View Full Version : List Your Leaks (uNL edition)

11-06-2006, 04:57 PM
They just did this thread in SSNL a few days ago. The idea is simple: write down your leaks, become aware of them, and fix them.

Here are some of mine:

Too often I call when I should raise or fold. Too often I check-call when I should bet.

I often undersize my bets.

I tilt, badly.

11-06-2006, 04:58 PM
I'm a payoff wizard on the river a lot of the time.

11-06-2006, 04:59 PM
I overplay TPTK and overpairs. No pot control.

11-06-2006, 05:00 PM
"I tilt, badly"
"I'm a payoff wizard on the river a lot of the time."

These are my two biggest flaws as a player by far.

11-06-2006, 05:01 PM
When I am running bad, I play too long and start limping hands like K8s UTG.

"These guys are soo bad, they will pay off when I hit my flush!"

11-06-2006, 05:04 PM
I dont bet enough and get drawn out on by giving them odds.

I also probably fold too often with the best hand, and then also call down too often with the worst hand.

Dave I
11-06-2006, 05:06 PM
I'm a payoff wizard

[/ QUOTE ]

11-06-2006, 05:08 PM
I miss a lot of value bets
I fold too much on the turn after I have checked TPGK for pot control.
I can't fold for milking bets with overcards.
I call with speculative hands OOP too much.
I raise speculative hands from MP knowing there are loose players at the CO and Button who will be calling.
I cbet calling stations.
I float too much against players that double barrel.

11-06-2006, 05:09 PM
I don't react to what others are thinking about me, if i have raised the last 3 hands (even with big hands) instead of folding a bad hand on the button, i raise it, and get punished

11-06-2006, 05:10 PM
Too often I call when I should raise or fold.

[/ QUOTE ]

11-06-2006, 05:11 PM
Everything I do.

11-06-2006, 05:17 PM
I can't play single-table poker with any discipline whatever. If I don't have 6 tables throwing me decent hands fairly frequently, I play like a complete rube, limping with anything just to get some action. When I play live my VP$IP must be >50%.

It doesn't matter so much now, but at higher levels I probably get my head handed to me by players who practice reads with much greater care than I have patience for.

11-06-2006, 05:20 PM
I'm not entirely certain this is a weakness but...

I have such little respect for my opponents (at an average table) that I have trouble laying down hands when I'm clearly beat.

(of course... at times I can have the exact opposite problem... giving someone too much respect)

11-06-2006, 05:21 PM
I regularly miss value bets on the river.

I consider it a leak since my stack remains smaller instead of growing bigger.

11-06-2006, 05:21 PM
-When I'm down money or not getting cards, I'll raise 43s and 86o utg just to play a hand.
-I don't trust my reads and pay off a lot of bets.
-I miss value bets.
-I bluff calling stations on all 3 streets.
-I bluff calling stations in back-to-back-to-back hands.
-I overplay JJ-99 and AQ-AJ preflop.

I basically don't do anything right and somehow it works out to be breakeven poker.

11-06-2006, 05:33 PM
I used to overplay top pair a lot. Not as much anymore, but it's still a problem.

I don't give my opponents enough respect when they lead or play back at me. This is definitely a problem.

11-06-2006, 05:43 PM
Running big stone cold bluffs sometimes. No draws at all. There is no reason to do this at all at these stakes in big pots. When it works I feel like a genius though.

11-06-2006, 05:52 PM
When I am running bad, I play too long and start limping hands like K8s UTG.

"These guys are soo bad, they will pay off when I hit my flush!"

[/ QUOTE ]

I do this too. Bad for the vpip.

11-06-2006, 05:52 PM
Playing too loose PF at times.

Overplaying TP/Overpairs.

Misplaying draws.


Chat beratement (does this count as a leak?)

Not continuation betting at the right times.

11-06-2006, 05:58 PM
I miss too many value bets

I probably don't take as many notes on players as I should

I get priced into being a station alot.

