View Full Version : The fishtank: the machine

the machine
10-25-2006, 09:12 PM
Im glad to see that the idea of the well has sprung up over here in uNL. Its a good way to get to know your peers and find out a little bit about the people who are helping you with your game. However I like the idea of the fishtank instead from kazana and i will throw myself in since my place of employment has to close for 10 days (liquor violation) and will be doing nothing but playing poker at foxwoods or on my computer. so without further ado

A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a fishtank and his guide says "On any day except Wednesday, you can tap the glass, ask any question into that fishtank and you'll be told the answer" .

The man seems pretty impressed, and so he taps the glass and shouts into the tank: Why not on Wednesday? and the voice from in the fishtank shouts back: Because on Wednesday, it’s your day in the tank."

Jay Riall
10-25-2006, 09:20 PM
Why is your title 'knob?'

10-25-2006, 09:24 PM
What's the deal w/ your avatar?

How old are you?

Your poker history?


the machine
10-25-2006, 09:30 PM
Why is your title 'knob?'

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i knew that was going to be the first question.

back when the legislation regarding banning online poker surfaced i posted a poll in OOT about next years WSOP. i was curious to what other people thought the turnout of players would be if many sites refused american players since so many of the seats nowadays are from online satalites.

i soon found out that this was a big no no in OOT (i hadn't known before because there is no sticky in OOT saying that you cant post poker related things there and i figured its not a strat post so I wont clutter up our forum ill post it there) I signed on to 2+2 a few days later and saw my title as ** and 4_2_it told me that it had been given this new title from NT!. it was an honest mistake on my part and i felt kinda ashamed almost to have that as a title (not to knock anyone who has it, i just didnt want it). not to mention i had 2 for only one thing i did wrong. so NT! told me he wasnt going to change my title because the dont just take away stars by request. but he said he had noticed that i hardly ever post anything in OOT and he said he didnt mind if another mod took it away for me.

So i talked with another mod about changing it (talked ie, cried like a girl about). at which point his first title for me was wal-mart greeter which i thought was kinda funny since i cant find a real job. he soon changed it to knob and informed me it was a title of honor. i feel abliged to have the title and have to live up to it now. so thats how i got the title

Jay Riall
10-25-2006, 09:41 PM
Are you going to be moving to SSNL any time soon? What site do you play at?

the machine
10-25-2006, 09:50 PM
What's the deal w/ your avatar?

How old are you?

Your poker history?


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my avatar is just a bunch of donkeys. i like playing against donkeys, sometimes i feel like a donkey, no other reason really

i will be 25 at the end of december

i started playing poker about 3 years ago with friends for small buy in tourneys. i found out that i really had a knack for the game when i cashed in almost all of the tourneys we played. thats when i decided to take the game seriously.

i was still a n00b big time and thought i knew it all, not to say that i do now. i went to foxwoods a few times and played ok. very very tag but solid. i was actually introduced to 2+2 because of a horrible run of cards playing at the casino, at which point i learned about mentality of low limit players. to me 100$ was alot of money 3 years ago and to flop a set and get runner runnered and lose to a higer boat was sick to me. this led to a donkarific post about how could he call with that, well he should have figured by me doing this i and know he has this then he should understand that i have this so how the hell can he call. i know that was a garbled rant but if you search it you may be able to find the post. its kinda a funny read. anyways, im sure you have all heard this from an unexperienced player who thinks they should never lose because they had a strong hand. as much as i felt like an idiot for making that post it was probably one of the best things i did because it really opened my eyes to the mentality and psychology of low stakes player.

that post went on to talk about my 1500+ and -1500 swing i had taken, basically all from bad beats. (foxwoods had a 100 max cap at the 1-2 game until this past saturday it was raised) i worked up another roll when i got a few hundred together to take a shot and back up to 1500 i was. soon enough i was -1500 again. its tough to take one let alone 2 15 buyin downsizings in a matter of a year

this is when i really found online and took a shot. my first games were 5$ sng's on pokerroom till i went through my first 100$

i tried another 100$ and worked it back up to 150$ and cashed out. i figured id deposit into full tilt and give that a shot. 150 felt about right to play 100NL. so needless to say i was out in about 60 hands.

one of my friends who was on FT also transfered me 10$ and ive never had to redeposit since. ive played about 42k hands at 25 NL and 11k at 50 NL 6 max. that 10$ has turned into over 2000$ and i will be moving up after 40k hands at 50NL. id move up sooner but some of the money had to be cashed out for financial reasons when i didnt have a job. my live poker i dont keep a roll. i just use whatever money i have on me at the time or in my checking account and take shots at the game.

the machine
10-25-2006, 09:57 PM
Are you going to be moving to SSNL any time soon? What site do you play at?

