View Full Version : technologic in the well

11-01-2006, 01:08 AM
hey all, i've been asked to do this a while back, but have been pretty busy. anyhow, i don't have that quote, but yeah i think the story is i fall in a well or something, and i'm like oh snap, i need to answer people's questions to get out? not sure. anyway yeah. shoot. hopefully i'll be able to get to your questions asap. i'll try to answer as many as i can.

11-01-2006, 01:29 AM
what did you do with all ur cash from the ME?

11-01-2006, 01:34 AM
do you ever wake up and feel guilty that you have to root for dook and the yankees?

11-01-2006, 01:53 AM
thanks for doing this.

synopsis of your poker career?

thoughts on the current state of poker?

some things ssnl players need to work on?


11-01-2006, 01:57 AM
best ME story?

11-01-2006, 02:03 AM
off the top off my head:

do you still play?

when u were interviewed by phil gordon on the live feed at wsop ME FT, how did you not get in 'lol, donkaments'?

you vs gordon at roshambo. one time wins, for $1000. what do you throw?

have you become 'famous' around campus? (still at college?)

what would you be doing if you hadn't had the WSOP ME donkament FT money? grinding msnl?

how many five year olds?

11-01-2006, 02:17 AM
where did all the weapons we lost in the middle east go?

11-01-2006, 02:27 AM
Any helpful advice on how you transitioned from SSNL to MSNL (and then to donkament fame I guess)?

Talk about Jamie Gold please. And Allen. Did you play a lot with either? How would you compare the level of play from them and others deep in the tournament to a typical MSNL/HSNL online game (ignoring the differences between tournaments and cash games if possible)?

11-01-2006, 03:10 AM

Will Arod be a bomber im 2007?

11-01-2006, 03:26 AM
You going to play next year? What events?

Where did you stay during the Series?

How did you handle the dinner breaks? Did you shlep through lines yourself or did you have someone fetch you some grub?

11-01-2006, 03:29 AM
did you see every set of hole cards throughout the entire WSOP? ie, did you take any breaks/naps (butler style)/forced distractions?

ever realize you were starting to play on tilt and countered it in some manner?

perfect any new chip tricks sitting at the tables for that many hours?

11-01-2006, 04:58 AM
was your play affected at all by the stress of it being the Final Table of the ME.

thoughts on Jamie Gold?

what method do you use for studying/reviewing your hands (in general not just at the WSOP)?

KFC, Jack-in-the-Box, or Taco Bell?

11-01-2006, 05:28 AM
Why did your parents name you "technologic"? Do they work in IT or something?

11-01-2006, 05:42 AM
who do you think is the coolest poker pro you've met?

are you getting more poontang because of your final table appearance in the WSOP..

11-01-2006, 06:02 AM
What are the biggest mistakes that SSNL & uNL players regularly make?
Best tips on reading hands.

11-01-2006, 07:07 AM

11-01-2006, 07:08 AM
What is the most memorable lesson your mum taught you? And why is that?

11-01-2006, 07:15 AM
Why don't they just hitch Duke up to some 18 wheelers and move it to New Jersey?

11-01-2006, 07:35 AM
I am dumb for not knowing this, but what's your name? I completely missed that we had a 2p2'er at the ME FT.

Is your name a reference to the Daft Punk song "Technologic"?

11-01-2006, 01:05 PM
bump, keep asking questions!

11-01-2006, 01:19 PM
How would Jamie Gold do at a HSNL 2+2 table?

11-01-2006, 01:25 PM
Thanks for doing this.

What are some common mistakes you see micro players making and what are the best ways to correct them?

What is the most effective way to beat LAGs?

11-01-2006, 02:43 PM
What was your biggest laydown in the ME?

11-01-2006, 03:04 PM
who was the toughest opponent you played against in the WSOP?

Did you play any other events in the WSOP,?

Did you play any cash games in Vegas? if so what limits and how would you describe the play at Vegas vs online poker ?

What type of music do you listen 2 ?

did you get to meet/see Evelyn Ng? she's hot rite?

11-01-2006, 03:09 PM
what style of play do feel most comfortable playing, and why?

11-01-2006, 03:12 PM
Any notes on some of the name pros that you'd care to share?

11-01-2006, 06:05 PM
What are your plans for the future? Are you going to continue playing poker, or are you going to focus primarily on a career?

What did you major in?

What is the easiest freshmen Writing 20 course? I have to register in like two weeks, and I don't really like writing.

Who was your favorite professor?

11-01-2006, 07:20 PM
this is the most nth level well thread ever, because there's no one down there (also OP doesnt fully understand the concept of 'the well')

11-01-2006, 08:16 PM
How well do you think you ran at the ME?

And, I too would love to hear your thoughts on Jaime Gold (and the HSNL 2p2 table question).

