View Full Version : AK preflop...how weak is that?

11-14-2006, 08:51 PM
I'm in early position with AK and I make it 4BB to go. Late position guy with full stack (as is mine) makes it 17BB.

My thought process:
This guy has limped in a lot of pots but has never raised - small sample. In those micro limits rasing is not something they do lightly and reraising even less. Here I figured at best I'm against another AK (there is no way he would do this with AJ, AQ) or a coinflip situation with JJ (if going to showdown). My best guess would be he has KK, AA. Since I dont have position and if I dont hit on flop he will take it away with AK. If I flop A or K and he doesnt go all wild with his monster I may loose a stack, on the other hand he will be able to release his JJ on such a flop.

I folded.

Bad weak play?

11-14-2006, 08:56 PM
You have one helluva lot of faith in the skills of strangers. I've watched people lose entire stacks with JJ against an A flop. I've seen reraises with Q5...If you're playing nit, then fold. Otherwise, make the call, bet out the flop (you're OOP, right?), fold to a reraise if you missed.

11-14-2006, 09:01 PM
With a bankroll, you have to learn to take risk. This is kinda read dependant. If you have hundreds of hands on this player, and they have never 3-bet, or if they have, but only with AA and KK, then it's a good fold. Depending on the limits, mostly, they are more willing to play a lot of crap, and the only hands you are behind are AA and KK.

Push or Fold are your choices, and you can't win if you always fold.

Though, at this point, i beleive this is a push or fold situation. (Reason be, you need all 5 cards to make this a hand worth going any farther)

Plus with pushing, you have fold equity.

Though i folded a simular situation.
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showfl...rue#Post7983089 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=microplnl&Number=7983089& Searchpage=1&Main=7980720&Words=+VorShot&topic=&Se arch=true#Post7983089)

Sir Winalot
11-15-2006, 04:28 AM
Your commentary is tl;dr. Don't play short-stacked, ever. But now that you are a shortstack with AK, push, and feel good about it.

Turboedit. Misread your post. I guess I call then.

11-15-2006, 04:39 AM
Your commentary is tl;dr. Don't play short-stacked, ever. But now that you are a shortstack with AK, push, and feel good about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

who is shortstacked?