View Full Version : Stupid Horse Racing question

10-26-2006, 03:49 PM
Ok, this is a stupid question. Probably why no one has brought it up that I know of.

But is Horse racing not considered a sport? And if it is considered a sport, then wouldnt betting on it be considered sports betting?

I know, I know, there is a carve out for horse racing. Just throwing a new thought out there is all.

10-26-2006, 04:01 PM
Ah but it is socially acceptable sports betting, that has been passed down as an American Tradition as far back as the colonies.

It is as American as apple pie and even though it is gambled on, it could never be sullied by doping horses, bribing jockeys, or anything else nefarious.

Now let me show you this piece of Florida swampland, perfect for your retirement home.....

Synergistic Explosions
10-26-2006, 04:08 PM
I bet the dog racing industry is pissed off also.

10-26-2006, 04:20 PM
A few years back the horse racing industry discovered the joys of simulcasting. Now you can sit at Pimlico and bet on races at Santa Anita. Of course technology in the form of video and audio transmission, call cable, TV, internet, what have you, is key in being able to mingle the bets and transmit the races.

This type of thing was going on in the horse racing industry for years anyway (ever see the movie The Sting?).

Bottom line, Horse racing is legal, the industry has a found a successful way to use the internet to promote more gambling (sorry gambling is immoral) wagering on horses to separate you from your money and the government gets its cut.

Therefore it is legal and exempted. The real key, government gets its cut.