interested in a kinda partnership for NL 25 6 max +, I would definetly be interested.

01-02-2007, 03:43 AM
2006 Results
Started to play NL25 and switching to NL50 in december: high and low while learning the game.
Also learn what variance is with a 10 BI downswing while playing NL50 and a 12 BI downswing in NL25.


Around 300 in rakeback and 600 in bonus.

2007 goals

<ul type="square"> Keep improving my NL50 game and then switching to NL100
playing around 100k hands
Make 3k
Improving my MTT game


01-02-2007, 09:07 AM

Started poker in Januaryish playing minibet holdem switched to NL sometime in spring I think playing NL10 FR-&gt; NL50 /NL100 FR.

Eventually took the switch to 6max and pwned NL25 and switched to NL50 and took a shot at NL100 then dropped back then an O.K. shot at NL100 before returning to NL50.

Currently runnning meh @ Ft and well @PTY and can't remember how to play.
No swanky graphs as too many DB but I totalled up Neteller withdraws(100$ deposit) to 1700 GBPish +2.5k USD roll pre withdrawaments for a friends wedding.

2007 Goals

Get better and hopefully reach NL200 by years end and help someone else get there too /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Learn to play PLO8.
Post more hands.
Get round to getting AIM so can chat with fellow 2+2ers.
Don't withdraw form my roll so I have a BR to move up.

Play some 2+2 fun tables and uNL donkaments.

01-02-2007, 09:57 AM
1. Learn to move when a LAG is to my left
2. Learn to beat a LAG when OOP (yes, I know, inconsistent with #1)
3. Play 50NL comfortably even when I can't concentrate (the usual way I play)
4. Maintain &gt;10ptBB/100

No significant bonus or rakeback in 2006

01-02-2007, 11:09 AM
No graph (how do you get PT to display that?)


Losing player had initial $300 down to &lt;$10 when I joined 2+2 in May. Won a $1/45, a $10/27 and then a $4/180 within two weeks of joining (2+2 = +EV). Kept w/ donkaments through July, dabbled in 25NL and lost 12 buy-ins.

Cashed out $450 and left $150 when the ban was passed and Party stopped serving US players. Won a couple more $4/180's and switched to back to cash (6-max instead of FR was the best idea ever!!!). Beating 25NL for about 21BB/100. Got the roll up to about $800 (not bad considering where I was less than a year ago).

Goals for 2007

--Finish up my 25k hand piligrimage at 25NL 6-max
--Move up to 50NL for 25k hands and hopefully end up at 100NL by the end of the year.
--Turn my $800 into over 10k
--Score a 4 figure tournament win

01-02-2007, 11:25 AM
2007 Goals

- &gt;35k hands/month
- $10k in rakeback
- $100k before taxes
- put $25k into various investments
- Travel to 3 new places in the world
- Stay/keep in good shape

01-02-2007, 11:37 AM
2007 goals

- play &gt;150K hands this year
- develop skill set to beat 200NL (&gt;4PTBB/100)
- &gt;10K roll

01-02-2007, 11:48 AM
I began my poker life in June 2006 back at Party, then moved to Stars at the end of the month. I played limit exclusively until September when I hit a huge downswing and decided to mix up my games a bit. NL was always a bit of a curiosity for me, so I started misapplying some concepts at 5NL. Luckily for me, I'm a quick learner and have improved and moved up. I now mix 10NL and 25NL. My meager sample size of 17k NL hands shows that I am a winning player within a decent confidence interval, so I'm happy.

Goals for 2007

Primary Goal - Pay off the remainder of the balance on my car (around 8k) from poker winnings.
Primary Goal - Have fun doing it.
Secondary Goal - Mooove up. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Secondary Goal - Continue my 12PTBB/100 domination of NL. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

01-02-2007, 12:10 PM

started playing properly in july, i deposited $50 into crypto and played 25nl (expert BR management i know! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif). luckily found myself in v.v.fishy games and ran kinda hot. got around ~$700, then moved to 50nl, switching back to 25nl occasionally... now im well rolled for 50nl, been there ever since! with a few shots at 100nl

Goals for 2007

play &gt;100k hands
beat 100nl for 5+PT/BB
take shots at 200nl
get a 2-1 in uni
still enjoy playing poker!

