View Full Version : my pt stats after 370 hands. am i a maniac?

11-08-2006, 10:09 PM
i haven't got pt yet, but a 2p2er who i recognised who plays alot of 50nl aswell told me these were my stats after 370 hands. these stats are probably way off coz i was on mass tilt on one of these sessions. though i dont know how differently i was playing, cant really remember...just seems like a blur to me now. my poker edge stats (el_pedrin0) which i dont know whether are that accurate or not are (LOOSE player - aggressive preflop and aggressive after flop). It doesn't class me as a maniac though. Are these stats a maniac's stats?

I have had some biggg swings though. Just started playing cash more regularly a few months ago. Was up like 8 buyins, then had a bad run and dropped 10 buyins (so down 2 buyins), but recently ive been running really hot and in the last couple of days alone ive shot up like 7 buyins so im up like 5buyins since i started playing 50NL. Unfortunately didn't buy PT when i started playing cash seriously (not just inbetween sit n gos that i was playing religiously during summer, they were my bread n butter for pocket money). Dont have much free time now which is why i switched to cash in the first place. can just play for quick bursts when you feel like it. and i can actually learn about the game instead of just 9table icm pushbotting.

im going to buy pt as soon as i figure out whether i can run it off a flash usb drive. would be interesting to see my stats after 10k+ hands.

anyway my stats are:

Here's what I have on you over 376 hands.

Voluntarily put $ in pot: 36.97
Preflop raise %: 27.66
Total aggression: 4.28
Attempt to steal blinds: 48.78 (wow) wow i must have been on tilt. i dont even know what this is when i play normally. cant imagine it being this high.

does anybody actually have long term success playing like this? by the way i play 50NL 6max.

11-08-2006, 10:14 PM
because of the swings i have seen, to be safe i am giving myself a 50buyin bankroll guideline. i wont play a given stake unless ive got atleast 40buyins though. shame i had to cashout a big part of my bankroll otherwise id be playing 100nl close to 200nl. next holiday im gonna put in some serious hours, do loads of bonuswhoring and get my bankroll alot bigger hopefully.

11-08-2006, 10:14 PM
Those Stats mean nothing, if your playing NL50 you better own PT very soon.

11-08-2006, 10:17 PM
own pt very soon meaning that it is absolutely vital? i can see why it could be. at the moment im kind of playing blind. especially when 4tabling(mostly) and 6tabling(sometimes) and when playing full ring occasionally i always 9table. it seems as if you have no idea what people are doing, just treating everybody the same old 50NL type player. which isn't true of course. cant wait to get it and find leaks in my game and find out my winrate after 50k hands or so.

11-08-2006, 10:17 PM
dude, your double O C (outta control)

11-08-2006, 10:21 PM
by the way..if anybody has more hands of data on me and would like to share with me, please let me know. el_pedrin0 is my name. thanks.

11-08-2006, 10:24 PM
I generally like seeing players with your stats because most of them are bad LAGs. That doesn't mean you are. But I personally think you're asking for a lot of trouble unless you play really well postflop.

I personally don't believe I have a big enough edge on my opponents in these games to justify playing 37% of my hands or raising 27%. I find myself raising a lot of weak hands already and I'm only like 21/12 to your 37/27.

11-08-2006, 10:29 PM
might want to see what your stats are for just 6 handed games. if those were your true stats in a ring game, Id be reraising you a ton. Im like 29/19, 28/18 6 handed, and noticibly more agro as it gets shorter per person.

11-08-2006, 10:36 PM
i suppose i pretty much put a banner on my head saying "everybody on 2p2 that plays 50nl come and play on my table!". suppose it might not be a bad thing neccessarily since everybody will be playing super passive against me. and ill probably get no respect either! lol

a quick question, since im never open limping, and always raising after 1 limper if i want to be in the pot..how is the hands played % so different to the raising % ? is it the times i am limping behind 2+ limpers?

11-08-2006, 10:38 PM
Limping behind+calling raises+completing SB (which you do a ton).

11-08-2006, 10:50 PM
stats curtesy of jigsaw by the way. limping behind 1 limper? i swear i try and make a habit of NEVER doing that. 2players i often limp behind though. calling raises i suppose yea...especially when i have position on them. i think i sometimes call with too many speculative hands out of position from the blinds though like 56s against an utg raiser (figured hes strong hand so i got implied odds). but then it becomes one of those OOP triple barrell semi bluffs that dont always work..which is why i try and avoid playign those kindsa hands out of position. something i need to work on maybe.

completing in the sb though? nooooooooooo way. i dont think ive ever ever ever completed in the sb. i raise like ANYTHING even remotely playable from the sb.

11-08-2006, 10:55 PM
370 hands means nothing...nothing.