View Full Version : Did I play this hand wrong

11-21-2006, 02:06 AM
I'm at a 1/2 $100 buy in no limit game. My image is that of a tight one. For about the first hour I folded mostly due to the fact that I just wasn't getting any cards. Kept getting 5-2, 10-3 J-4 and hands like that. I don't think I even got connected cards 6-7 and higher and if I did somebody was raising $20 pre-flop. So anyways I'm viewed as tight, possibly a rock, even though I that's not really my style. I was being aggressive when I floped though. I usually play tight-aggressive. So I have 80 dollars left and am in middle position. I pick up KQ hearts. I raise $8. A lady immediately to my left who is loose passive calls, then a guy immediately after her, who plays to many marginal hands stronger than he should and has about $120 left, so he has me covered re-raises to 20 total. I just call, and so does the lady. So with the blinds added in, the pot contains 63 dollars. Flop comes QJ9 with Q9 being spades. I act first and go all in for my last 54 dollars into that 63 dollar pot. The lady in the hand to my left is left to act and has been running real bad. She's already into her second buy in so she call's with A9 off. The guy who reraised me preflop debates for a really long time and finally calls. He flips over AK off suit. Hits a 10 on the turn to make a straight and win the pot. He basically had 7 outs to beat me. So should I have done anything different with this hand? I may be biased towards myself as being a good poker player so it may be hard for me think I did any wrong right now, especially since it's fresh on my mind. I would have won a 225 dollar pot if no 10 or one of the 2 remaining aces hit. And at the time I currently had the best of it. I wasn't worried about him having Aces or Kings because this was an extremely loose table and everybody was overvaluiing AK. Should I have pushed preflop? Even then I'm not sure how scared he would've been. Feedback would be appreciated.

11-21-2006, 04:24 AM
For future reference, you might want to make your posts more readable.

KQs, I would either shove or fold given the stack sizes. Cold calling is lame.

Getting it in with TPGK with less than 50bbs is fine. I would reload and move on.

11-21-2006, 06:10 AM
I'm leaning more toward a fold, if only as a slightly better option than an all-in (also respectable given your reads). Like Orange said, cold-calling is not a good option here - unless you & the other players in the hand are very deep.

11-21-2006, 06:24 AM
Post this here:

Not in here.

And if the guy usually cont bets I would have aimed to check raise all-in.

11-21-2006, 06:35 AM
I don't think this is a BBV post, I don't think he's wondering about the flop action but rather preflop.
I fold to the reraise but I'm a nit. If I'd been card-dead and viewed as really rocky I might push if I thought I'd fold out hands that beat me (AQ, AK, JJ/QQ)

11-21-2006, 06:38 AM
It's live ergo AQ+,22+ don't fold

11-21-2006, 02:43 PM
Wouldn't the check raise would have made the odds way to good for him though? If there was $63 in there and he bet about 20-40 what would my remaining $54 do? It would only end up being another $20-30 to him to make that call into a pot of well over a $150(figuring this is what it would be instead of the pot it originally became if I had ended up playing it this way).
Aren't those pot odds way to good to pass up at that point? Like I said, nobody at the table was folding AK either, hardly at any point in any hand.
I'm guessing my only option was the pre-flop all in but I still figure he would have called.

11-25-2006, 10:30 PM
ok well preflop u cold call oop which is a mistake. i would have folded. i know that sucks to do when ur cards come from a freezer but i think its the best play. KQ is likely to be dominated if you are being raised preflop, which u were. Your options were terrible there. If you raise, going all in isnt right because there wouldnt be enough money in the pot to do that (about 30 in the pot and u pushing a total of 70 more in? not the right play). you cant raise at all. if you reraise him you have to raise at least twice his bet which would be 48 for you total after your original bet of 8. now you have invested over half ur chips in the pot preflop so the flop doesnt matter you have to shove. so that isnt the right play either. I dont think raising is an option here, especially because u may be pushing into a hand that has u dominated. Calling is wrong because you are calling off %25 of your chips just to see a flop. not to mention you would be calling oop which is just such an awful situation in itself. thats no good. so your only option is to fold.

11-25-2006, 10:50 PM
Wouldn't the check raise would have made the odds way to good for him though? If there was $63 in there and he bet about 20-40 what would my remaining $54 do? It would only end up being another $20-30 to him to make that call into a pot of well over a $150(figuring this is what it would be instead of the pot it originally became if I had ended up playing it this way).
Aren't those pot odds way to good to pass up at that point? Like I said, nobody at the table was folding AK either, hardly at any point in any hand.
I'm guessing my only option was the pre-flop all in but I still figure he would have called.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think your are confused. You want him to fold pf because you are a dog but he isnīt folding unless he is an idiot. On the flop you want him to call and as others have said a check-raise might get him pot commited, which would be the whole point of the cr, to make him NOT fold.

What people are trying to figure out is what to do with a piece of crap like KQ with such a short stack getting such good odds after the re-raise and they still think it is a fold. The second best alternative is to shove pf and the absolutly worst you can do is to just call hoping to hit a flop. If you call and hit your miracle flop you want the money going in on the flop 100% of the the time to make up for all the times you miss the flop and all the times you hit but is up against a dominating hand.

11-26-2006, 04:53 PM
Yes, he would be an idiot to fold AK preflop for only $8 which is only a standard raise. But after that call, I was pretty content to flopping my pair of Q's and winning the $63. I wanted it over right there. I would've been up for the night. If he had AA or KK so be it. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong in the sense that I didn't want to pot commit him because I didn't think I was way ahead at any point until I saw his cards and knew he needed help. Either way it's been over a week now, and I can see that even though I was running that cold and the table was filled with players that bad my best move would've just been a fold preflop and live to fight another day. Maybe it was a little tilting on my part I need to learn to control. Ordinarily KQ hearts is nowhere near that good to me for all my chips, but I saw the best situation I'd seen all night (if you can believe that) and went for it. I do appreciate all the responses though. Thanks guys.