11-06-2006, 06:03 PM
Not continuation betting at the right times.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've just started Cbetting no matter what the flop is. The only time I don't cbet is when there is a guy that will call with ANYTHING. A couple days ago I cbet with 76 on a 3A5 flop and a guy called and we ended up checking it down. His 84 was g00t.

11-06-2006, 06:11 PM
Complete monkey tilt after an overpair gets all-in on the flop vs. top pair and they trip the river, etc etc. etc.

Calling down too much when clearly beat.

Disrespecting my opponenets. "There's no way they could have AA b/c they are 53/30." Trying to outplay them also goes along with this.

FPS---Fancy Play Syndrome (They don't know what the [censored] it means when I make moves, so why the [censored] do I try it?)

Failing to realize that 95% of people never fold overpockets and I try to get them off of it.

Telling myself I just got outdrawn and then doing something stupid like pushing (there must be a problem somewhere in my brain between thinking and the motor movement on my arm).

11-06-2006, 06:18 PM
a pretty big leak of mine is assuming someone is drawing because they call my flop bet when there are two of a suit. i always think, "well if he has a hand, he would raise me"

that has cost me a few buyins because i end up completely misreading them when i get my stack in the middle

11-06-2006, 06:24 PM
Calling down too much - can't fold a set on a 3 flush board [censored] ever.

Calling when I should be raising.

Still tilt a little once in a while but am pretty in control of this one now.

11-06-2006, 06:25 PM
I play like ass OOP.

Too aggressive, too loose, too reckless.

11-06-2006, 06:32 PM
I play too loose from early positions (those suited broadways are just too pretty)

I really don't like laying down overpairs - even weak overpair - 99-jj

I play draws too weakly, I have trouble shoving without a made hand.

I Don't take any notes, just reply on PT stats for reads

11-06-2006, 06:33 PM
1. My worst leak: I don't pay enough attention to the
possible holdings of my opponents. I have to get rid of
that leak.

2. Every time I doubled my stack or I took someones whole
stack, I get a tight table image and I find it very
difficult to get rid of this image. In these cases, I
don't push people around enough, I don't bluff enough
and I don't loosen up enough to keep people off guard.

3. Yeah, everyone in the micros calls to much instead of
folding or raising. I should fold or reraise more, too.
Two weeks ago, I played some very good sessions that way,
but in the meantime, I forgot it. Damn, I really have to
pay attention to that one again.

4. Sometimes I play when I'm tired and I should quit.

5. Sometimes I try to beat a tough table instead of simply
moving on to another one.

6. My latest leak: I lost my feeling when it's the right
time for CB's. I check to much when I should CB.

At least I'm not a break even player. I'm winning a lot at
NL 25 and I will soon move up to NL 50, but I will never be
satisfied until I'm able to play at least in the low or
medium stakes. I know I can do it, because I mastered some
other difficult games to a distinct degree, but it will
need a lot of time and experience, a lot of thinking, a lot
discipline and a lot of calculation and stratgic planning.

11-06-2006, 06:38 PM
- After playing good, solid poker to get in the money with a decent stack, I start pushing way too much when there has been a few limpers and a nice pot worth taking down preflop.

- Playing speculative hands OOP when I've been card dead for a long time

- Not firing the 2nd barrel often enough

11-06-2006, 06:46 PM
-Floating ace high flops to try and take away pots on the turn from the pfr'ed

-Overbetting pot on turn/river with a monster instad of just value betting

-Not realizing I can't win every pot I'm in and thus not knowing when to check behind a busted draw because they will call any bet

-Trying to get people to fold overpairs when I'm drawing...this doesn't work ever!!!!!

-Double-barreling on a dry paired board.

-Double-barreling when I should take the free card when I'm on a draw

Ben K
11-06-2006, 06:47 PM
I chase my losses and end up losing more than I should when running bad

I play when tired, annoyed, unwell, etc and play on auto pilot and break even.

