View Full Version : Process for overhauling game?

11-23-2006, 09:03 PM
Essentially, I am looking for advice on when and how to evaluate, criticize and improve your own game (in a major sense, perhaps a rehaul?)

I am currently unaware if I am playing bad or running bad to be honest, and I have no problem with playing bad, other than I want to change it. I'd like to think i am running bad, but i dont think the answer to the above question is relevant to improving my game anyways. The last 5k hands I have run about -10 bb/100, and most sessions are losing sessions. playing 21/17/3 (again, not indicative of play, I know)

Which hands do you attempt to pull out of PT to evaluate? Entire sessions? How do you pick which sessions? Is the last 5k hands indicative of nothing? is running -10bb/100 significant or a typical downswing? I have not had an "upswing," which is why i am unsure if i am running or playing bad. These are all questions that I don't know the answer to, but am willing to do any of the work necessary.

current things i do:
post hands daily
reply to other posts
read most threads on the front page
analyze and watch known poster's videos
study the POOBAH or C/T posts (especially Tiens, even though it was neither)
-----for these, is there a more efficient way to apply the message? i find myself to read these great threads, attempt to consolidate it in my head, then tend to not move it into the game
play a manageable amount of tables (2-4). I tend to get distracted when I only have 1 table and loose concentration. I am sure this is a psychological leak.

thanks for the advise, help and flames. Happy thanksgiving

11-23-2006, 09:25 PM
I review my sessions either after I'm done or the next day before I start up a new series. I go through with PokerTracker and make comments on hands I I did well or did poorly. Usually the latter.

Additionally, I make sure to import my player notes into PT ahead of time so I can update them as I review my session. This lets me see how accurate my player reads are when I have time to study hands in their entirety without the pressure of betting.

I study the same posts you do and make notes in my notebook when I find something useful to apply. Also I try and limit myself to one new concept at a time, if any. Trying to tweak your play in several ways at once is a recipe for disaster. You won't know what works and what doesn't.

It is said that poker is a game of "incomplete information", in more ways that one. Frequently the feedback I get from my tweaks is incomplete if I only view it in the context of one session.

For example, when I started c-betting more, initially it wasn't working well and I was spewing chips. If I had based my decision on that one session, I'd have stopped c-betting. Turns out I was at a table of call stations and maniacs. Later against a table of mostly passive, and relatively solid players c-betting worked much better. So my change took time to show +EV results as I learned how to apply it and when.

Finally, do the session reviews that pop up occasionally. There is one in the works, look for November 20th Session Review or something in the thread title. I find these to be invaluable . There is nothing like another pair of eyes critiquing your entire play sessions as opposed to single hands.

11-25-2006, 07:33 AM
bump. thanks for the response. another depressing, losing session. couple runner runner beats, so despite losing again feel OK about game.