View Full Version : vote these guys out today (key anti-poker politicians)

11-07-2006, 09:23 AM
While you need to vote today, based on many concerns, if you live in one of these districts please punnish the guys who voted to ban online Poker (these are the ones in tight races):

Arizona: Senator John Kyle has been more toxic than Frist
California: Doolittle and Pombo are in tight races, they voted against you.
Connecticutt: Shays and Simmons do not deserve another chance to meddle.
Colorado: O'donnell and Musgrave are against you
Florida: Shaw cant win unless you let him.
Indiana: Chocola and Sodrel both can be releected only in you are passive.
Kentucky: NO WAY Should Davis or Lewis make the final table.
New Mexico: Help Heather Wison bust out.
North Carolina: Shuler the quarterback, should be elected over Banker Hayes.
New York: Thumbs down to Pedophile-protector Reynolds who wnt protect you.
Ohio: Schmidt is silly, shrill, and bans poker..
Pennsylvania: Gelach, Hart (a co-sponsor), Weldon and Sherwood
Virginia: Drake, and cosponsor Goodlette, although prude Goodlette is likely safe. Senator Allen helped Frist, but he is already busted out..
Washington: Reichert needs to go.