View Full Version : Absolute Poker deposit bonus vs Full Tilt deposit bonus and rakeback

10-30-2006, 12:34 PM
For the first time in ages I thought about changing sites to take advantage of rakeback and the deposit bonuses since Ive started to play more cash.

Im stuck between
1) Absolute 100% deposit bonus up to 750$
2) Full Tilt 100% deposit bonus up to 600$

Which one is easier to clear, on which sites are the games softer generally? I 4table the 50NL 6max games on pokerstars and do quite well. Are both deposit bonuses realistic?

Also, should I sign up through a site like rakereduction.com to get rakeback? is that the best place to get rakeback from?

10-30-2006, 02:20 PM
i'm giving my opinions here...if ur getting rakeback at both, the deal is better for absolute as the RB and the bonus are concurrenta and it won't get deducted from the MGR...since ur playing below 200NL, the bonuses will take u a good amount of time on either site...check bonuswhores' charts to get the exact amount...

as for the games itself, the games at AP tend to be a little rockish while FTP is more loose...

as for rackback site, the standard is 27 for FTP and 28 for absolute...if u try for me, there's risk involved...don't worry about which one, just get a reputable one, like the ones u mentioned...

keep in mind, this is all my opinion...but i think it's good advice...

10-30-2006, 03:44 PM
split your bankroll in half and do both bonuses...also UB has something similiar with rakeback...I've found games at Absolute slightly more difficult

10-30-2006, 04:09 PM
for me the AP better in $$$ but harder in game.
FT alway have more tables and more fish.
If you play 1/2 LIMIT and up
or 100NL and up then AP ok to play
they won't count point until $10 pot.
Best way is have $$$ at both site.
whenever you can find good table @ AP play there.
for me I do play 2-3 AP and 2-3 FT @ same times. If I can't find tables @ AP then I would play 1 AP or none and the rest @ FT.