I don't work hard enough to impose my control over the table sometimes. I don't leave when someone else is clearly in control and there aren't any tempting side dish fishies. This is a biggeie for me as at the time I justify it by telling myself I have to learn to play these types but really I don't and there are lots of other tables.

11-06-2006, 06:55 PM
I often make hasty decisions, playing using instinct when I know I should just stop and think for a few seconds about my play.

I tend to feel too entitled to the pot, because I feel I'm choosing my hands more carefully and should therefore win every pot I play.

11-06-2006, 07:49 PM
I overvalue top pair and overpairs.

I make too many calls when I'm 95 percent certain I'm beat.

I don't trust my reads often enough.

I sometimes make decisions for my entire stack much too quickly.

11-06-2006, 07:58 PM
I overvalue TPTK, especially when faced with OOP aggression. I almost always felt if given the chance when AK hits.

No idea how to play 99-JJ when facing aggression on low board over multiple streets. Find myself c/c flop and c/f turn often

Calling river bets in WA/WB situations too often (AQ/AJ/KQ specifically)

I start to put my villain on hand ranges too late, and don't really think it through. I often just say "oh well if he has 57" for the straight when i hold TPTK, villain flips 57 when his play indicated it.

11-06-2006, 08:53 PM
Reading OOT while multitabling probably doesn't help either!

11-06-2006, 09:54 PM
i fire at the pot with top pockets when i miss the flop. the donkeys call me down and i dont give them credit for a low straight.

sometimes i play a little loose OOP.

i tend to go with gut instinct rather than actually going through what hands the villian could have, even after a cbet gets called on a drawy board, normally i have top pair or the like.

there are way more, too many to list.

11-06-2006, 10:07 PM
I don't raise enough, PF.

I am not aggressive enough post-flop.

I play too few hands.

I give my opponents too much credit.

I want vengence on every fish that sucks out lol.

11-07-2006, 09:12 AM
Thankfully these don't hit all at once (apart from last sunday). Some people have said some of these already so I'll use their words.

<ul type="square"> I have such little respect for my opponents (at an average table) that I have trouble laying down hands when I'm clearly beat.
Assuming someone is drawing because they call my flop bet when there are two of a suit. i always think, "well if he has a hand, he would raise me"
Still tilt a little once in a while but am pretty in control of this one now.
Being too aggressive, too loose, too reckless. At times, basically wanting to gamble
Drinking while playing - I've got this in check a lot recently.
Not realising what my table image is at that current moment.
FPS with the wrong type of player (always choose the loose pasive)
Not fully concentrating on the game in hand (either playing too many tables or skimming the internet) [/list]

11-07-2006, 11:02 AM
Thankfully these don't hit all at once (apart from last sunday). Some people have said some of these already so I'll use their words.

<ul type="square"> I have such little respect for my opponents (at an average table) that I have trouble laying down hands when I'm clearly beat.
Assuming someone is drawing because they call my flop bet when there are two of a suit. i always think, "well if he has a hand, he would raise me"
Still tilt a little once in a while but am pretty in control of this one now.
Being too aggressive, too loose, too reckless. At times, basically wanting to gamble
Drinking while playing - I've got this in check a lot recently.
Not realising what my table image is at that current moment.
FPS with the wrong type of player (always choose the loose pasive)
Not fully concentrating on the game in hand (either playing too many tables or skimming the internet) [/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol. You are my brother from another mother.

11-07-2006, 11:07 AM
Two recently discovered ones.

1. Occasional impulse to play too many tables. At 6-max my play is optimum at 3 tables, and goes all to hell at 4. But every once in a while I play 4, get overwhelmed, and lose $$. Great example if this, I open folded A9 (!!) on a 9 high board by mistake after a preflop raise, and would have won about a $30 pot with the action that ensued /images/graemlins/frown.gif

2. Getting impatient with smallball poker after running good for a period of days. This one sucks because it tends to mean that at the tail end of a heater I drop a buy-in or two unneccesarily.

