View Full Version : Congress Forces Gambling Off Line. Why?

10-26-2006, 04:19 PM

This is another great article from the Mises Institute.

Congress purported to act to protect the values of the American people when it passed the "Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act." The result has been a serious blow to a growing industry. Whose values was Congress protecting? It had nothing to do with the American people at large. Congress was protecting the "values" of casino owners and those who work in the state lottery racket.

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10-26-2006, 05:15 PM
Weren't the casinos pretty much against the passage of UIGEA?

They came full circle the last couple years from being against online gambling to being for it, when they saw how much it actually benefitted them by the creation of new customers.

10-26-2006, 05:49 PM
The B&M gaming industry in the US has shifted its position over the last few years. Originally, they thought online would hurt their interests and they supported these kinds of bills. Last year was very good to the casinos and I believe they realize online is actually a contributory factor. While none of them seem to be directly supportive (big lobbying $) of online gaming yet, their position was to support a proposed study on the industry vs outlawing it. The head of MGM has expressed a desire to enter the online world though.

Additionally, the industry group for the casino industry is the American Gaming Association which is headed by Frank Fahrenkopf; a powerful lawyer who was chairman of the Republican National Committee in the 80s and has been an influential Republican for years.

I'm sure there were some black helicopters around here somewhere.....