View Full Version : How do you warm up for a session?

11-06-2006, 07:57 PM
I've been having a problem of late, I just switched to small stakes cash from SNGs. When I start playing I play poorly. I make stupid bluffs, I make stupid calls, and I get involved for too much money when I know I shouldn't. After a half hour or so of playing, I'm in a groove and generally playing quite well.

Today for example I dropped 4 buyins due to pretty awful play and a little bit of tilt. I changed a couple tables and got warmed up and made it all back in short order. Does anyone else have a problem not playing their best when they first start a session? If any of you have dealt with something like this, how did you handle it?

I think perhaps playing much tighter than I think is right for 20 minutes or so should give me some time to get my mind sharp. What do you think?

11-06-2006, 08:01 PM
For me, I don't have anywarmup issues besides making sure I have my MP3 player on, my wife knows not to disturb me and m cell phone is turned off.

For you, I would suggest maybe 15 min of 2 levels down of smaller stakes, if you can still paly tight there, OR, maybe trying Ed Miller's shortstack method, at least that starting requirements for 15-20 minutes....I go out of my way to make sure thre are no distractions, but if your mind is already wandering, perhaps clear your playing area from distractions, or, when I first started, I would go down to Starbucks with headphones and there was nothign else to do but drink coffee and play.

11-06-2006, 08:05 PM
i play tighter than tight to see how the table plays and get some stats

after about 30 hands (which is nothing i know) i start the spewfest

11-06-2006, 08:07 PM
I used to have a problem dropping maybe a total of 1/2 buy-in on my 3 tables before I got warmed up. And I realized that what was happening was that I was cbetting into lunatics and not knowing it. So now I play a little tighter for an orbit or two, until the HUD stats show up for all players.

11-06-2006, 08:17 PM
when I first started, I would go down to Starbucks with headphones and there was nothign else to do but drink coffee and play.

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I kind of like this idea. I don't think that the distractions bother me, but I've wanted to try this for a while. Doesn't it cost money to use the internet at Starbucks? I looked into it when I first got my laptop a month ago and couldn't find the rate anywhere.

11-06-2006, 08:54 PM
I got this problem the other way around. I usually start out my sessions pretty well, but I cant seem to keep up the good play for more than, say, an hour, so Im actually trying to play short sessions only and quitting as soon as I feel Im losing focus.

11-06-2006, 10:42 PM
when I first started, I would go down to Starbucks with headphones and there was nothign else to do but drink coffee and play.

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I kind of like this idea. I don't think that the distractions bother me, but I've wanted to try this for a while. Doesn't it cost money to use the internet at Starbucks? I looked into it when I first got my laptop a month ago and couldn't find the rate anywhere.

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Starbucks internet is through TMobile, and unlimited is...$29 a month, but you can use it at ANY TMobile hotspot, and that is for unlimited service. They have cheaper plans as well.

I think its great, becasue when you leave location its like you go to an office. You get drinks, food made by someone else, so that helps your time wise, it reinforces you're going to work and not for play, and the different atmosphere is in general a great thing. It's funny, I'm not going to do this at Starbucks tomorrow, you reminded me of how good it is to do that.

11-06-2006, 11:35 PM
datamine the tables you are about to sit at for a while to get some stats on the players, and watch some hands to get yourself in the poker mindset, then i go to the bathroom, get a drink and get to it, with music of course.

11-06-2006, 11:38 PM
I just had an idea. Perhaps I could fire up 1 table from my last session to watch in a replayer before playing each day. I think that could work. Anyone try this?

11-06-2006, 11:43 PM
Lately? I get out my paper shredder and a wad of cash and just go to town.

11-06-2006, 11:47 PM
I just had an idea. Perhaps I could fire up 1 table from my last session to watch in a replayer before playing each day. I think that could work. Anyone try this?

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I never have, but I like the idea lots. Can I ask how many tables you play at once and at what level, if you don't mind?