11-07-2006, 11:13 AM
Leak #1: Not folding a hand on turn or river when your opponent is beating you over the head with a raise, and telling you to 'take a walk on a short pier'

Leak #2: Once in a long session, slip into playing passively based and letting the table control the action. Almost like becoming a passenger rather than a driver.

11-08-2006, 11:13 AM
I found a new leak. I often misplay my hand on 3-flush flops.

11-08-2006, 11:31 AM
Paying off when opponents hit 2-5 outters, because i cant understand how they called large bets.

11-08-2006, 11:34 AM
- I never fold to a miniraise pf.
- doesnt matter if im sure villian has QQ+, i got JJ as an overpair, so i go to the felt.
- I tilt tooooooooooooooo much, tooooooooo much.
- I suck against shortstackers.

and a lot of other things

11-08-2006, 11:49 AM
misplay draws
don't semi-bluff enough (see "misplay draws" above)
overplay TP, overpair hands
3-bet range is too tight
don't 2nd barrel enough/at the right times
bad at blind wars
bad focus at the table

I think these are my largest ones

11-08-2006, 11:56 AM
* I take c-betting and second barrels too far. Sometimes I'll wind up losing my stack with 2 overcards against someone who will call down with top pair.
* I'm still applying many limit concepts in my game (I'm a convert) that really don't fit into a good strategy.
* I miss value on scary rivers because I check behind too often.
* I don't respect my opponents enough. Even the good ones. I label players too quickly based on their stats and not the particular actions they make. This leads me to some very bad decisions.
* I don't apply hand reading concepts until late in the hand.
* I call too often, even when I'm fairly sure I'm beat.
* I'm not aggressive enough with my strong draws.
* Recently, I've started tilting. I've never tilted before (at least, not noticeably). For example, last night I got it all in on the flop with AA on a Kxx board and my opponent rivered his 5 outer to beat me (had KJ, spiked trips on the river). After that hand, I dropped 2 buy-ins on 2 tables.
* Try to play hands when I'm card dead. Some of this is frustration, some of it is my conception of the table image I have. The problem is that I still use this against players who aren't aware of my table image.
* Playing 4 hi-speed 6-max tables. I dominate when playing 3, but get slaughtered when I play 4.
* I get tricky when I shouldn't.
* I don't review previous sessions enough. I'll skim the top winners and losers, and put a short comment like (fold turn). I should be ripping apart the hand in my head, and digesting the whole thing. One-line comments are worthless.
* I don't properly exercise seat selection.
* I call too many raises PF after I've limped in.
* I've reached the point where I think I'm a better player than I actually am. Thankfully, I'm trying to fix this.
* I drink when I play. I like drinking when I get home from work, but I forget that I'm still at work while playing.

11-08-2006, 11:57 AM
cracker calling stations have been hitting crap on me lately. I think this is taking away from my profits.

11-08-2006, 12:03 PM
Overbetting people out of pots when I have an edge / made hand - Should make smaller bets to keep people in instead of taking the pot down.

Not quitting when I'm on a downswing

Sometimes I get pushed off a hand w/large bets - Need better reads, confidence.

11-08-2006, 12:39 PM
My biggest weakness is having something like QQ or KK in a late position and being convinced that at the turn the early raiser has AA and i still dont get away from it.

I have the feeling he has it. The past few times i have miscalled his all-in i have been right.

It's when i don't listen to my instincts that i lose big money.

11-08-2006, 12:42 PM
1. I put too much faith in my HUD.
2. I assume any player who buys in short is an idiot, and give them little credit for a hand.
3. I don't fold the best hand often enough.
4. I adjust too much to my table image.
5. I don't bluff enough on the river and I bluff too much on the turn.
6. I'm too tight from the button.
7. I don't think long enough before making really big decisions.
8. I quit too soon in order to "book a win."
9. I bluff with obvious lines against people too dense to pay attention to what I'm representing.
10. I don't stray out of my comfort zone often enough.