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i dont think ill move there anytime soon. i want to get at least 40k hands at 50NL under my belt before i move up. i started off beating that game for about 12PTBB/100 when i first moved up from 25 NL but hit a nasty 7 buyin downsizing over 1500 hands, every single hand got there on me. i ran super hot at first i had the mentality that im waiting here for 40k hands so everytime i hit 1500$ i will cash out 400 to help pay bills and keep 1100$ in my account. im currently at 1100$ from my return from 25 NL and still plan to stay at 50NL for another 30k hands. if i dont hit 2k$ by the time i go over 40k hands then i will be taking shots at 100 NL as long as i feel comfortable. but if i am at 2k + i will move up and play 100NL for the most part, until i feel uncomfortable or need to move back down to 50NL

i play at full tilt

Count Stackula
10-25-2006, 10:08 PM
give your thoughs on 2+2 Forums Versus Poker Books (in tearms of improving your game)
And also give your views on Studying Versus Playing
By that i mean...what should a player spend more time on, studying ie. reading 2p2 and books, or playing the game?

Who would be better, and guy who plays for 2 hours a day and studies for 40 minutes or someone who studies for 2 hours and plays for 40 minutes?

10-25-2006, 10:10 PM
adding to count stackula, how much do you try to play in a session/day/week?
What do you do when you are clearly not running well or on tilt?

the machine
10-25-2006, 10:27 PM
give your thoughs on 2+2 Forums Versus Poker Books (in tearms of improving your game)
And also give your views on Studying Versus Playing
By that i mean...what should a player spend more time on, studying ie. reading 2p2 and books, or playing the game?

Who would be better, and guy who plays for 2 hours a day and studies for 40 minutes or someone who studies for 2 hours and plays for 40 minutes?

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good question. i think they actually are correlated. when one studies they can notice improvements in their game. but if they dont play then whatever they studied is lost and may become useless.

i dont think one is more importnat then the other because reading about/discussing and understanding the game is crucial to because a long term winning player.

however there is no substitue to actual play. you can read about how it is super +EV to cr ai on a flop against a certain player when you hold 2 overs with an OESFD but unless you actually do it it doesnt matter how many times you have read it.

My quote from my highschool yearbook came from the front of a skateboarding video by Element. It is "Only action has the power to turn knowledge into wisdom" I think this is from, No Ordinary Moments: A Peaceful Warrior's Guide to Daily Life by Dan Millman. but it plays out perfectly here, and in most cases, you can learn as much as you want but unless you can actually do it then it hasn't really helped you.

I love the 2+2 forums. they have helped my game so much and i def feel without reading numerous hands and posting my ideas about them (which sometimes were wrong) i wouldnt understand what i do as of now (long ways to go). it has helped me grow as a player. id def rather read the forums then a book though. books can be so general or just give you one example. on the forums we can see how a hand can be so closely related to another hand but yet so different because of one card, or the villain at hand, or our table image. the forums are like gold IMO

if i had to pick one id say the guy who plays more will be better because of the experience factor.

the machine
10-25-2006, 10:35 PM
adding to count stackula, how much do you try to play in a session/day/week?
What do you do when you are clearly not running well or on tilt?

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it really depends on how much time i have. i do work a BS job just to clear up debt and such but if im not working i 4 table and try to get in as many hands as possible. usually around 700 a day depending on how much time i have or if i feel im running good or how i feel im playing.

if im not running good i sometimes play through it as long as im still playing good. if i start making bad calls i go on tilt and have recently put some holes in my walls. (they are getting torn down when i move out anyways) i try not to tilt but when i start making rediculous calls i cant help it. if its night time i sometimes leave and go to the bar for a few beers just to get my mind off of the game. if the hand/session is really irking me i try to replay what happened in my head. i find this is better the reading the hand histories because it causes me to think back to the hand and try to focus on the other hands the guy has played as well.

sometimes if im not running well i just sign off/ leave the casino. the game will always be there tomorrow, which i think is a motto enough people do not live by. i feel i have great self control when it comes to knowing when to quit and knowing my limits.

