View Full Version : Sinners

11-02-2006, 09:10 PM
I don't think there is anyone qualified to answer this question, so I'm not exactly sure who it is aimed at. But the question I'm asking is:

Is god capable of sinning?

I think there are some interesting discussions to be had for either answer. Anyone want to chime in with this?

11-02-2006, 09:39 PM
If we are, she is. If we aren't, she isn't.

Tautological question. The avatar made it worth replying to though. Hmm.

11-02-2006, 09:50 PM
OK something more to add then.

Has god ever sinned?

11-02-2006, 10:02 PM
If she was responsible for creating self-awareness and crating a false enviroment in where people get punished for such a narrow range of moral mistakes... Yes.

11-02-2006, 10:26 PM
Speaking about God as a conscious being able to do such things as "sinning" is pretty ludicrous and pointless IMO. Theorizing about God's nature, or sex (why the [censored] do people talk about this so much, its mind numbingly retarded) is a waste of time. If their is a "creator" (I hate to use any word that makes it sound like there is the slightest possibility of a supernatural "being") it/he/she whatever qualifier you want to use would be so far beyond our comprehension we couldn't even began to comprehend why we can't comprehend it.

11-02-2006, 10:26 PM
It's definitional at least in Lutheran Dogmantics:

1. Sin is a failure to act in accordance with God's will.

2. the above is a consequence of God's goodness (definitional attribute of God), what God wants and does is good, anything contrary to this is sin.
Had abraham been unwilling to prepare his son as a child sacrifice that would have been sinfull. His willingness to comply showed his saintly nature and God blessed him accordingly.

3. God's omnipotence requires that has control over his own actions (i.e he does not according to doctrine have involuntary sinfull spasms )

So whatever god does is Good, and that includes the mass exterminations of Bad people.
Conversly if God does it it's not a sin.

In legal terms the laws he makes do not apply to the legislator, its a bit like a traditional monarchy with the concept of Crown immunity.

More seriously though the laws defining sin are intended to help us humans, not as restrictions on God's own conduct..