View Full Version : Casino Play

11-09-2006, 02:43 AM
Sorry I am fairly new to this forum, so don't really know where this would go so I decided to post it here. Im turning 21 here in about a month or so and my local casino does not offer 1/2NL, they only play 2/5NL which I think is [censored]. But anyway.... They have some pretty good structred tourneys that I would like to play in. I have played no-limit for about a year now, just wondering how should I word my bet/raise so there is no confusion at the table, since Im going to be a rookie at playing at a casino. When I bet should I just stick it in the middle and let the dealer say the bet? When I raise should I say 2000 to go? Or 2000 more?

Some thoughts would be great, so I don't look like an idiot at the casino with a table full of strangers that I don't know. Usually in my home games say someone raises if I want to re-raise I usually but out the re-raise and say Total. But some players don't want to do the math to see how much more to call. Thoughts are appreciated.

11-09-2006, 02:55 AM
This belongs in the B&M (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=cardroom) forum I think, but here are my thoughts.

When raising or betting, I think it's best to always state the raise. If you "make it 2000 to go" or "2000 more" is up to you. Whatever makes the betting easiest. If you're raising (as opposed to re-raising) I think it's easier to state something like "2000 to go".

My 2cents, haven't played live NL that much, and never in a 'real' casino /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Edit: and don't be afraid of people that "don't like to do math". If it's too hard for them, they can ask the dealer. The reason you're stating the total is to avoid being accused of string-betting. If you state the amount you can take any time you need to gather the chips and put them in front of you (not in the pot ofcourse!) in as many motions as you need.

11-09-2006, 07:55 AM
I was in Vegas last weekend and very often if a player went all-in, but didn't already know how much it was, he would just put his chips out there and the dealer would quickly count it up...

In general, though, state your raise. Then put those chips out there. You don't want to make a mistake and make a "string bet" and not be able to pit in what you wanted.

11-09-2006, 08:14 AM
If you want to avoid any confusion, say what you're doing, an amount, and then put out chips. Bet, 1500, work out the chips later. Raise, 2000 more, and work it out. Folding is free. =)

11-09-2006, 09:30 AM
2/5 is better than 2.5/5, since you pay less in your SB.

Do what everyone else does.

When you first get there, don't talk, just listen, and move your chips over the betting line in one smooth motion.

Good luck.


11-09-2006, 03:29 PM
Thanks for the reply's, very useful. I will keep this advice in mind. Thanks again.