10-25-2006, 10:42 PM
sup d00d -

You seem to have played a decent amount of live poker before which seems to be a bit of a rarity in uNL...

How high have you played live?
Do you prefer live vs. online or vice versa?
Your loc says "soon to be AC" - are you planning on moving there anytime soon and being a local pro?

the machine
10-25-2006, 10:54 PM
sup d00d -

You seem to have played a decent amount of live poker before which seems to be a bit of a rarity in uNL...

How high have you played live?
Do you prefer live vs. online or vice versa?
Your loc says "soon to be AC" - are you planning on moving there anytime soon and being a local pro?

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yeah i played live exclusively for a long time before ever becoming intrigued by online poker. i started off playing play money online and actually took it very seriously. i probably have more live hours logged between sessions with friends and casino play and local tourneys then i do for real money online. about 60k hands online.

live is more exciting, being able to get physical reads on players, playing with chips. it adds to the poker experience. online is very profitable though and i like it as well. they are different though and i like each for its own reason.

online i can see alot of hands in a shorter time so my monies are dierctly affected by being able to see more hands/more rakeback the more hands i play. i play 50NL currently and 4 table.

live i have only played 1-2 NL, 2-4 limit and 2-4 hi lo omaha. playing 1-2 i enjoy as well because its just so much more money to play with and the 1-2 games play like a 25 or 50NL game, so against the same skill range of players(for the most part) but so much more money for them to toss around

yeah i was planning on moving to AC soon but everything fell through recently. it was supposed to be vegas at first then someone backed out, so my friend and i said well both just go to AC. well i have limited funds and need a job but def wont be able to get by with some BS job down there and cant seem to get a real job with a degree in math and accounting work, so it seems for the time being that the AC move is on hold. which i dont mind since foxwoods just raised the limit on the 1-2NL max buy in from 100 to 300. when i do move down there i am def going to work first and poker will be a close second. id like to take serious shots at the game to see if i can make it playing pro or semi pro, but at first it will be a supplemental income.

10-25-2006, 10:56 PM
i don't understand why we are asking him questions? are you like a pro or something?

the machine
10-25-2006, 11:01 PM
i don't understand why we are asking him questions? are you like a pro or something?

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well you just asked me a question, do you think i am a pro.

no i am not pro

this was started by a well known SSNL poster and it was called "the well". it was a post designed to find out anything you wanted about what someone thought regarding poker, life, their likes/dislikes. it just gives a good sense of community and can let you know who you are corresponding with. once a week people throw themselves into the well, by choice or by request from other posters and then people just ask them any questions that they want an answer to. the person in the well will tell them the answer to the best of their ability.

10-26-2006, 02:15 AM
tigers or cards?

favorite site to play on

wut HUD stats do u have shown (if u use a HUD)

most valuable concept for some one who plays 19 14 4 to learn while playin 50nl to get to 100nl

10-26-2006, 02:50 AM
Have you ever dug through the archives to find posts? Which ones?

What books do you like to read (both poker and non poker related)?

When you see a post that says: villian is 35/20/7 over x<100
hands what kind of assumptions do you make about that player? What about 28/18/4 over 100+ hands?

How much do you beat 50nl for?

What kind of player do you classify yourself as? Do you like to talk at the table?

In live games, do you play significantly different from online? how so? And do you think physical reads are a much bigger factor in live play?

Favorite color? Rock, Paper or Scissors on the first throw? If it's two out of three, how do you respond if you win/lose/tie?

Jay Riall
10-26-2006, 03:52 AM

most valuable concept for some one who plays 19 14 4 to learn while playin 50nl to get to 100nl

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Ooo, I can answer that! Don't be such a nit! 26/20 is where its at!

10-26-2006, 07:51 AM
Favourite 2+2 posts -any rare ones?

Do you read any poker blogs?

I'm intrigued by your live experience(I've never played live). The things that concerns me live -are how do you keep track of stack sizes/player notes ?

Are tells a decent component of live play?

BTW Kaz I'm a nit @ NL100 now and doing o.k. -my stats reflect the table conditons - I go to 23/14 when there are alot Tighties @ my table but nit up to 17/7.with xlooses (I don't raise te SCs so much when I can limp and still stack them in an unraised pot).

