View Full Version : Exactly HOW HARD will online sites look at residency?

10-28-2006, 10:00 AM
This is kinda a followup to a state-by-state post a few days ago, where a site had to ban certain states, but followed that up with..."if you move, tell us and we'll reinstate you" (essentially saying, "tell me lies.")

It would seem that the ban is something the sites have to at least appear to put forth a good-faith effort, but aren't going to bust their ass to enforce.

If I were to offer a legitamate address in Canada or elsewhere, are they going to ask a lot of questions? If I went to the length of finding a co-conspirator who'd vouch for me in Canada, would that work? It seems like 2+2 could be ideal for this purpose.

BTW, if anyone would like to claim they live at my place (PA) to get around the state-by-state nonsense, PM me.

10-28-2006, 11:21 AM
Wouldn't you need a bank account in that state also? I do have an alternative address and checking account in a safe state that I had to establish after Katrina, but I haven't decided yet if I want to use it for this purpose.

10-28-2006, 05:59 PM
i believe the answer is it depends upon the site and the e-wallet you use to fund it. some sites require that your address at the site match your address on the e-wallet. if the site is willing to look the other way then all you would have to do is get an address in a safe state and change to that address on the site you play on. if the site really wants to be a stickler about the issue then they will look at your isp and determine where it is originating from and block based on that. if that were to be true and you lived in an unsafe state then you would have to set up a proxy server out of state.

10-29-2006, 11:50 AM
Basically, a number of poker sites have said they will take business from variously 41 - 45 States' residents. At least 2 poker sites have made no such restriction and seem wide open. (That latter number will grow by the way).

The bottom line issue will be the availability of deposit methods. A site may be willing to take a deposit, but who will process it ?

So far, no processor has stepped up and publicly said about US business, damn the torpedoes. There seems to be no State-by-State theory at play among processors.

There will be some who, once the Regulations are out, will turn a blind eye, to the extent they are permitted to do so.

The KEY, which seems way to esoteric for the PPA's blunderbuss to hit, is getting the Regulations written in a way so that processors can play the game of plausible deniability.

READ the Safe Ports Act, it REALLY does give processors a Safe Port if they comply with the regs.

10-30-2006, 01:03 PM
PokerRoom and skins all check your IP when you register. If you register with a foreign addr but a US IP, they don't let you deposit.