View Full Version : so do people basicly lie?

12-28-2006, 04:54 PM
I keep reading stories about how people bought in at Stars or Party for $100.00 on a Friday night, and by Sunday afternoon thay are up $5000.00. I read this story over and over on forums and poker magazines. I see it A LOT here on 2+2.

I bought in at Stars for $100.00 four months ago, and after six thousand hands I'm stuck $25.00. Lost half my bankroll the first month, moved down in limits and have been consistantly winning 10+PTBB/100 for the last three months.

10+PTBB/100 sounds like a respectable win rate even in the micros. And as far as I can tell, it IS a respectable win rate, about the best sustainable win rate a winning player could expect.

But it still doesn't jib with the stories I keep reading. It seems like every other regular poster has socked away 2-3 grand by now.

What's going on?

12-28-2006, 04:56 PM
you don't know about the secret move?

12-28-2006, 05:07 PM
I've often wondered the same thing. I'm sitting on about $1k after 6 months of rebuilding my roll purely from $60 in bonuses. You go read BBV and everybody's playing $2/$4 with $10k rolls and they've just been playing for a few months.

Admittedly, I only play 4-6 hours a week if I'm lucky, but it's still hard to believe how good some of these guys must run to get the $'s they say they have.

12-28-2006, 05:11 PM
Some people really dont care about losing there online bankroll so they play progressively bigger and bigger games without the necessary bankroll and get lucky. A lot of times this money is gone soon after, sometimes they take it and become a good player.

12-28-2006, 05:15 PM
Come on, like you never saw people get back to back quads several times in row. When someone is on fire hes on fire. If I can loose 20 buyins in one session, I have no doubt someone can win 200 buyins in one session. To deny it would be to go against probability, math, logic, universe /images/graemlins/smile.gif

12-28-2006, 05:17 PM
I'd be willing to lay odds that there are more "Busto" threads in BBV than "Robusto" threads.

You can make money very quickly by playing above your rolled stakes. You can also lose money very quickly by doing the same.

12-28-2006, 05:21 PM
and nobody posts those stories of going broke. I have seen my friend build a huge stack very quickly only to go broke in one hand! You play with fire you are going to get burned. They are willing to push all the time and when they get lucky they score big, but eventually most go broke, like my friend who will not play online anymore. He thinks the games are rigid, but i think his play leads to his downfall!

12-28-2006, 05:29 PM
Just went and checked out BBV. Read Ansky's thread. This is the kind of thing that just freaks me out.

"But on this day in july of 2004, I came in 2nd in a 20 dollar party tournament, for just over 3400 dollars."

"At some point, I decided I’d try 5/10 on party and see what all the rage was about. In my first session I made 10k."

Tralalalala, I'm up $43k at 5/10, $96k at 10/20, and hahaha I'm down $36k at 25/50 oops lolzz. And PS I'm up $69k in tourneys.

http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showfl...e=0#Post8572045 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=8572045&an=0&page=0#Post 8572045)


12-28-2006, 05:32 PM
you don't know about the secret move?

[/ QUOTE ]

12-28-2006, 05:36 PM
Here's the thing; you have to go all-in blind every hand. Just joking...I think. Anyways, I know the stories you're talking about and they may be true, but these are not typical results. Most players very slowly build up there bankroll over time and move up in stakes even slower. Don't fret, just bet, holla.

12-28-2006, 05:39 PM
don't worry about it.

12-28-2006, 06:09 PM
you know those commercials about weight loss pills? they say at the bottom of the screen in small print that results are not typical? yea, same thing. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

believe me, i put money in party in september i think it was this year, i lost 290 bucks in about 2 months. moved to stars after the pullout. now im working on making that money back at the micros and i still have a long ways to go because i dont take "chances" with my roll. if i wanted to make it back quick, i could go to 50NL and push any decent set of cards preflop, if i win, i double my bankroll(it is about 59 bucks right now), if i lose, im practically bust. no thanks.

12-28-2006, 06:15 PM
It makes me sick to hear the stories. I was running very well was playing nl50 after moving up gradually starting at nl2 then left my job because I hated it and wanted to find something else. Since then I have been on a downswing I am back down to NL5 and about to have to redeposit. It sucks.

p.s. i know the guy in the kung fu slide show...his name is alan lamb and that is wing chung kuen...I study the same style from one of his good friends. STRANGE

12-28-2006, 06:47 PM
Did you read the threads surrounding FGators? Be happy you're figuring out poker is hard right now and not after you've won and blown $10k+. It took me 200k hands (yes, that's right) to make $5k. I think I gained a ton of discipline and poker knowledge during that time.

12-28-2006, 06:53 PM
I think that there is a huge percentage of players even at the high stakes that got there because they were lucky and ran good while moving up. You'll never hear of the thousands of others who were running bad and gave up because they don't post in BBV bragging about being a baller. There are people there like Aba, (i guess) Baronzeus and Schneids that got there the same way we go from 0.25 to 0.50 but these people are the exception.

12-28-2006, 07:03 PM
Loads of the well known pros started out playing well out of their bankroll and just kept on moving upwards...
Luckily we have the advantage of their bankroll control knowledge now.

12-29-2006, 03:56 PM
A friend of mine went to study in a secret Shao Lin monestary in the mountains in China (true story). He ended up leaving after a couple months because, while the Kung Fu training was truly some of the best in the world, he didn't like how it was delivered. He explained to me that the Sifu there pushed too hard and broke about 8 out of 10 of the kids that studied there. What did he care? They just went back to their villages and grew rice the rest of their lives, but the other 2 were now [censored] ninjas that he could be proud of.

Poker is much the same way. At the top there are a bunch of guys who took shots and ran good / got lucky. You don't hear about the hundreds and thousands of others who took their shot, lost their life savings, had to become a fry cook, and are now married with children selling insurance in Skokie, Illinois.

There's nothing philosophically wrong with taking shots. But many of us, for myriad reasons, prefer solid bankroll management to the prospect of a shot at glory risking dashed dreams.

Jigsaws said:
It took me 200k hands (yes, that's right) to make $5k.

[/ QUOTE ]

It took me 200k hands to make $2k. Well, not quite. It took me 100k hands to make $2k, and another 100k hands to truly learn about valiance. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

12-29-2006, 04:02 PM
I did an OIC (known in the micro LHE forum as the "15 BB challenge") and turned $15 into over $2000 in about 8 hours of play.

So it happens.

Others in the forum told me that it was the second most successful OIC anyone could think of.

So it doesn't happen often.