View Full Version : BM game, PF decision

11-02-2006, 06:12 AM
Villain ~$16.50
Hero covers.

I just announced to the table this was my last hand.

Reads: I know this player quite well, we play university donkaments all the time. He's quite aggressive PF (and quite passive postflop, but that's of no consequence here), for the entire cash game he's been getting 2nd best cards and rags. At this point in time he just rebought and is down ~$15 so his emotional state may or may not be relevant.

Blinds are 10c/10c, CO posted $1 in the dark. (it's a fun game)

Villain is UTG+2, raises to $4 folds to me in SB (pot is now ~$5.20).

I have AKo.


11-02-2006, 09:21 AM

11-02-2006, 09:24 AM
GAmboool~! It's a fun game right?/

11-02-2006, 09:27 AM
Just push, it's AK and they suck.

11-02-2006, 09:38 AM
Yeah definitely push. Even if you get called it will most probably be a coin flip but you have a lot of folding equity and you are happy to get the pot now.

11-02-2006, 09:41 AM
Okay so i said this was my last hand, does the following change anyone's mind?

i've been playing for ~3 hours, and im up ~$13. Villain has $16.50.

And yes, it's an end-of-semester university/college game

Edit: I've thought about it and i could probably narrow the villain's range down to TT-AA, AK, AQs(maybe), KQs(maybe) i've plugged those into pokerstove and i have ~45% equity. Does this alter anyone's play?

11-02-2006, 11:06 AM
Read NLHETAP. AK is a good all-in hand.

You really only fear AA, even vs. KK you have a decent shot, and against everything else you're a coin flip or substantially better.

So with $5 in the pot already, and conditions indicating a pretty wide calling range from villain, a push is fine.

Now if this were a straight cash game, a la online, then it's different. You're deep stacked, and you may only get a call from AA/KK if you push, so that would change things a lot. But given the conditions you describe, I think a push is at least neutral EV.