View Full Version : Writing A Paper Regarding Gambling

john voight
11-06-2006, 04:01 AM
Sorry If this is in the wrong section, IMO it could have gone in the Dorm, or possibly OOT. Feel free to move it if it doesn't belong in Gambling Legislation.

I need to write an argumentative essay where I support gambling. I will be arguing the ethics of it - it is a legitimate thing in terms of job, fun, entertainment, etc...

I need evidence to back this up. Any ideas? 8 pages of double spaced argument I need.

Secondly I will bash the anti gambling side. I will need factual numbers here most likely. Any ideas? I need to prove that gambling does not have the social problems that are stereotyped with it.

Lastly, I will offer a solution - how to preserve gambling in a positive manner.

Note: I'm not asking for you guys to do the report for me, I just would appreciate it if I could get enough info to have a convincing argument. We are graded mostly on our writing style, the content behind it is secondary. However I will be presenting this to fellow peers, and would like to persuade everyone I can, that gambling is legitimate.

Thanks for the help.

11-06-2006, 05:04 AM
"8 pages of double spaced argument I need."

Very well you will do.

May the Force be with you.

11-06-2006, 09:57 AM
When thinking of jobs, besides professional gamblers, are you thinking of including casino employees? The casinos, race tracks and card rooms across our country probably employ over 100,000. (that might be Vegas alone)

Gambling is just as legetimate as a pastime (fun activity) just as watching TV, playing video games, going to the movies, listening to music. People enjoy being entertained, having fun and do not need to be active in some humanitarian effort every moment of their lives. Many forms of gambling also offer a social element. Playing poker with friends, having fun rooting for the shooter at a craps table, etc.

Gambling also offers the the chance to study, learn, and ultimately come out ahead. Blackjack, horse racing and poker are beatable games by those willing to study to develope the knowledge and skills to win.

It is true that with gambling comes problems. 4% of people exposed to gambling develope a gambling addiction. Most of those do not lose their homes, but still causes serious problems for them and their families.

The numbers are similar to alcohol. 4% of drinkers will develope a serious drinking problem.

I would never argue gambling does not have problems associated with it. I would argue people are responsible for controlling their behavior. 60% of Americans occassionally drink and about the same number occassionally gamble. Are we going to bring back prohibition of alchohol and close down our casinos because some people get out of control?

The answers lie in regulation, controls and providing programs for those who develop problems.

11-07-2006, 12:17 PM
OP, I have chosen almost the exact same topic for a large argumentive presentation I need to make to my class. I'd be interested in seeing some of the information you have gathered and I'd be happy to share mine when I get started. Shoot me a PM.

11-07-2006, 01:20 PM
I need to write an argumentative essay where I support gambling. I will be arguing the ethics of it - it is a legitimate thing in terms of job, fun, entertainment, etc...

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Not sure what you are arguing. If you are going to argue that legal gambling is legitimate, that gets redundant.

If you are going to argue that illegal gambling is or should be legitimate, good luck. Narrow it down to illegal poker and it might be easier.

11-07-2006, 02:00 PM
This sounds similar to what i had to do for my english class a week ago. Mine was 7 pages doubled spaced. It first discussed why gambling shouldbe allowed, then refuted the opposing arguments. I looked at the FAQ link in this forum to find a couple of my sources.
Good luck

11-07-2006, 04:21 PM
Last year for english 104 I wrote a 10-page research paper on the legality of online gambling. I think it was fairly well written for what it was. Anyhow, over the summer Bonuswhores.com had an essay contest, so I figured, what the heck, I already wrote it, why not. So I sent it in and got 2nd place for $100, which ain't to shabby for a college paper I wasn't going to do anything with anyhow.

Anyhow, the essay is currently posted on bonuswhores.com if any of you want to read it. I am by no means a great writer, but it is well researched, though it is meant to be read by a teacher who has no idea what I am talking about.

The paper can be found Here (http://www.bonuswhores.com/online-poker-articles/internet-gambling.php)

And goodluck with your stuff.

11-07-2006, 06:54 PM
"I wrote a 10-page research paper on the legality of online gambling..."

Want some constructive criticism ? You did not write about the legality of online gambling, you wrote about whether or not online gambling was good or bad. ... I'll give you credit for identifying issues where it was "good", but you glossed over "bad".

Congratulations on the $100.

11-08-2006, 02:19 AM
I am by no means a great writer,

[/ QUOTE ]

Not a great sales job so I will pass on reading your essay. Your conclusion about online gambling's legal status would be interesting information to share. I would read that.