11-08-2006, 12:44 PM
Pokey, you seem to have a respected opinion around here, what do you think about my post above. If you have struggled from this problem, how did you train yourself not to get too attached to a high PP.

11-08-2006, 12:57 PM
Off the top of my head and Pokey's list /images/graemlins/wink.gif

2. Believe villans are bluffing when they bet big more often than they actually are.


3. I assume any player who buys in short is an idiot, and give them zero credit for a hand.

4. I don't think long enough before making really big decisions.

[/ QUOTE ]

5.I view UTG+1 more like CO/BTN than UTG and play too loose often.

6. Don't raise limpers often enough from BTN/CO/SB/BB

7. Get annoyed when players I think are TAGs make bad moves and suckout on me.

AND no.1 MUNKEY should alway trust his reads.

Rereading my post I noticed the use of the word 'often' -so at least I'm a stage one of admitting/noticing my leaks -now to fix them.
Hans Brinker wherefore art thou? /images/graemlins/wink.gif

11-08-2006, 01:10 PM
i think my mean leads are not folding marginal hands often enough and dont betting strong enough the good ones. when i try to frame it i end up sometimes playing like a maniac or like a weak-tigh, poker is difficult yep

11-08-2006, 01:14 PM
New one that I'm realizing: too passive on the river.

11-08-2006, 01:15 PM
All of these (already listed by others)

"I overplay TPTK and overpairs. No pot control."

"I have such little respect for my opponents (at an average table) that I have trouble laying down hands when I'm clearly beat."

And I'd add these:

- I often oversize my flop or turn bets and blow opponents out of the hand, rather than bet enough for them to call incorrectly.

- I sometimes play tired, which means I play worse and make fuzzy decisions

- I'm sometimes too weak post-flop miss opportunities to win with aggressive play

11-08-2006, 08:04 PM
Pokey, you seem to have a respected opinion around here, what do you think about my post above. If you have struggled from this problem, how did you train yourself not to get too attached to a high PP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just remind myself that this hand is only marginally better than TPTK. When you realize that your hand is almost the same as TPTK, and that any two pair or better beats you, you start to realize that against most opponents you don't want to risk your stack on this hand. You go for pot control and you fold if necessary.

Recognize that there is no sin in folding the best hand, and that folding the best hand in a small pot is FAR better than calling along and then losing a huge pot on the river. You have to incorrectly think your best hand is worst VERY many times before folding the best hand in a small pot adds up to a significant leak; you only have to call down big bets with the worst hand a couple times before it's a significant problem for your winrate. Minimize the most damaging problem and you'll be moving in the right direction with your game.

11-08-2006, 08:38 PM

-When I'm down money or not getting cards, I'll raise 43s and 86o utg just to play a hand.
-I don't trust my reads and pay off a lot of bets.
-I miss value bets.
-I bluff calling stations on all 3 streets.
-I bluff calling stations in back-to-back-to-back hands.
-I overplay JJ-99 and AQ-AJ preflop.

I basically don't do anything right and somehow it works out to be breakeven poker.

[/ QUOTE ]


Jay Riall
11-08-2006, 08:44 PM
Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ Hero (3 handed) Hand History Converter Tool (http://poker-tools.flopturnriver.com/Hand-Converter.php) from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com) (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Button ($93.50)
SB ($174.44)
Hero ($234.65)

Preflop: Hero is BB with K/images/graemlins/club.gif, K/images/graemlins/spade.gif. SB posts a blind of $0.50.
<font color="#666666">1 fold</font>, <font color="#CC3333">SB (poster) raises to $3.5</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $14</font>, SB calls $11.

Flop: ($30) J/images/graemlins/heart.gif, 6/images/graemlins/diamond.gif, 8/images/graemlins/diamond.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, <font color="#CC3333">Hero bets $23</font>, SB calls $23.

