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View Full Version : Beat: Developing mono and skitzophrenia simultaneously

11-15-2006, 09:24 PM
I feel like I'm losing it. I have a few tangible reasons for this sensation.

1) The last 5 nights I have had either work or class and I have slept through or called in sick to all of them except one appearance at work. I am first plagued with extreme insomnia (I can't sleep until about 5 or 6am), and then average about 12 to 14 hours of sleep. Today I woke up at 5pm, yesterday at 3pm. Usually I have a very consistent biological clock. This really bothers me.

2) Every night I have the most insane dream I have ever had. Each successive one is more insane than the last. They never involve people relevant to my current life and always bring in figures or places from my distant past. These dreams are absolutely illogical, long winded and completely confusing even to me. Feel free to skip this section or read it for your own amusement.
a) The first dream I can remember involves me in my home town of many, many years ago. Only I wasn't a child, I was my own age. I was walking toward my home and along the way there were gigantic red and polka dotted mushrooms lining the street. I walk past the turn I would have to make to go to my home's address and continue off into some sort of void that gives off strong negative energy. I wake up.
b) This happens the same night as the above dream, after waking up in a cold sweat (this phrase is used a lot in artistic expression but was literally the case). Anyways, I'm at an old friends house who happens to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. The farm is overrun by a pair of giants dressed as normal people and carrying on normal conversation. I am immediately swept over by the fear that I will be crushed by one of them even though they are not acting maliciously and run into the house. As I run, I run by the aforementioned friend to see this friend pick up a rock and throw it at the giants. I duck inside. Expecting the house to come down immediately I am somewhat suprised when the basement wall (where I am hiding) collapses and an 18-wheeler breaks through. I either wake up at this point or forget the rest of the dream.
c) This dream happened the same night, again. I happen to be friends of the family who has born the "chosen" child in the distant future. Some alien race with bizarre architecture but physically the same as humans obviously has interest in the chosen child. We decide to hide the child in a several thousand foot deep giant concrete bunker hidden under a hospital. The hospital comes under attack from the hostiles and we fight back with various weaponry. I'm not sure how the transition occurs but I find myself Solid Snake status inside the alien headquarters. They are briefing and I am reporting everything back home, because I can see it. They hear me and come after me. I take them on a long chase that involves me throwing many nuclear grenades and killing many of them, but they're evil henchmen and there are infinite of them. I make my way outside of the headquarters and find myself on a strange alien planet and the HQ is actually an egyptian pyramid. I see two special henchmen (they're dressed differently so they're clearly special) saying funny words. They summon a massive avatar of evil which is liquidy and black to destroy me. I battle with the avatar of evil and somehow win. The specifics are foggy. I somehow am able to recreate the spell that summons the giant and summon one of my own. I order it to destroy the headquarters and it does. I wake up.

These were all from last night. Each of the four other nights I've had similar dreams that I subsequently forget but am deeply disturbed by.

3) I wake up today at 5pm and it's completely dark outside, it's raining very hard, and there are intense stormy winds. My house, which is the home of 9 people, is completely dark and noone appears to be home. I come downstairs and make myself some food, brooding over my dreams. A roommate of mine comes home and tells me she was just attacked by a stray dog on our street. I walk outside, and the stormy weather is really freaking me out at this point for some reason, and I see the dog. It's completely black and has one white paw. I get really freaked out at this point and walk back itoward the house. Some fat lady pulls up in her car and acts like it's her dog, and I tell her that my friend was attacked by this dog. She says it isn't hers. I wonder why she gets out of her car in the middle of pouring rain and 60mph winds to pick up stray dogs she doesn't recognize. This really freaks me out. I go inside and type this.

11-15-2006, 09:25 PM
tl;dr kill your friend and then yourself

11-15-2006, 09:33 PM

11-15-2006, 09:36 PM

[/ QUOTE ]

11-15-2006, 09:45 PM
seek help

11-15-2006, 09:46 PM
Developing mono and skitzophrenia simultaneously

[/ QUOTE ]
thinly-veiled brag?

11-15-2006, 09:46 PM
I didn't read it. But I'm sure you suck at poker or life or something.

11-15-2006, 09:52 PM
BRAG: Developing mono and skitzophrenia simultaneously
tl;dr obv.