11-07-2006, 02:15 AM
I like to do some sort of cardio excercise before I play. If I ride the stationary bike or go for a jog first it really clears my mind and helps me focus for a longer period of time.

I'm also a Cardrunners member and alot of times I will watch one of their videos before I play as it gets me in the right state of mind. I think I play alot different depending on my mood at the time sometimes I just play bad right from the start and have to leave for awhile and play later.

I also think playing very tight the first few rounds is a good idea as with no reads its easy to get into bad situations.

11-07-2006, 02:20 AM
I never have, but I like the idea lots. Can I ask how many tables you play at once and at what level, if you don't mind?

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I'm just getting back into playing NL cash so I'm starting out at 25NL on stars for 10k hands or so to build some skills and some confidence. I play anywhere between 4 and 6 tables at the moment. 4 tabling is sometimes too tedious so I bumped up to 6, but if I'm having trouble focusing I drop to 4.

11-07-2006, 02:25 AM
I like to do some sort of cardio excercise before I play. If I ride the stationary bike or go for a jog first it really clears my mind and helps me focus for a longer period of time.

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I really like this idea. I was athletic in high school, played multiple sports, and was working out almost daily. After high school I suffered a sports injury in a summer men's lacrosse league that got me really down and lethargic. I've since gained 25 pounds which I am trying to lose, but dumping the laziness is proving much more difficult. I do recall the days of physical activity and I know from experience that it really focuses the mind and enhances your mood.

I've switched to diet soda and started eating better but haven't been able to get myself to exercise regularly. This might be perfect for me, it could get me to lose the weight that I want to, get in shape, and get ready to play poker at my best.

I might look into getting a Cardrunners membership as I have heard it's very good for cash players. I'm not sure yet as I think that if I put the effort into learning on 2p2 I can get the same great advice for much cheaper

11-07-2006, 02:37 AM
start out with less tables? I tend to start out with1 or 2 tables depending on how im feeling. After i get some good reads, stats, and a feel on the table i usually pop open another repeat and usually go for a third after i feel i have a strong grasp on the tables.

Then i take all hte money i've won and blow it in PLO with the flopped nuts, no redraws, and wait for the suckout. wheee

11-07-2006, 02:49 AM
start out with less tables?

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I'm not sure that this would be good for me. I'd likely get easily distracted and suffer from FPS if I played fewer than 4 tables. I've just moved down from playing 16s and 27s(SNGs) 12-16 tables at a time, I'd probably get bored very quickly playing only 2 tables.

11-07-2006, 03:01 AM
I usually start playing very tight in the first quarter of an hour. I want to get a feeling for the table in that time, in doubt, I will fold and avoid mojar battles. This may seem weak tight at first glance and it is, but I don't loose much that way.

After I have a better sense on how the other players are playing at the table, I start playing my real game. With my weak tight image at the table, sometimes stronger players try to bluff me out of the first huge pots, when I start to play my real game. This is great, because it's a great opportunity to earn someones whole stack.

11-07-2006, 03:38 AM
That's happend to me also, and this may sound weird, but I go to the .05c fixed limit tables to warm up.

Sir Winalot
11-07-2006, 03:44 AM
Have sex and sleep. That's the way to go.

11-07-2006, 05:44 AM
Green Tea, it gets me ready for a 2hour session

After 1,5 hours I seem to be playing a lot worse then I started with though, maybe I should shorten my sessions...

11-07-2006, 06:01 AM
I have similar problems - i seem to always donk off a chunk of my stack in the first 30 minutes playing way too loose, and playing 3 tables this is expensive. I also have a problem with being an internet junkie, so much so that I am setting up a spare PC and removing internet explorer to stop myself being tempted to surf the web whilst I am playing!

11-07-2006, 06:58 AM
op: smoke weed

Peter Olley
11-07-2006, 07:14 AM
I read somewhere that Barry Greenstien said no one can play there A game for more than 2 hours at a stretch. I also want no distractions. It's job that I love and I treat it that way. Also take your ego out of the equation and you will find massive increases in your playing ability.