11-01-2006, 08:33 PM
what was your poker career prior to the main event...did you play hsnl or a tourney type

11-01-2006, 08:53 PM

3k towards a new christian diorsuit, a good amount to help my parents out with a loan, 3% to people who had my action.

rest of it has been indefinitely put into a MMA until i settle things with accountant, investment ppl, etc.

i am the anti-baller, i know.


i started playing in 2002 after my senior year in high school, played in a home game at duke, got rocked, read books and posted on 2p2 during sophomore year, started playing online, bonus whored for a bit to build my bankroll up to a couple thousand, started playing 1/2 and 2/4 NL junior year. played really extensively summer after junior year (vegas trip to 2005 WSOP in there watching my buddy) and improved significantly during that summer. started consistently winning at the 2/4NL 3/6NL level by the time i was a senior. summer after senior year i played a lot, and spent around 3500 on qualifiers while playing cash games.

a lot of getting better has just been playing lots and lots of hands, there really is no substitute. talked to posters ML4L, Huskiez, strassa2 along the way for poker advice, etc.

current state of poker: not sure really, haven't played much recently so i don't know what's been going on. i do know that i cashed out everything right now, just in case.

ssnl players need to first learn bankroll management skills. that's key in starting out imho.

i made someone fold KK preflop once without having AA. i won't go too into depth, as it's in one of my trip reports, but to summarize, i limp reraised UTG with 88 to trap a fish, but another guy got in the middle of it, and eventually gave me respeck. all with phil ivey was watching my madness moves (he was sitting to me, yes i'm an idiot fanboy, i know).


i don't play at the moment.
i was trying to remember a lot of things to say at the moment in my interview, i was on the phone prior with Huskiez to figure out what to quickly say. lol donkaments would've been good to say i suppose.
i throw a randomized generated throw, number from my watch, in the order of rock, paper, scissor.
i'm not at college anymore, i graduated. but duke has written some articles on me, so i guess i might have slightly greater recognition on campus if i were to go.
if i hadn't won the ME, i'd probably be doing what i'm doing now, working at a consulting job.
100 5 year olds, i'd imagine. it depends on how big the room is so i can stagger beating them up as they're chasing me.

osama? i'm not a political guy.

as i said earlier, i think the key is bankroll management, so when you take shots, you don't end up getting destroyed. a good way of graduating from SSNL to MSNL is trying new things, rather than being a set miner (an effective strategy at SSNL). playing more aggressively is key, and you think on the second level a lot more (evaluating what your opponents have).

i played with jamie gold probably the most. his play is LAGish, but it definitely has certain weaknesses that can be taken advantage of. allen is definitely a much more complex player that needs to be fooled moreso than jamie. jamie's level of play is probably your typical MSNL player ability, imo, while i haven't really played much HSNL but i imagine allen's play has got to be up there.

arod will most certainly be a bomber in 2007. no possible trade with him can be good for value, and cashman knows this.

i will probably only play the main event next year, and the tournament of champions if they offer it to final tablists again.
during the series, i stayed with strassa2 and AJo go all in in their house until the end of august, where i stayed with strassa2 and foxwoodfiend at strassa2's palms room.
me and jason went to baller places so we wouldn't have to wait in line. holla.

due to my being agitated whenever i have to pee, i missed some hands in the WSOP. i ran obv back and forth.
sometimes after losing a big hand you just have to step back and reevaluate to prevent from going on tilt. talking to strassa2 and huskiez also helped.
no new chip tricks, i have like 0 coordination.

my play was not affected at all by the stress, if anything, it might've been heightened. i felt i played the best i could.
thoughts on jamie have been exhausted already, if you're really interested, check the billions of jamie gold posts in NVG, i'm sure i responded to one of them.
i use pokertracker to evaluate my hands, i suppose? then 2p2 for discussion.
never had jack in the box, don't really like mexican, so i guess kfc.

my name comes from a starcraft id i had back in the day. long story.

ivey, obv. maybe because i built him up in my mind so much. layne flack was pretty chill, as was dutch boyd.
about women, i'm still a loser. haha, i like to keep a low profile so i don't attract gold diggers anyway.

biggest mistakes SSNL posters make is being results oriented and not open minded enough to listen to advice. be willing to open up to logical reasoning.
tips on reading hands...just play a lot and you'll start recognizing certain patterns. just keep guessing what people have and respond accordingly, and if it doesn't work out, evaluate the hand and try to figure out why.

probably A. was there a choice C?

to always try to be humble, i suppose. it just helps develop better relationships with people.

because NJ sucks?

no, as aforementioned, it has to do with a previous nick i made for myself way back when.

jamie gold would get ripped to shreds. no question.

best way to beat LAGs? depends on the type of LAG. basic counter strategy is to never get involved in a hand with a LAG oop, or with a hand you're not willing to apply pressure yourself with.

i don't really remember many key laydowns, because most of my laydown decisions were easy. the calls and the betting parts were a bit more difficult for me...

toughest opponent probably was paul wasicka. he did end up pwn3ing me in the end, heh. richard lee also gave me somewhat of a hard time.
didn't play anything else at the wsop.
played 2/5 NL and 5/10 NL at vegas. play at vegas is horrendous. chips are for sale, k thx.

i try to start off playing a TAG style, then adjust accordingly to my opponents.
didn't really make any notable notes on pros, just that most of them like to splash around a lot early in a tournament i think.

i'm focusing on a career for now, and with the state of online poker, i think it's becoming more inconvenient to think about a poker career.
i majored in economics, with a minor in computer science.
i don't know what the easiest one was, it all depends on your graduate school student who teaches it (they change variously i think).
my favorite professor was Dr. Fullenkamp, my corporate finance professor.


