View Full Version : TPTK OOP, river decision (UB 25NL 6-max)

11-07-2006, 05:06 PM
Villain is 57/24/0.7, pretty loose-passive post-flop, doubled up through me and a bunch of shorties a couple of orbits ago (I had AKs, he had KK, held up), only bets/raises when he's got something. This table has been VERY active overall, and I probably have a LAGgy image.

I'm actually unsure about how I played the entire hand. Should I have raised more pre, bet more on the flop, and/or checked the turn for pot-control?

The flush got there on the river, should I block bet/fold (if so, how much), check/fold, or check/call (if so, how much should I be willing to call)?

HH (can't get converter to work today):

dhavok is at seat 0 with $10.
FireStorm009 is at seat 1 with $61.35.
pokermom18 is at seat 2 with $11.90.
MBarber24 is at seat 3 with $34.60.
toohigh305 is at seat 4 with $50.10.
Jcbar72 is at seat 5 with $155.95.
The button is at seat 3.

toohigh305 posts the small blind of $.10.
Jcbar72 posts the big blind of $.25.

toohigh305: Ad Jd


FireStorm009 calls. pokermom18 calls. MBarber24
folds. toohigh305 raises to $1. Jcbar72 calls.
FireStorm009 calls. pokermom18 calls.

Flop (board: Js 3c 2c): POT = $4

toohigh305 bets $2.50. Jcbar72 folds. FireStorm009
calls. pokermom18 folds.

Turn (board: Js 3c 2c 7h): POT = $9

toohigh305 bets $6. FireStorm009 calls.

River (board: Js 3c 2c 7h 8c): POT = $21


11-07-2006, 05:22 PM
raise to $1.5 pf

As played make it $3-4 on the flop. $2.5 is too small

Turn is fine, but since hes loose you could prolly squeeze a little more out of him, your almost certainly ahead here.

River card sucks, i prolly bet about $10 and fold to a raise, you'll still get value out of a jack, and it discourages him from bluffing.