Turn: ($76) Q/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, Hero checks.

River: ($76) 7/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
<font color="#CC3333">SB bets $20</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $70</font>, SB calls $116.44 (All-In), Hero calls $66.44.

Final Pot: $348.88

Results in white below: <font color="#FFFFFF">
SB has Th 9h (straight, queen high).
Hero has Kc Ks (one pair, kings).
Outcome: SB wins $348.88. </font>

I make [censored] idiotic plays like this one.....
Man I suck.

11-08-2006, 08:45 PM
I slowplay in 25NL. Even if I flop the nuts I don't think it's ever good to slowplay. It's much easier to just bet your great hands out and people will call you with crappy hands. It's all about building the pot. Now, if some guy will bluff off his whole stack if you keep checking, it's a bit different.

Jay Riall
11-08-2006, 08:53 PM
I slowplay in 25NL. Even if I flop the nuts I don't think it's ever good to slowplay. It's much easier to just bet your great hands out and people will call you with crappy hands. It's all about building the pot. Now, if some guy will bluff off his whole stack if you keep checking, it's a bit different.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blanket statements like don't slowplay suck. It is good in certain situations (not too many admittidely). Manipulating your range against a good player is a good example. As is a huge hand in a situation where the pot is already built from pf action.

11-08-2006, 09:04 PM
1) Continuing to play when I'm playing my C game (ie blowing off my profit for the last 2 weeks in one long horrible session)
2) Taking too many shots higher and then getting knocked back down to a level below where I should be playing
3) I go back and forth between being too weak-tight and too much of a station on a regular basis
4) Take too long to slow down when my image is shot or table conditions have changed

Note: I think at 50NL and below too many people are worrying too much about getting away from overpairs and TPTK. At those stakes you should be willing to play for stacks in general the exception is solid players and passive players who suddenly become aggressive. I don't think not getting away from AA at 50NL is a big leak unless the board is something like 89TJ3..

11-08-2006, 09:14 PM
dunno about a list your leaks thread...now something like WHAT THIS THREAD DID (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/favlinker.php?Cat=0&amp;Entry=248953&amp;F_Board=mlplnl&amp;Th read=5376759&amp;partnumber=1&amp;postmarker=) is pretty solid.

11-08-2006, 09:36 PM
I have a lot (im pretty new)

I dont size my bets correctly alot of times.
I let my ego get in the way "I can outplay this guy after the flop."
I tilt (working on that)
I need to stop calling out of position.
I need to break limit habits.

11-08-2006, 09:57 PM
* I drink when I play. I like drinking when I get home from work, but I forget that I'm still at work while playing.

[/ QUOTE ]

11-08-2006, 10:13 PM
Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ Hero (3 handed) Hand History Converter Tool (http://poker-tools.flopturnriver.com/Hand-Converter.php) from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com) (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Button ($93.50)
SB ($174.44)
Hero ($234.65)

Preflop: Hero is BB with K/images/graemlins/club.gif, K/images/graemlins/spade.gif. SB posts a blind of $0.50.
<font color="#666666">1 fold</font>, <font color="#CC3333">SB (poster) raises to $3.5</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $14</font>, SB calls $11.

Flop: ($30) J/images/graemlins/heart.gif, 6/images/graemlins/diamond.gif, 8/images/graemlins/diamond.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, <font color="#CC3333">Hero bets $23</font>, SB calls $23.

Turn: ($76) Q/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, Hero checks.

River: ($76) 7/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
<font color="#CC3333">SB bets $20</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $70</font>, SB calls $116.44 (All-In), Hero calls $66.44.

Final Pot: $348.88

Results in white below: <font color="#FFFFFF">
SB has Th 9h (straight, queen high).
Hero has Kc Ks (one pair, kings).
Outcome: SB wins $348.88. </font>

I make [censored] idiotic plays like this one.....
Man I suck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Holy crap, thats sick gross especially given the turn and river cards. definitly fix that.

