View Full Version : Reid

11-09-2006, 02:38 AM
So whats his views with online poker/gambling? Since he's the Senate leader now, is that a good thing?

11-09-2006, 03:43 AM
Ultimately it's not very important. No one has come out and said, 'let's repeal that act!'. But I have not heard of a powerful Dem with an anti-gambling agenda. What is important, is that Dems, who basically consider this a non-issue for the most part, will be chairing committees. That prevents the few Republicans with anti-gambling agendas from pushing their [censored] through committees.

11-09-2006, 12:36 PM
Harry was a member of the Nevada Gaming Commission. He has expressed a concern with the government's ability to regulate online gaming.

He clearly understands the tax/revenue potential to the US and to his home State of allowing regulated online gaming.He also understands that Macau will surpass Nevada in brick & mortar gaming revenue for 2006. Finally, Harry understands the marketing need and functions of online gaming for brick & mortar operators.

I suspect the AGA "study" bill will pass next session. The "public" entities having fled the market in poker, there is only the interest of the US Brick & Mortar operators to consider.

11-09-2006, 12:44 PM
I really hope the "study" bill gets rolling. Once they do the study, I think it's only a matter of time before it's legalized and regulated.

I believe Reid said in the past he was in favor of the study. Maybe someone who has the time and know how can find that quote.

11-09-2006, 01:45 PM
He said he was open to it.... It is an AGA sponsored idea, so he will be open to it. He said he was interested in helping Nevada and Nevadans, i.e. Brick & Mortar companies.

Nevada is already studying the industry, of which Harry is well aware. If he can get the study funded by Unlce Sam, so much the better.

(Bet that "study" timeframe is cut to 1 year from 18 mos.)