10-26-2006, 08:11 AM
Do you wish you never started this ? /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

10-26-2006, 08:29 AM
The machine, thanks for doing this.

First, my standard question:
What was the most memorable lesson your mom taught you? And why?

Is there any specific reason for using that particular nick?

10-26-2006, 08:50 AM
"Only action has the power to turn knowledge into wisdom"

[/ QUOTE ]
Related quote from the other point of view:

"Wisdom is what you get just after you needed it."

Thanks for going in the tank, machine, been too long without somebody in.

1. What are no more than five bedrock fundamentals a uNL player must get down to have a hope of putting together a winning online game?

2. Whereabouts generally do you live? Have you lived? What have you seen of the great big world?

3. Do you do any live play and if so what do you think of it?

4. How many five year olds?

10-26-2006, 09:16 AM

What is the most common "conventional wisdom" you see at uNL that needs to be overturned?

Do you repop small/mid pairs out of the blinds to a late postion opener? If so (and if not) what is your plan of attack for the hand?

I haven't had a chance to get out to Foxwoods since the new 1-2NL format, is it better than the old one? (Personally I have found the 100$ buyin a bit tight, but 300 might make the game too wild, I don't know.)

Post a picture so I can see if I remember playing you from the 'Woods.

What is the best album so far this year?
Do you subscribe to any podcasts? which ones?
Did you go to college? Where?
What is the last great novel you have read?

10-26-2006, 09:26 AM
'sup Machine? I know this may not be "uNL" related but I was at foxwoods yesterday, and I did checkout some of the 1/2 NL action and out of the 30 or so hands I observed I noticed at least 5 or 6 hands similiar to this:

UTG raise to 15, CO and button call
Flop x x x ($47)
UTG checks, CO checks, button bets 15, UTG Folds, CO calls
Turn X ($77)
Co checks, Button bets 15, CO calls
River X ($107)
CO checks, Button bets 20, CO folds.

The reason I used X's beacuse it didn't seem to matter if the board was paired, straight or flush coordianted. I know each table is different, but are most tables as weak-tight as this?

P.S. I luv PLO8 4/8 .5 kill at the woods, another 30BB winner yesterday.

the machine
10-26-2006, 09:28 AM
tigers or cards?

favorite site to play on

wut HUD stats do u have shown (if u use a HUD)

most valuable concept for some one who plays 19 14 4 to learn while playin 50nl to get to 100nl

[/ QUOTE ]

id have to go with tigers even though last game was gross for them

i only play at full tilt right now and i like thier software better then anyone elses so far

do you mean what are my stats??? or what stats do i see from other players???

i dont think its important for anyone to learn a specific concept due to their stats. its not like "hey i only play 19% of my hands here. i have to loosen up to 25% to be able to beat this game at this rate". a good concept i think I need to work on for when i make the adjustment to 100NL is being able to 3-bet light preflop against certain players. im not saying this is a necessity but i think it will be a good tool to use to be able to steal some pots and help keep my winrate higher.

the machine
10-26-2006, 10:02 AM
Have you ever dug through the archives to find posts? Which ones?

What books do you like to read (both poker and non poker related)?

When you see a post that says: villian is 35/20/7 over x<100
hands what kind of assumptions do you make about that player? What about 28/18/4 over 100+ hands?

How much do you beat 50nl for?

What kind of player do you classify yourself as? Do you like to talk at the table?

In live games, do you play significantly different from online? how so? And do you think physical reads are a much bigger factor in live play?

Favorite color? Rock, Paper or Scissors on the first throw? If it's two out of three, how do you respond if you win/lose/tie?

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah i have dug through the archives. firt to find my rediculous old post about how horrible my luck was and how i "shouldnt" have lost with certain hands. i also searched through them for an amazing story about a 10 20 limit game at foxwoods but i could never find the actual post. the post was clearly written in a facetious tone. hero has KK, board is something like 8 3 3 rainbow and he says wow all this action someone must have 88 or no someone has 33 or maybe AA. so he decides to call the 4th bet on every single street. and of course by the river this hero wins the hand with kings and 3s. the point of the post was to not be so quick to judge anothers hand just because they are jucing the pot up. in this particular game he was basically trying to say go with your monsters to the felt because most of the time these guys wont have anything. very good post and i wish i could find it

i dont like to read much about non poker subjects. i have read a little bit, Da Vinci Code was good, i recently bought The Art Of War but have yet to read it, and i also read the stu ungar biography One of a Kind. thats about it.

