View Full Version : Please move the PBWC thread here

11-29-2006, 10:09 AM

can you please move the pbwc thread:
to the tournament forum here where it belongs.

there are actually 2 separate issues:
- the live tournament itself
- the live digital platform itself

i'm willing to discuss both of these here in this thread.
i'm most interested in dicussing the live tournament issues
with live b&m mtt players - the pro botters certainly know
that they'll be compteting against other botters but they
are also interested in the chance to see how well their
bots can do against very strong b&m mtt players.

if members want to talk about the ppro live digital platform
then it's probably best that they do that at the other site
where there is no constraints about links and info. it's not
really possible to be that helpful about ppro here without
needing to post links to documentation.

so again, i just want to talk to live b&m mtt players and
get their thoughts on the prospect of paying a real money
entry fee against pro botters doing the same.

thank you for your consideration,

ray bornert

11-29-2006, 07:57 PM

In the future, if you'd like to have a post moved to another forum you need to contact a Moderator of the forum where the post currently resides. They can then decide if it's more appropriate in another forum, sometimes in consultation with the receiving forum's moderator(s).

In this case, I do not believe that this event qualifies for discussion in this forum. Good luck.