View Full Version : Open Ballot

11-07-2006, 01:16 AM

11-07-2006, 01:31 AM
My answers: Dem (but indie was close), poker, single issue, and I did not answer the last question.

I didn't answer the last one because A) I didn't know there was a demonstration tomorrow, and B) I don't know by what criteria you are judging if a demonstration was successful or not. For example, if an anti-Iraq War demonstration caused a lot of people to question the war, organizers would claim the demonstration a success. Others, however, could claim the demonstration was a failure because it didn't stop the war.

FWIW, I'm not trying to pass any judgement on the war or the anti-war movement here.

11-07-2006, 05:29 PM
Kind of unfair on the first question. I voted a split ticket, with an independant about 4 Republicans and 4 to 5 Democrats. Can't remember exactly how many races there were, but it was pretty close to an even split. I know it is odd in this day in age, but as a Libertarian, I actually get to vote for the best candidate and not Republican or Democrat.

11-08-2006, 01:48 AM
Kind of unfair on the first question. I voted a split ticket, with an independant about 4 Republicans and 4 to 5 Democrats. Can't remember exactly how many races there were, but it was pretty close to an even split. I know it is odd in this day in age, but as a Libertarian, I actually get to vote for the best candidate and not Republican or Democrat.

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That part seems a bit pigheaded /images/graemlins/smile.gif but I know what you meant...I might register as a Libertarian at some point (if that is possible in TN), and base some votes on that but...

It's a winner take all system, so if the vote is like 60% for one and 40% for another, you might as well not vote for either as your vote does not affect anything, even though it will be 'counted'. At that pointed, voting Lib is a good idea, if you are going to vote.

Second, Libertarians candidates only have a chance of 'winning' in a few states, if any, I don't know really, but not many states. And I don't agree with all Libertarian ideas either, so I don't feel bad calling myself Dem or Rep, as I agree with what they say as much as Lib.

Thrird, house in senate is thus broken down into ANOTHER majority rules system. Lib could not force any bills to go through on their own, and I have a feeling that Dem. & Rep. will BOTH snub them to keep the 2 party system active. If this is not true, let me know (through proof, not speclatory philosophical reasons).

If Lib. get 5% or more than they are an official party in your state. I don't know what or which 5% that is, but I have heard that number before.

I also like voting Lib. to make races closer, thus causing Dem. & Rep. to waste more money. I think this could be a longterm effective strategy for a 3rd party (but not Lib)...if the candidates are 53% vs 44%, promote views similar to the 53% candidate to take away votes from him, causing more money to be reallocated on both sides to that race, possibly giving the libertarians a greater shot in a race they may actually win. This is just a thought.

BTW, can a libertarian candidate say 'vote for me, and I will differ my votes toward this other guy'? I doubt it, but that would be nice. Then I could vote Libertarian and still be supporting a winning candidate.