View Full Version : U.S. player looking for new site, are OL wallets still safe? CC's?

11-28-2006, 05:52 AM
I am looking for a new (preferably soft) site to play on since PP doesn't take U.S. players anymore. Full Tilt says you need to go through a online wallet which I have never done before. Are there any sites that still take wire transfers for CC's for U.S. players?

11-28-2006, 03:03 PM
Neteller and alot of other "E-wallets" are still doing business as usual right now.As far as direct deposits with CC`s,i`ve been playing Absolute Poker alot lately,they still are taking them as far as i know.As sites go,there are many to chose from,which is the softest?I would suggest you take that question to internet gambling/internet bonuses sections of the forum.Browse around some,you will find good ideas of what your looking for as far as your particular situation there.I you cant find answers,maybe make a post there and describe what your looking for in a site and your details,what levels you play at and such.

11-28-2006, 04:24 PM
Im a step ahead of ya, thx for the info

11-28-2006, 04:36 PM
Whats about 5th street. How's AP coming along?

11-28-2006, 07:06 PM
Personally im just grinding,working on my limit game lol But as far as the site goes,snipers charts pretty much reflect the situation.There has been a slow steady increase in players since the bill passed.Nothing like Stars or even FT experienced obviously,but enough that i can notice a difference in the in the level of play,at least at the small stakes limit levels ive been grinding on.The games are softer today than say a month and a half ago for sure.