View Full Version : Is this time for mass e-mailing?

11-12-2006, 05:03 PM
Since we did such a good job helping McCaskill, should we not start e-mailing in huge numbers before the new congress gets settled?

Whom should we target?

Maybe we should let them know how unpopular the UIGEA is and that it probably helped swing the election.

11-12-2006, 09:29 PM
Interesting idea, Im sure the mass e-mails that have been sent out after the passing of this bill and before the elections has made our voices heard. E-mailing them again would really hammer what we are saying into their heads that we are unhappy with what is going on. I think we should target our own local senators and representatives so that they all know that we are unhappy.

11-12-2006, 09:49 PM
I was thinking the best time to do it would be when the new congress starts it's first session early next year. That would also give us time to get organized.

11-12-2006, 11:01 PM
I tend to agree with autobet

Trying to get a campaing going now is going to hit a bunch of lawmakers that will not be there next year. Plus, what will your message be? Regardless of message, there is no realistic chance for any changes to the law to be made now that we're in a lame duck period (for Congress, through Jan).

11-13-2006, 12:19 AM
I dont think that just this will get the laws to be changed but if everyone gets on board then all the lawmakers will have have this suck in there brain. This is obiously 1 step of many to get what we want.

11-13-2006, 12:42 AM
Get what stuck in their head?

That poker caused this major defeat for lawmakers?

With the exception of the Leach race (and even that is iffy), I see no significant evidence that poker players swayed elections across the country in fury. This election was about Bush, the situation in Iraq, and corruption.

11-13-2006, 02:28 AM
With the exception of the Leach race (and even that is iffy), I see no significant evidence that poker players swayed elections across the country

[/ QUOTE ]

IMHO, the issue of poker alone didn't sway too many races from one side to the other, the overall current government philosophy which led the Republicans down the UIGEA path lost them control.

There has been alot written about the "Nanny State", small government has went the way of the dodo bird, etc., and poker unfortunately was a casualty of this mindset.

In other words, I think the poker argument needs to be extended to include "We want a smaller government" argument.

11-13-2006, 03:27 AM
i'm totally in agreement with the owl and berge. we should begin a campaign for a smaller, less "nanny" style government when the new congress gets into session.