Jay Riall
11-08-2006, 10:55 PM
Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ Hero (3 handed) Hand History Converter Tool (http://poker-tools.flopturnriver.com/Hand-Converter.php) from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com) (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Button ($93.50)
SB ($174.44)
Hero ($234.65)

Preflop: Hero is BB with K/images/graemlins/club.gif, K/images/graemlins/spade.gif. SB posts a blind of $0.50.
<font color="#666666">1 fold</font>, <font color="#CC3333">SB (poster) raises to $3.5</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $14</font>, SB calls $11.

Flop: ($30) J/images/graemlins/heart.gif, 6/images/graemlins/diamond.gif, 8/images/graemlins/diamond.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, <font color="#CC3333">Hero bets $23</font>, SB calls $23.

Turn: ($76) Q/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, Hero checks.

River: ($76) 7/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
<font color="#CC3333">SB bets $20</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $70</font>, SB calls $116.44 (All-In), Hero calls $66.44.

Final Pot: $348.88

Results in white below: <font color="#FFFFFF">
SB has Th 9h (straight, queen high).
Hero has Kc Ks (one pair, kings).
Outcome: SB wins $348.88. </font>

I make [censored] idiotic plays like this one.....
Man I suck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Holy crap, thats sick gross especially given the turn and river cards. definitly fix that.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was on steaming monkey tilt at the time. I don't suck - honest!

11-08-2006, 11:48 PM
Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ Hero (3 handed) Hand History Converter Tool (http://poker-tools.flopturnriver.com/Hand-Converter.php) from FlopTurnRiver.com (http://www.flopturnriver.com) (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Button ($93.50)
SB ($174.44)
Hero ($234.65)

Preflop: Hero is BB with K/images/graemlins/club.gif, K/images/graemlins/spade.gif. SB posts a blind of $0.50.
<font color="#666666">1 fold</font>, <font color="#CC3333">SB (poster) raises to $3.5</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $14</font>, SB calls $11.

Flop: ($30) J/images/graemlins/heart.gif, 6/images/graemlins/diamond.gif, 8/images/graemlins/diamond.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, <font color="#CC3333">Hero bets $23</font>, SB calls $23.

Turn: ($76) Q/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
SB checks, Hero checks.

River: ($76) 7/images/graemlins/spade.gif <font color="#0000FF">(2 players)</font>
<font color="#CC3333">SB bets $20</font>, <font color="#CC3333">Hero raises to $70</font>, SB calls $116.44 (All-In), Hero calls $66.44.

Final Pot: $348.88

Results in white below: <font color="#FFFFFF">
SB has Th 9h (straight, queen high).
Hero has Kc Ks (one pair, kings).
Outcome: SB wins $348.88. </font>

I make [censored] idiotic plays like this one.....
Man I suck.

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Holy crap, thats sick gross especially given the turn and river cards. definitly fix that.

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I was on steaming monkey tilt at the time. I don't suck - honest!

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then its not really an idiotic play (I mean, if you were playing rationally and did this, then yes, your brain fell out of your head)...but if you are on that crazy tilt, take 5, walk the dog. Or you could do this, its a zen thing, GuyOnTilt gave me this advice and it worked...if you are going on tilt or getting pissed, stop and take 10 DEEP breathes and calm your mind, just let go, dont shout, punch or kick the cat, just let it go. After 10 breathes get back to playing.

11-09-2006, 01:28 PM
I tilt like a crazed monkey.

I don't respect preflop reraises. Ever.

I get too involved in reraised pots, and don't fold enough (might be fixed now though).

I like to call down bluffs a little too much.

I don't fire enough second barrels. Similarily, I don't cbet often enough. My preflop range UTG and UTG+1 is too tight, and I can be pushed off overcards on low flops ALL the time.

Cold call too much preflop. I think I've more or less plugged this though, by not calling anymore ;-)