View Full Version : How will you be voting?

11-03-2006, 09:48 AM
Not that it will make a difference, but I'm just curious.

I'll be voting;

Where I have a chioce,
Libertarian first, Independant second

Where I do not have a chioce,

11-03-2006, 10:50 AM
With a pen.

But it might be a touch-screen this year...I don't know yet! It's exciting though!

slim speedy
11-03-2006, 12:10 PM
I am torn. I normally vote libertarian, but I might need to vote for the democrat for governor as its a pretty close race against the incumbent Republican.

11-03-2006, 12:39 PM
i will not be voting,

First time I won't vote when I could have, and I was able to vote in 2000

11-03-2006, 12:45 PM
I am a Republican, but I will not be voting as one this fall. Tom Tancredo (R) is my Representative and I won't vote for him. In addition, one of the representatives out of my district, Bob Beauprez (R), is running for governor so I will not be voting for him as well. I will vote Libretarian in both races. In Colorado we are screwed all the way around with the US House. All 7 Colorado Reps voted for HR 4411. 4 Republicans and 3 democrats.

11-03-2006, 01:02 PM
I am voting for Democrats where they need reelection or can oust Republicans. Lesser of the most evil. Aside from that I am voting for them all to go to hell.

11-03-2006, 01:10 PM
I'm voting Democrat all the way for several reasons. First, although there were a lot of dems who voted for the bill, they are definitely the most likely party to legalize online gambling.

In the Senate, if the Dems win, Harry Reid will become the majority leader and Harry has asked for a study on online gaming in the past.

In the house, of the 90 something people who voted against the bill, only 17 were none dems (meaning 73 were dems). Those numbers may be 1 or 2 off, but they are close.

If you want online gaming to be legal, the Dems have to control the house and the senate.

The main thing we need to do is MAKE SURE everyone gets out and votes. This election will come down to how many people actually went out and voted based on their convictions.

11-03-2006, 01:11 PM
I've voted almost exclusively Republican since 1970. This year I voted against every Republican on the ballot. I voted for the Democrat in races that mattered where there was some chance of knocking off a Republican, and Libertarian in all others.

I'll be voting the same way for the rest of my life, or until Republicans regain control of their own party from the Taliban, whichever comes first.

11-03-2006, 01:18 PM

11-03-2006, 01:23 PM
I am voting for Democrat across the board (for the first time ever), although in Massachusetts it won't matter since they always win by large margins anyhow.