11-01-2006, 08:55 PM

anyone who gets that far in the ME runs insanely well. i put a bad beat on someone after we got it all in on the flop, (i had KK he had JJ on J74 board). but besides that bad beat, my luck came from the fact that most of my coinflips, and favorites were holding up.

11-01-2006, 09:01 PM
3k towards a new christian diorsuit

[/ QUOTE ]
i am the anti-baller, i know.

[/ QUOTE ]
3k suit is baller. holla

11-01-2006, 10:21 PM
I know we can't all be Phil Ivey's but do you feel that the average person with a ton of drive and some ability but nothing special can become a very good poker player?

11-01-2006, 10:23 PM
Awesome! Thanks for stepping in the well, technologic.

You mentioned bankroll management as a #1 for SSNLers. To get from micro to HSNL, what are the other -- less than 9 -- bedrock fundamentals? And can you offer them in some sort of chronology of how you discovered them or how you would expect most to discover them?

11-01-2006, 10:33 PM
How much in taxes do (did) you have to pay after your ME final table?

11-02-2006, 04:13 PM
tech thanks for doing this, but could you quote the person you are responding to? Its tough having to scroll up and down to see what your response is too. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

11-02-2006, 04:51 PM
You've mentioned BR management a few times. Did you have any thign specific you payed attention to other than simply x # of buyins = move up/move down?

I've recently made the transition to nl ring after two years of playing sngs. Any tips on ways to think about playing possible 2nd best hands or made hands on scary boards? especially against thinking/tricky opponents? I find myself losing a good amount of money in these types of situations. Is this just going to be an experience thing?

Jason Strasser (strassa2)
11-03-2006, 03:51 AM

you are a superstar, how does it feel to be the face of college poker?

-loving fan

11-03-2006, 12:31 PM
ehh people here seem to know more about you than doug...

edit: by "here," I mean at college.

11-06-2006, 08:29 PM
wow. is this over already?

11-06-2006, 08:54 PM
appears not many people in micro-NL know who technologic is

11-06-2006, 09:01 PM
Indeed I didnt, until just now /images/graemlins/smile.gif Pretty cool that we have a WSOP ME Final Tabler here /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I dunno if questionhour is over yet, but in case it isnt: what was the fishiest play you have witnessed there? And what was your personal worst play?

11-06-2006, 09:30 PM
Yeah if this was in SSNL, it would get like 10k replies.

11-06-2006, 09:31 PM
yea, i think hes probably done. Not a lot of responses to this, I think the well in general is getting a bit stale.

11-06-2006, 10:58 PM
I guess this could be moved to SSNL?! It'd be neat to hear more!!

03-31-2007, 02:18 PM

you are a superstar, how does it feel to be the face of college poker?

-loving fan

[/ QUOTE ]

it feels great, i guess it makes up for that time when you bad beat my flopped straight with a donkey call of AA on a KQJ board when i was schooling a young lad like you

03-31-2007, 04:11 PM
Gunna ask questions on a few hands where I think I stepped my game up to the next level, tho I'm not sure...

Hand versus a solid TAG at 50NL, his numbers are 22/18/3. I suspect he repops preflop with 45s+/AQs+/AK/66+. I've been playing tight but he probably sees me as at least a 23/20/3+ with a very high steal percent.

$50 stacks,

I open button to $2, he repops to $6 on SB, I call.

Flop: Kd9h7c (Pot 12.50)
He bets $7, I call.
Turn: 4c (Pot: 26.50)
He bets $15, I shove.

What should my shoving range be here approx? I feel like he's likely to have a SC here and he just picked up a draw with that turn card (it was a very good card for this), but I feel like its unlikely he picked up 2pair+.

Another one, where I valuebet or bluff, I don't really know. This guy is kinda fishy, 37/12/1. His AF might be low cuz I could have been playing really aggro, like 4+ AF or something.

I open UTG 5-handed with 99, guy calls in BB.

Flop: 72d3d (Pot 3)
guy checks, I cbet 2.25, he calls
Turn: Td (Pot 7.60)
guy checks, I bet $5, he calls.
River: 2c
guy checks, I bet 14.40 (puts villian all-in).

Also whats your general strategy in reraised pots? How often would you 3ball a TAG UTG open (say 19/15/3 guy)? I'm really unsure of how to play reraised pots, so any additional comments you could add about a general pushing range/what to do in that first hand would be cool.

Thanks for doing this.

04-03-2007, 01:39 AM

Forgive me, but I didn't go to Duke. Which is greater, 1% of 7th place or 5% of 7th place at the ME?

Signed, Your personal photographer

04-03-2007, 02:02 AM

How do you go about playing AA UTG, UTG +1 & MP1?

I try to raise enough to get HU, but sometimes that doesn't work out. Too many players seeing the flop is a sure way to get AA cracked.

I'm wary of people calling w/88,99,TT ect... and hitting their set. It's hard to lay down AA when your reraised...