View Full Version : Anyone here ever do full time campaign work?

11-30-2006, 08:19 PM
I recently quit my job doing government affairs work for a non profit in Boston. I have been seriously considering getting invloved in the '08 election on a national level and am trying to weight the pros and cons.

The main thing I really want to know is what type of work I could expect to face on the campaign trail. I really want a position where I would do more then just knock on doors and make cold calls. My experience level includes working 2+ years in gov affairs at two non-profits (mainly in communications and event coordiantion) and I also have a BA in communications.

Anyone have any advice or suggestions on whether the campaign experience is a good one or not? Thanks!

PS: I have decent connections with the Edwards campaign and with Obama (when he decides to run) if that helps at all.

11-30-2006, 10:10 PM
I would talk to your Edwards folks. They should have a better feel for how they use people, when they need those types of people, etc.

Communications and event planning for a non-profit probably have given you useful skills for political campaigns. That said, if you've never worked on a campaign before doing that stuff, they can be a different animal entirely. Particularly a Presidential race, that's as unique as it gets.