View Full Version : PPA

11-02-2006, 01:27 PM
I hope that the PPA is succussful in whatever they are attempting since they appear to be the Biggest Fighter in our Corner.

I found out about the PPA by searching the internet about news stories on the legislation. I was angry enough about the legislation to find everything I can about it and that is how I found out about the PPA by Accident. I would not have known about the PPA if not for the legislation.

I've thought about joining the PPA but have decided that I will join them when they ask me.

I have little faith that they can get the numbers they need until they go out and recruit the numbers. Instead of waiting for people to search the internet and stumble across the PPA by Accident. There are databases with Players and Email Addresses all over the place.

When I recieve an Email from the PPA addressed Dear Poker Player. I will join and Contribute. I will give Money and I will give Time because at that point I will know they are on the right track. If no attempt is made to recruit the average Poker Player like me to the cause. 23 Million Poker players means nothing and will continue to be so. Until the PPA gets it act together. I will keep searching and waiting for better options to get behind.

11-02-2006, 01:43 PM
I joined after reading tons of articles about them on several poker sites. I read about several pros endorsing them as well. Had I learned about them because they spammed me, I would not have joined.

11-02-2006, 01:59 PM
I, like hugheser, do not appreciate spam. Sometimes you have to do what's right and make the first move.

11-02-2006, 02:00 PM
I hope that the PPA is succussful in whatever they are attempting since they appear to be the Biggest Fighter in our Corner. . . . .

When I recieve an Email from the PPA addressed Dear Poker Player. I will join and Contribute. I will give Money and I will give Time because at that point I will know they are on the right track. If no attempt is made to recruit the average Poker Player like me to the cause. 23 Million Poker players means nothing and will continue to be so. Until the PPA gets it act together. I will keep searching and waiting for better options to get behind.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL at fat assed lazy MOFO's who won't lift a finger until someone tells them to. And this guy probably wonders why poker got banned in the first place . . . Here's your answer: Because people like you don't do anything but complain.

"The world is falling apart, and I really hope someone else does something about it, in fact I've found someone who is, but until they specifically ask me and my overblown sense of importance to join them, I'm just going to sit on my fat ass" . . .

You want poker? Then quit 'yer bitchin', wipe your own ass, and do something about it. Join the PPA, donate some $$$, and ask everyone you know to do the same. If you've got a better plan, I'm open to hearing it, but in the meantime DO SOMETHING YOU FAT SLOB.

Ok, sorry for the rant, but I'm getting sick of the do-nothings whining constantly while many of us are emailing our congresspersons, joining the PPA, giving financially, calling the local media, etc . . . .

11-02-2006, 02:07 PM
Unsolicited emails usually go straight into my trash bin without ever being read. Additionally, most online poker sites are pretty good about keeping your info private. There are exceptions.

I joined the PPA when Party Poker asked members to support them and gave a nice bonus and reasonably decent tshirt to everyone that joined.

If you join I will send you my tshirt as it is a little small.

11-02-2006, 02:36 PM
FYI - The PPA is sending out a letter asking all poker players to join, signed by 30 pros:

30 Poker Pros Sign Letter Endorsing PPA
The Pros Encourage Players to Join Organization

Now get off your ass and do something.

11-02-2006, 03:04 PM
Well, that comment certainly got some people angry.

I'll do something and have done something. I've sent letters to the editor of 3 the biggest newspapers in my state. Of course, that's ciruclation 47 collectively in North Dakota but I sent letters to be printed. I've written my congressman and Senator's... I've sent Money to Pederson... I'm ready to get behind anything and put Time and Money into it.

There may be a dislike for spam but C'mon... Someone has to be trying to reach the masses. And I see no attempt thus far. That is my point and frustration!

Scream at me all you like. I'm on your side and I've done as much or more as most people.

11-02-2006, 03:09 PM
I joined the PPA because I knew it was the right thing to do. In fact it was the only thing to do, otherwise I would not have received that Party Poker bonus........

11-02-2006, 04:14 PM
The PPA is all over the media. Doing interviews, lobbying, writing articles for magazines, etc. Their doing a lot to get poker players voices heard and to reach out. The President has posted on this forum and he's even returned some of my e-mails. But because he hasn't managed to find you out of millions of other poker players, you'll wait. I applaud what you have done so far but I think it's pretty stupid to say you will join as soon as they e-mail you. They would personally lose quite a bit of respect with me if they started spamming people because they think they might support the cause.

11-02-2006, 06:28 PM
I joined after reading tons of articles about them on several poker sites. I read about several pros endorsing them as well. Had I learned about them because they spammed me, I would not have joined.

[/ QUOTE ]Agreed,most people have negative view on being spammed.

11-02-2006, 07:13 PM
I am not kidding. What PPA is doing is "giving support" to some guys pinched in a $20 home poker game in South Carolina.

Google it, for the practice of actually researching something.

No, wait ... they are also busy collecting money.

How is THAT for focus on the big picture?

11-02-2006, 11:25 PM
I thought that case in SC was settled out of court.
The South Carolina 18. (http://www.pokernews.com/news/2006/10/south-carolina-poker-bust-disappear.htm)

11-03-2006, 09:10 AM
North I dont know y it took u so long to find out about them but at least u found out about them. I found out about them before summer time and joined right away after reading some stuff on there site. I dont know how I found out about them but since I did I have seen them run tourneys on p-stars for memberships, party made it easy to join by depositing with them which made membership free, during the WSOP they had a recruiting campaign going and becuase of that there numbers went from 20k to either 100k or 120k cant remember which. I think that all the poker sites should send out e-mails about the PPA and when u log onto there sites should have there greeting message talk about the PPA and if not the PPA then another organization that supports poker players. (I dont know of any other but wouldnt be surprised if other were started)