i feel less then 100 hands isnt a true definition of someones play. they may be 9/5/.6 because for the last 200 hands they have been card dead. this leads you to make false decisions about their style of play. when i see the stats i use them as an average to try to say villain is probably in this ballpark of style of play. 35/20/7 id say ITLR could run normally anywhere from 45/27 (your aggression factor will go down as you log more hands even if you play more i think because you cant possibly be betting that much unless you just lose lots of money) to a 25/10 game. so i try to think of a big range for each villain in the hand. i made this mistake yesterday and i cost me a buy in. villain had tight stats. i had KQ flop was k33. his action told me he had a 3. i gave him a full stack to his 32s. few hands later his tight 19/11/1 stats shoot up to 35/18/3 and i kick myself for not just trusting my intuition rather then the damn HUD

when i first started playing 50NL i was beating the game good for like 12 PTBB/100 over like 8 k hands. i hit a sick 7 buyin downsizing over about 3k hands and had to move back down to 25NL but am now back up to 50 NL. because of that big downsizing my current winrate is 4.48 PTBB/100

i am a TAG. one thing i need to work on is raising more. i have such nittish stats im 18/6/2 over 13k hands at 50NL. when i was killing the game i was running at 19/9/3. i do like to talk in live play and sometimes online usually for the wrong reasons though online. (sorry EMC)

i do play different live because it is a very different game and a much slower game. i def see more flops in live games because it is usually so passive i can see lots of flops with speculative hands. it is absurd to tell you how many times i see limp limp limp limp, ok i raise to 20$ and we still go 6 handed to the flop!!!!!!!!! i like being able to see cheap flops and i only take my monsters to the felt. obvioulsy this is player dependent and i do mix it up when it is called for. but there is no merit gertting creative and building a pot with a 78 suited at tiems because you will be able to build the pot post flop anyways. im not saying this is optimal strategy its just how i play right now. i will just get much more involved with hands as bad as offsuit 2 gappers becausae i know if i hit the hand hard enough i will be getting paid. physical reads are super important in live play. you should see some of the guys in live play with the shaky hands or the way they touch their chips or put their chips in the pot. its so much easier to understand a weak players hands just by the way he places his chips in the pot (should he not do it identically erach time) there are so many little tells people give off in live play its great. i enjoy live play alot.

BLUE. i mix it up on my throw. it depends on what i think the other player looks like. whatever i think he is i will go with that one that beats him. i think id probably be a scissors first though if against an unknown who i couldnt get a read on, then if i lose id go with what beat me, or for those who dont know, rock

the machine
10-26-2006, 10:20 AM
Favourite 2+2 posts -any rare ones?

Do you read any poker blogs?

I'm intrigued by your live experience(I've never played live). The things that concerns me live -are how do you keep track of stack sizes/player notes ?

Are tells a decent component of live play?

BTW Kaz I'm a nit @ NL100 now and doing o.k. -my stats reflect the table conditons - I go to 23/14 when there are alot Tighties @ my table but nit up to 17/7.with xlooses (I don't raise te SCs so much when I can limp and still stack them in an unraised pot).

[/ QUOTE ]

i cant say i have any favorite posts. there are just too many good ones. searching the SSNL digests alone will lead to so many valuable posts its rediculous. id have to say my favorite poster has always been pokey. he comes up with valuable numberical data and then his conceptual posts are just awesome.

i do not read any blogs although i have looked at luke kims blogspot page more then once because he had pictures from a sick 200-400 NL game between phralad friedman and a european man named IKnockoutU. pot sizes were insane like one 280k pot. and when going back to look at it i read some of his stuff. probably only been to that site about 3 times. thats my extent of blog reading

again live play is great. its easy to keep track of stack sizes for the most part people keep all colers on a stack and keep them in stacks of 20 chips each. so red 5$ chips in stacks of 20 are 100$. you can always ask for a chip count anytime at the table. i actually have a sick thing for being able to look at a stack a guess the exact number of chips without counting it. its not as important when playing deep to know exactly how much someone has but rather have a ball park figure. if i know a guy has between 520 and 550 that is sufficient enough. i dont take any notes while at the table yet. i tried tracking ym own play but just couldnt bring myself to do it while at the table. its hard to keep track of all the players and what i think their style is because people come and go and shift alot due to the table. you see a guy sit down and play tight. all of the sudden the table opens up a little or a 48 is shown down for a winner and next thing you know this guy is playing every hand. its tough to keep track of but its good for your mind as an exercise to try to do so.

