View Full Version : What's up everybody!

11-28-2006, 06:20 PM
Just joined after lurking for awhile. Acutally just started playing NL after grinding Limit for the longest time and almost losing my mind. I'm eager to learn and contribute. I play 10/25 on stars. I would say i play a pretty loose aggressive game, however i swtich it up a lot. So far i have been profitable and could move up to 1/2 even cause i have the bankroll, however i choose to learn the game a bit more and SPECIALLY CONTROL MY TILT. I'm out to stack donks, tight nits, anyone from vilnius,lebanon, russia(really any european in general) lol.
I don't use pokertracker, but i probably should. I i will take the time to learn how to post hands cause i get involved in a lot of unique pots.

11-28-2006, 06:26 PM
Welcome and good luck.

11-28-2006, 06:34 PM
Thx tix, appreciate it.