View Full Version : Invasion of the Lowstacks

11-10-2006, 04:03 PM
Hey everyone,

Lately Ive been seeing a massive increase in the number of lowstacks on the PP 25$NL FR tables, and Im having some trouble playing vs them.

The majority of them are tight, mostly just playing high pairs and AK AQs etc. Should I run from every pot they raise PF, only playing the very best cards? Or what approach should I be taking here?

11-10-2006, 04:07 PM
use pahud to determine there pre-flop play and as for post flop unless shown otherwise i tend to give them little respect and most the time there isnt enough information to get away from marginal TPTK like hands

11-10-2006, 04:11 PM
Wow. That's completely not my experience with most short stack players. Most of them play too loose and crappy.

Honestly... leave the table. I don't sit down at tables that are all shortstacks.

If you stay, you have to tighten up and play a higher variance game. ie-- tighten up, get all in preflop more. Since you don't have a lot of implied odds, you can have fun doing some shovefests.

Honestly though... if there's a lot of TIGHT shortstacks, just find a better table.

Also- you may want to consider the $50 tables. I had no problems find a bunch of loose players.

11-10-2006, 04:16 PM
Im not looking these tables up, but honestly they are all over the place. I joined 4 random tables just now, and there are 12 tight lowstacks total.

So there really is nothing to it but just waiting for big hands to shove preflop with huh? Meh ok, boring but Ill try to restrain myself from playing too many hands with them. Damn lowstacks /images/graemlins/frown.gif

11-10-2006, 04:25 PM
Obviously if they're passive you can play a variety of hands and don't need to resort to shovefests.

Last night when I played... if I could limp with a shortstack then fine. If there was a raise, it was usually push or fold unless a lot of deepstacks already called in which case I called.

The other poster is right too... when playing shortstacks (less then 40bb)... an overpair or TP is enough to go all the way to the river.

I always expect 1-2 shortstacks at a full ring table. If there's one fullstack and all shortstacks I don't sit down.

The best thing is I switched to FTP. You can datamine. I open pokertracker for 10 minutes before I'm going to sit down and have Pokerhud on. I open 14 tables. After 10 minutes I look at each table. Then go through this checklist-
(1) more full stacks then shortstacks --- CHECK
(2) At least 2+ players who are either FISH/LAG/MANIAC (I want 2 or more players with over 1/2 a buyin each seeing 30%+ flops.
(3) out of the tables that qualify-- who's having the biggest pots.

I sit at 4 of these and begin.