tells are a huge component. people give off so much information is sick. last time down there i made a raise from MP with XX button who is loose calls me flop j 10 4 check check, turn 6 check check, river 6 i bet 30 he thinks and tanks for a little bit and i know immediatley hes got 66 he usually fires it in if he has any piece and will just call down. hes trying to figure out how much he can get off me. i say just call please dont raise me because then i have to fold. then he looks up at me and i go you know i mean you probably have 66 here. he thinks for a while and min raises me. i fold my 72 offsuit and he shows me his hand, pocket 6s. he steered so far from his normal play that i was able to figure out he had a monster hand. im not saying im this good at knowing exact hands everytime but on numberous occasions at live play i can figure out a persons exact 2 cards just by the way they play normally and have played previously. at the low limits people give away everything

the machine
10-26-2006, 10:22 AM
Do you wish you never started this ? /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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no im glad i did.

10-26-2006, 10:29 AM
6-max or full-ring?

folded to you on the button, you raise. What is your range? Any different from the CO?

live man, dead woman (at least 24 hours)?

the machine
10-26-2006, 10:31 AM
"Only action has the power to turn knowledge into wisdom"

[/ QUOTE ]
Related quote from the other point of view:

"Wisdom is what you get just after you needed it."

Thanks for going in the tank, machine, been too long without somebody in.

1. What are no more than five bedrock fundamentals a uNL player must get down to have a hope of putting together a winning online game?

2. Whereabouts generally do you live? Have you lived? What have you seen of the great big world?

3. Do you do any live play and if so what do you think of it?

4. How many five year olds?

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1. in no particular order, continuation betting, positional awareness, pot control, bet sizing, a good preflop game

2. i live in CT and have only lived in CT. i havent seen anything of this world. ive been around new england, georgia, florida, mexico once and canada once. if i actually make a living playing poker i want to use the money to travel.

3. yeah i play live at foxwoods. i love playing live. its great because of all the physical aspects. bad because its so damn long between each hand. some of my other responses delbded deeper into my live play

4. i dont understand this question lol if it means how many kids then 0

the machine
10-26-2006, 10:37 AM
6-max or full-ring?

folded to you on the button, you raise. What is your range? Any different from the CO?

live man, dead woman (at least 24 hours)?

[/ QUOTE ]

since i made the switch the only full ring ill play is live. i love 6max.

depends on the blinds. as well as my play. if ive been playing tight ill raise any 2 at times from the button. for a standard raise if im been on my normal im raising qj+ and 99+. i tend to limp with most smal pairs from any position because yes i can build a pot up but with hte small pair i want to hit a set and try to stack someone. im willing to donate a big blind rather then raise 44 and steal blinds. just my opinion. CO would be the same, button and blind dependent but qj+ and 99+ sometimes SC's as well

id have to go with dead woman i think as long as she was sexy before

the machine
10-26-2006, 10:40 AM
'sup Machine? I know this may not be "uNL" related but I was at foxwoods yesterday, and I did checkout some of the 1/2 NL action and out of the 30 or so hands I observed I noticed at least 5 or 6 hands similiar to this:

UTG raise to 15, CO and button call
Flop x x x ($47)
UTG checks, CO checks, button bets 15, UTG Folds, CO calls
Turn X ($77)
Co checks, Button bets 15, CO calls
River X ($107)
CO checks, Button bets 20, CO folds.

The reason I used X's beacuse it didn't seem to matter if the board was paired, straight or flush coordianted. I know each table is different, but are most tables as weak-tight as this?

P.S. I luv PLO8 4/8 .5 kill at the woods, another 30BB winner yesterday.

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yeah thats really how the game plays. bet sizing is horrible which makes the game so profitable. not to mention the players are just suuuuuuper bad. i havent tried 4-8 o8. and its limit i think not PL

the machine
10-26-2006, 10:42 AM
im leaving for foxwoods now. grifter and kaz i will respond when i am home later on. wish me luck

10-26-2006, 10:51 AM

most valuable concept for some one who plays 19 14 4 to learn while playin 50nl to get to 100nl

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Ooo, I can answer that! Don't be such a nit! 26/20 is where its at!