11-15-2006, 09:52 PM
if its worth anything it sounds exactly like what i go through

just start going out a lot, even just for walks etc. and start hitting the gym hard... like 2 hour late sessions and stuff

the aim is to tire yourself out before sleep

the other way to do it is get someone to force yourself out of bed at 11 (or whatever is normal for you) and just force yourself to stay awake the whole day (but no caffeine)... the best thing for that is a movie or somthing.

the aim is to get out of the cycle

generally i cycle through periods like this and they never last longer than a couple of weeks or so. of course you could have completely different things to me so take that with a grain of salt

11-15-2006, 09:53 PM
the other way to do it is get someone to force yourself out of bed

[/ QUOTE ]

lol just noticed


Chump Change
11-15-2006, 09:58 PM
I'm searching for empathy but nowhere in any of this, save for the title, is there a mention of symptoms or causes of neither mononucleosis nor schizophrenia. You had some weird dream and got freaked out by a crazy lady and a crazy dog. I'm not one to belittle another's problems, but [censored].

Split Suit
11-15-2006, 10:17 PM
saddly OP, im in the same exact boat, esp over the last few weeks. my body wont get tried on a normal clock. its like my body wants to b awake for 15hrs, then sleep for 13. which messes up ur 'day'. ive even been trying to reset everything myself, by stayin up 40+hrs and crashin at a normal time, but its not happening. if u figure out how to fix this...lemme kno. im interested. gl tho

11-15-2006, 10:19 PM

11-15-2006, 10:23 PM
I am suffering from Mono at the minute and it is the worst I have felt in my life

11-15-2006, 10:37 PM
Dude don't worry its normal to have insane vivid dreams when you're really sick. One time freshman year I was really sick and had to pull a couple all-nighters at the same time. I started to lose all touch with reality because I was sleeping at these weird hours and having really intense vivid dreams. I ended up writing a paper that wasn't even assigned because I dreamt that it was due.

11-15-2006, 10:39 PM
I'm aware I don't have skitzophrenia or mono. I was just trying to express exactly how wierd I felt because for the last 96+ hours I have felt like I have been in an extremely dissociated and surreal state. Kind of like I've been living a dream life. It's really hard to describe and kind of terrifying.

11-15-2006, 10:42 PM
i had mono before

worst 3 months of my life, seriously have fun

in order to get over the aftermath of 3 months of near complete inactivity i had to go to the gym 5 days a week for a month until i felt normal again

11-15-2006, 10:52 PM
I'm searching for empathy but nowhere in any of this, save for the title, is there a mention of symptoms or causes of neither mononucleosis nor schizophrenia. You had some weird dream and got freaked out by a crazy lady and a crazy dog. I'm not one to belittle another's problems, but [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

yah really wtf. and in your dreams youre just conquering aliens and [censored]. theyre dreams about adventure and confidence. seems fine. maybe you just need more activity in your life. at least youre not having vivid dreams about dying.

11-15-2006, 11:06 PM
at least youre not having vivid dreams about dying.

[/ QUOTE ]

i have these a lot, is that a bad thing or is my brain just wired incorrectly?

11-15-2006, 11:09 PM
your brain knows whats best for you

Chump Change
11-15-2006, 11:33 PM
I'm searching for empathy but nowhere in any of this, save for the title, is there a mention of symptoms or causes of neither mononucleosis nor schizophrenia. You had some weird dream and got freaked out by a crazy lady and a crazy dog. I'm not one to belittle another's problems, but [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

yah really wtf. and in your dreams youre just conquering aliens and [censored]. theyre dreams about adventure and confidence. seems fine. maybe you just need more activity in your life. at least youre not having vivid dreams about dying.

[/ QUOTE ]

Plus, it's not hardcore insomnia if you eventually get a semi-restful sleep. In fact it's not insomnia at all. I wouldn't wish hardcore insomnia on my worst enemy. The [censored] I take to sleep could put down small animals and the average man.

However, you're on to something with the surreal disconnection. See how it feels in a couple days. And don't hesitate to walk into the ER of your local hospital and tell them you're going nuts. They'll take care of you if this becomes a problem and won't forcibly admit you to a psych ward if you voluntarily walked in.

Superfluous Man
11-16-2006, 12:33 AM
Sounds like depression to me. BEAT LOL AM I RITE?!!?