View Full Version : Donkbetting poll and discussion

12-01-2006, 06:16 AM
I've been getting this more and more in my stars NL50 6-max games and it's driving me nuts. basically i'm the pfr in position and get bet into on the flop, which is hard if i don't hit it. I want to see if this is true or if I'm just crazy. Also strategies to combat this are welcome.

12-01-2006, 06:26 AM
At smallstakes NL Usually when someones donks pfr OOP it means their hand is made, but vunerable and they need information as to where they stand.

Sometimes it is a monster, but in general I think that the first is more the case.

I usually raise the around 2/3 pot

Note: I am quoting Green Plastic here from a video I saw yesterday. I have yet to do enough empirical testing in order to verify this, but he seems to be onto something.

Must say it is player dependent, true donks have no clue and are just playing their cards. Good multitablers will not allow you to get away with this that often perhaps.
But as I said, it is still in the testing.

12-01-2006, 06:28 AM
where in the video was that? (the 5/10 i assume)

12-01-2006, 06:31 AM
also when i raise donkbets i almost always get called, so i'm just spewing.

12-01-2006, 07:11 AM
If this is really bothering you then it is probably the case that you yourself have a marginal hand or air on the flop and are unsure where you stand. For this reason, against this particular opponent, you should probably tighten up and wait until you connect to continue, or just play pot odds poker with missed overs and take them to SD profitably.

There is no shame in folding to a donkbet if you have nothing and no way to improve. If you have a good hand and your raises are getting called, then brilliant - raise for value.

12-01-2006, 07:59 AM
Not it was GP31 ... 100NL 6M at full tilt (But I'm listening to it again now, and it requires a nice follow up bet when they check turn it seems)

12-01-2006, 08:05 AM

i guess i figure, let's say i have AK, i will hit about 33% of the time. so if he donkbets, 66% (a bit less due to draws) i will fold. but the times i hit will it make enough money to be +EV?

12-01-2006, 10:33 AM
Right Gelford, you have to fire the 2nd barrel on the turn, otherwise why in the world did we raise the flop when we know there's a good shot (better than 50% I'd say) they're gonna call.

In my experience if they're donkbetting .50 or $1 at NL50, they've got nothing. If their donkbet is the size of a C-bet, well then get out of the way if you missed the flop, you'll be able to get their money eventually.

limit refugee
12-01-2006, 10:44 AM
Minimum bets are an autoraise.

1/2 pot bets i take as a weakish testing hand, i often call and plan to attempt to either take it away or give up on the turn (letting it check through to the river if he is passive calling station and i want another card)

C/bet size donkers, i just let go and grumble.

12-01-2006, 10:51 AM
A donkbet is not a minbet. It is just a bet into the preflop raiser.

I reccomend doing it 80% of the time with the following hands:

1. bottom pair
2. middle pair
3. Top pair
4. Two pair
5. sets
6. trips
7. 4 flushes
9. some gutshots
10. quads
11. flops that missed the preflop raiser