[/ QUOTE ]
lol i suck and thus dont wanna get myself into crazy tough spots /images/graemlins/frown.gif

i guess ull have to teach me tha way /images/graemlins/wink.gif

10-26-2006, 11:00 AM
i havent tried 4-8 o8. and its limit i think not PL

[/ QUOTE ]

my bad... I meant limit

10-26-2006, 11:13 AM
4. How many five year olds?

[/ QUOTE ]

4. i dont understand this question lol if it means how many kids then 0

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the others, and for you and others who don't know what that last one refers to, you obviously haven't become OOTiots yet:

How many five-year-olds? (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1556673&page=0&fpart=1&v c=1)

10-26-2006, 12:32 PM
im leaving for foxwoods now. grifter and kaz i will respond when i am home later on. wish me luck

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be on the 1-2 tables tomorrow. If you're there throw out a sup bro.

10-26-2006, 02:50 PM
Thanks machine for doing this.

I'm going to have a go at live some day...
I think it'll be fun even if a bit strange at first - look for the sweating twitchy legs dude holding 72o.

10-26-2006, 03:54 PM
What range of hands do you consider when defending your blinds, assuming you get raised by CO or Button (standard 4X raise) and consider player to be:

Weak Tight
Loose Passive

How does your post flop play change accordingly as well?

Thanks for doing this.

10-26-2006, 03:57 PM

the machine
10-26-2006, 07:59 PM
im leaving for foxwoods now. grifter and kaz i will respond when i am home later on. wish me luck

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be on the 1-2 tables tomorrow. If you're there throw out a sup bro.

[/ QUOTE ]

i actually got called in to work for tomorrow so i dont think ill make it down. if i do though ill def give a shout out for a sup bro.

the machine
10-26-2006, 08:01 PM
Thanks machine for doing this.

I'm going to have a go at live some day...
I think it'll be fun even if a bit strange at first - look for the sweating twitchy legs dude holding 72o.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah its def fun but you have to be much more patient.

the machine
10-26-2006, 08:04 PM
What range of hands do you consider when defending your blinds, assuming you get raised by CO or Button (standard 4X raise) and consider player to be:

Weak Tight
Loose Passive

How does your post flop play change accordingly as well?

Thanks for doing this.

[/ QUOTE ]

to be honest in small stakes i dont really concern myself much with defending blinds. im only going to defned them if i have a real hand. i dont need to be in there with speculative hands trying to defend when i know i will stack the person in the long run. if i had to assign a range though itd be aq+ and any PP for any player raising from the cutouff or button. everynow and then i will 3 bet light with as low as suited connectors if i view the guy as super lag

the machine
10-26-2006, 08:05 PM

[/ QUOTE ]


the machine
10-26-2006, 08:08 PM
4. How many five year olds?

[/ QUOTE ]

4. i dont understand this question lol if it means how many kids then 0

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the others, and for you and others who don't know what that last one refers to, you obviously haven't become OOTiots yet:

How many five-year-olds? (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=1556673&page=0&fpart=1&v c=1)

[/ QUOTE ]

umm id probably say around 25. im 6'3" 205

the machine
10-26-2006, 08:13 PM
The machine, thanks for doing this.

First, my standard question:
What was the most memorable lesson your mom taught you? And why?

Is there any specific reason for using that particular nick?

[/ QUOTE ]

i thought about your first question all day at the casino. i really cant think of the most valuable lesson she taught me.

the nickname came from when i first started playing poker. having a degree in math i understood odds very well and would be able to spurt them off randomly at hand. my friends would say your a machine. kinda just stuck

the machine
10-26-2006, 08:34 PM

What is the most common "conventional wisdom" you see at uNL that needs to be overturned?

Do you repop small/mid pairs out of the blinds to a late postion opener? If so (and if not) what is your plan of attack for the hand?

I haven't had a chance to get out to Foxwoods since the new 1-2NL format, is it better than the old one? (Personally I have found the 100$ buyin a bit tight, but 300 might make the game too wild, I don't know.)

Post a picture so I can see if I remember playing you from the 'Woods.

What is the best album so far this year?
Do you subscribe to any podcasts? which ones?
Did you go to college? Where?
What is the last great novel you have read?

