View Full Version : Last Minute Contributions: The Bipartisan Edition

11-03-2006, 12:46 AM
Let me first state, I am a Republican, but like many here I do believe that the best environment for e-gaming is a Democratic controlled Congress. That being said, if you are in the mood for some last minute giving here is where I feel our money would be best spent. I’ve also included a few GOP "friends of gaming" currently in tough races on the House side... so if you are a Republican and just can’t bring yourself to give to a Democrat be sure to give to these individuals. Sorry it took so long to get this posted but as it's election season and my schedule has been quite hectic.


Jim Pederson (D) - AZ
Latest Poll Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2006/senate/az/arizona_senate_race-35.html)
Donate Here (http://www.actblue.com/page/pokerplayers )

As I’m sure everyone knows by now, Jim Pederson’s opponent, Jon Kyl, sponsored the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act that was snuck into the SAFE Port Act 2006 at the last moment. The Port Act passed without a recorded vote or debate on the UIGEA amendment. Kyl has been actively fighting for this legislation for more than 10 years. Poll numbers show that Pederson is closing in on Kyl and a Pederson victory would be a huge win for internet gaming.

Jon Tester (D) – MT
Latest Poll Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2006/senate/mt/montana_senate_race-11.html)
Donate Here (http://www.actblue.com/page/pokerplayerstakeaction)

Although I have not been able to confirm it with the Tester camp, it has been posted on this board (and at the PPA forum) that Tester would support a bill with an online poker exemption while his incumbent opponent Conrad Burns would not (Link) (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=law&Number=7806908&Search page=1&Main=7802559&Words=%26quot%3Btester%26quot% 3B&topic=&Search=true#Post7806908). Tester is holding on by the narrowest of margins with a 47-46 lead in a Reuters/Zogby poll and a 50-46 lead in a Rasmussen poll, both well within the margin of error.

Jim Webb (D) – VA
Latest Poll Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2006/senate/va/virginia_senate_race-14.html)
Donate Here (http://www.actblue.com/page/pokerplayerstakeaction)

I think this might end up the tightest Senate race in the country as the polls have been all over the place. VA is my home state and I will be doing something I have only done once before in my life… casting a vote for a Democrat.

Claire McCaskill (D) – MO
Latest Poll Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2006/senate/mo/missouri_senate_race-12.html)
Donate Here (http://www.actblue.com/page/pokerplayerstakeaction )

See this link (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=law&Number=7770567&Search page=3&Main=7770567&Words=mccaskill&topic=&Search= true#Post7770567) for some background information on this race. Claire McCaskill is holding a narrow lead over incumbent Jim Talent. The latest Reuters/Zogby Poll has McCaskill leading 46-43 while Rasmussen has her up 48-47.


Richard Pombo (R) - CA11
Latest Poll Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2006/house/ca/california_11-169.html)
Donate Here (https://www.completecampaigns.com/FR/contribute.asp?campaignid=Pombo)

One of the few Republicans who voted against HR4411, Pombo has been hurt quite a bit by the Abramoff scandal and is currently trailing his opponent 48-46. Pombo has been a true champion for our cause and needs our support.

Jon Porter (R) - NV3
Latest Poll Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/writeup/nevada_3-13.html)
Donate Here (https://www.spaldingdonations.com/porter/)

Voted against HR4411 and co-sponsored HR5474, the bill to study internet gaming. Representative Porter represents southern NV including the cities of Henderson, East Las Vegas and Boulder City. The most recent poll has Porter at 46% versus his opponents 39%, with a margin of error of 5%. The district went 50% Bush, 49% Kerry in 2004 and with the likely democratic push in the upcoming election expect this race to tighten up a bit.

Notes on Making Contributions:
I quickly threw up a page at Act Blue for to contribute to Tester, Webb and McCaskill and will try to fill in more content ASAP. If you do give to the GOP candidates I listed you will have to do so directly through their campaign web pages as there does not seem to be an Act Blue type site for GOPers. If you have time please follow up your contribution with a quick email explaining why you supported them.