View Full Version : Reply from Kent Conrad (D-ND)

10-26-2006, 07:22 PM
It took long enough.

I'll sum up his five paragraphs in three sentences:

"Here's what you said. Here's an update. I'll keep what you said in mind."

If anyone actually wants to read it, I'll transcribe the paper copy he sent to me via snail mail. It pretty much says the same thing as every other Senator. However, I'm not very happy with his grammar, though I am happy that he recognized my name from previous correspondence.


Dear Bryan,

Thank you for contacting me regarding online gaming. It was good to hear from you again.

You mentioned your support for regulating online gaming rather than banning it. Some argue that gambling on the Internet is addicting and appeals to minors. They also stress the need to reinforce the prerogative of the states to effecitvely determine which forms of gambling, if any, will be permitted within their borders. Others, like you, argue that gambling has been sufficeintly regulated and a ban is not needed.

You specifically mentioned your concerns regarding an Internet gambling ban that has been included in the Security and Accountability For Every Port Act (H.R. 4954). As you may know, after unsuccessfully attempting to attach the Internet gambling ban to a defense authorization bill, Senator Majority Leader Bill Frist attached online wagering restrictions to the final version of H.R. 4954. Under the new law, gamblers will no longer be allowed to pay for online wagers with credit cards, checks or other bank instruments.

Under Senate rules, there was no opportunity to change the Internet gaming provisions in H.R. 4954. The Senate had to vote up-or-down on the port security bill as a whole. The bill was recently approved by Congress and is now waiting to be signed into law by the President. Be assured that I will keep your views on this issue in mind should the Senate consider relevant legislation in the future.

Again, thank you for contacting me. For information on additional issues of imporatnce to North Dakota, please visit my website at www.conrad.senate.gov (http://www.conrad.senate.gov)


Kent Conrad
United States Senate

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