01-02-2007, 12:19 PM
2007 Goal

Make money at teh poker!!!

Also: Drink less, give up smoking, dont take drugs, and score a threesome with two mega hot chicks. Also pass uni.

01-02-2007, 12:30 PM
I've played poker for a little over a year and I think I've worked out a good portion of my leaks and have enough experience and forum/book knowledge (plus tilt control) to say that I think 2007 will be a good year for me.

I can see myself at 2/4 within 2 to 3 months (I play each level with 50 BIs)

I hope to be at 5/10 by December (with 100 BIs) but would be happy grinding 2/4 if I knew I could make $20-$30k a month doing it (roughly 5bb/100 at around 50k-80k hands a month).

01-02-2007, 04:53 PM
after looking over Poker Tracker and reflectin on 2006, I've decided to revise my post.

I played over 232k hands and in that time I lost a little over 1000 in cash games. With bonus, rakeback and tournament wins, I was still up on the year though. (won a tourney for about 4k alone).
My problem was that after the tournament win, I moved up from 100NL to 200NL when I was not ready. My bigger problem was that I did not move down when I should have. I lost over 5k in 200NL in under 25,000 hands.
Obviously, I should have moved down sometime instead of just thinking that I was getting unlucky. my bad, lesson learned.

Start over from scratch.
I am playing .01/.02 NL on Poker Stars right now.
I will be back to playing 100NL in short order, and this is my plan on to get there without redepositing.

I started with about $6 on Poker Stars and started playing .01/.02NL.
Right now that is about to $30. In the next few days I will be receiving a RB payment of $101 which I will withdrawl to neteller and then deposit onto PokerStars (unfortunatley it won't come in time for me to get a few bucks of bonus from PS's latest deposit bonus offer). At that point I will easily be properly rolled for .02/.05 NL. Adding the RB to whatever amount I have, I should be less than $50 away from playing NL10 on Poker Stars.
I will take a 2 buy-in shot at NL10, if that fails, I will grind until I hit $200 to have 20 buy-ins for NL10.

Shortly after hitting NL10, I should clear one of my 2 bonus's on Stars for $120 (I need less than 200 points right now).

In Feb be playing NL10.
In March be playing NL25 and finishing clearing my 2nd stars bonus for $120.

Once the 2nd bonus clears, I am going to pull all of my money off of Stars and put it in Doyles Room where I will play .10/.20 NL until hitting 1,000 in my bankroll and moving to NL50.
The reason I am going to be playing Doyles Room is because I am just 50k points away from clearing my $550 bonus.
If I am not playing NL50 by that point, clearing that bonus will have me properly rolled for it.

From there I go back to Poker Stars (unless Full Tilt is running a reload) and grind until I hit NL100.

I plan to be playing NL100 by April or May.

At this point I will just work to be playing 6 tables of NL100 and grinding out a steady profit.
I will put in at least 100k hands of NL100 before thinking about moving up.

I will be saving this post by putting it in yet another crappy poker blog.
I should also be posting hands along the way and reading the forums.

01-02-2007, 06:09 PM
My goal for 2006 was to make $1200 ($100/average)
As you can see I dont play a lot of hands. Finally I got bored with full ring fixed limit and switched to NL. Been doing well apart from the tiliting at NL100 and NL200.


Goal for 2007. $2400. No tilting at higher limits.

01-02-2007, 09:00 PM

Moved to cash mid September after spending about 18 months being a mediocre MTT SNG donk.

Started at NL10 and moved through NL25 and NL50 with a couple of NL100 and NL200 shots. Had to cash out basically everything. Here are the numbers for 2006 (give or take about a $100 that is on my desktop database and about 400 in boni and rb.


Am currently at Stars NL10 (slightly overrolled as I like it...)

Get back to NL50 and aventually NL100
Stop cashing out
Tighten up a bit more (am oftentimes a tad to trigger-happy with the pf raising an teh aggression)
Loose weight
Be happy

A BIG SHOUTOUT TO I-STRONG for the vids which made me take the leap! Thanks dude.