View Full Version : Game Theory Help!

10-30-2006, 11:15 PM
Hey everyone. I am having a hard time with this problem from my Game Theory class. The professor quickly put up the answer but I have no idea how the hell he got to the final answer. I've worked out most of it below


I've gotten this far:
R: 20d - 10(1-(p+d)) = A
S: -10p + 10(1-(p+d)) = A
P: 10p - 10d - 10(1-(p+d)) = A
10d = 3A
10p = 4A

so plus into first and get

6A - 10 + 4A + 3A = A
12A = 10
A = 10/12, p= 4/10 d = 3/10

This is far as I have gotten

Then below to get the probability my proffessor wrote the following
p=4/10, A=4/12
d=3/10, A=3/12 = 1/4 = .25 (scissors with prob .25)

I'm having trouble figuring out how this step was done... Not sure if I'm having a brain fart or something, but any help would be appreciated (test tomarrow)!