[/ QUOTE ]

playing a certain hand a specific way is what you must do at all times. this will lead into the next part.

sometimes i do sometimes i dont. if i think the guy is super aggro with any 2 ill pop 22 sometimes. sometimes ill just call and try to hit a set on him. i think at low limit its not as importnat to keep mixing up your raising hands to keep them guessing most people dont think past their own hand to care whether or not you are mixing up your raises. i think in low limit it can be profitable to just limp 22 everytime from any position. im not saying this strategy is def the correct one but i def limp 22 or small pairs much mor often then i raise them. id say i limp them about 80% of the time

the new structure is awesome. i cant believe you thought 100 max was tight. any time a raise is called preflop its like a fifth of someones chips are out there preflop and any draw will just get it all in on the flop. it was liek a crap shoot and you had to be able to hit hands and have them hold up to build up a stack big enough to actually play poker. its good now being able to get someone off a hand

theres a few pics of me there.

SSNL pic thread from june (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=6183451&page=0&vc=1)

the best album of the year hsa not been released. it will be Jay-Z's new album. everything he touches is gold. and i do listen to a veeeeeerrrrrrrry wide variety of music.

no i dont subscribe to any podcasts.

i went to western connecticut state university in danbury CT where i got my bachelors in mathematics and central connecticut state university in new britain CT where i worked on my masters in accounting until they dropped the program i was in due to lack of students in it.

i dont like reading unless its about poker or current issues. i dont think ive ever read a novel, even in shcool.

10-27-2006, 07:45 AM
What kind of job are you looking for (and what kind of jobs can you get with a math degree?)

the machine
10-27-2006, 09:06 AM
What kind of job are you looking for (and what kind of jobs can you get with a math degree?)

[/ QUOTE ]

im looking for jobs in accounting or finance but all the jobs im looking for reqiure a 4 year degree in either of those fields. i seem ot be rowing without a paddle. with a degree in math i could be a math teacher, and.. no thats about it

10-27-2006, 01:21 PM
It's funny you say that because a buddy of mine with a math degree says the exact same thing. Do you have to start over from scratch to get a finance/acctg degree?

the machine
10-27-2006, 03:28 PM
It's funny you say that because a buddy of mine with a math degree says the exact same thing. Do you have to start over from scratch to get a finance/acctg degree?

[/ QUOTE ]

to get a bachelors you have to take the required courses for the major. you dont have to take electives and sciences and such. i went the route to get my masters which meant i needed to take the core business classes then 10 masters level courses. it was smarter for me to just go for the MBA rather then go for another bachelors but they dropped the program so if i cant get a job i may have to go back and finish the 9 more courses i need for my bachelors in accounting

10-27-2006, 03:38 PM
What kind of job are you looking for (and what kind of jobs can you get with a math degree?)

[/ QUOTE ]

With a math(s) degree you are qualified for everything and nothing.

Any employer with a brain in their head would take on a good mathematician and train them, rather than insisting on finance or accounting degrees. I think it's a great shame if they won't.

Their loss...

the machine
10-27-2006, 04:01 PM
What kind of job are you looking for (and what kind of jobs can you get with a math degree?)

[/ QUOTE ]

With a math(s) degree you are qualified for everything and nothing.

Any employer with a brain in their head would take on a good mathematician and train them, rather than insisting on finance or accounting degrees. I think it's a great shame if they won't.

Their loss...

[/ QUOTE ]

i completely agree. esp since my work in business classes; marketing, managerial finance, financial accounting, managerial accounting, MIS, econ, management, business law, and a masters level mareting course, i hold a 3.72 GPA.


10-27-2006, 04:19 PM
you need that middle class ticket (degree) to get in the door now!!!

What is worse than this is the resume screening criteria usually established by people out of touch with what the position entails. I encountered this quite often just out of school in the tech sector.

the machine
10-27-2006, 04:20 PM
you need that middle class ticket (degree) to get in the door now!!!

What is worse than this is the resume screening criteria usually established by people out of touch with what the position entails. I encountered this quite often just out of school in the tech sector.

[/ QUOTE ]

i have a degree, in mathematics, which isnt helping me much right now

10-27-2006, 05:22 PM
right, i meant to say in the field.

As judge Smails would say "The world needs ditchdiggers too!"

but seriously, that job market is a tough one. I wish you luck there.