View Full Version : Foreign ISPs

10-25-2006, 12:48 PM
Yeah, it'd probably mean going back to dial-up, but what if you could log on to your computer using a toll-free number to a country outside of the U.S.

I've also heard that you can dummy up your computer to show a fake IP address, one that shows you're not really where you're claiming to be.

Are these ideas that have been discussed?

10-25-2006, 12:56 PM
For obvious reasons, this is both illegal and immoral. I do not condone this activity nor do I plan on engaging in it. I think it shows extreme character flaws by even considering such a thing...

On a lighter note, for educational purposes, I have attached a link to a site that I found interesting. I don't know what the software actually does or claims to do, but I do remember someone else once mentioning it if I wanted to make sure some illegal hacker guy was looking to obtain my IP address for malicious purposes...

www.torrify.com (http://www.torrify.com)

I Hate Frist
10-25-2006, 03:40 PM
immoral to want priacy? wow. nice call.

10-25-2006, 03:44 PM

10-25-2006, 04:16 PM
You don't need a foreign ISP, you will eventually just use your existing broadband to connect to a proxy server (an internet middle man) who will then connect you (privately, or at least more so) to the poker sites. It will be difficult, if not illegal, for the US to ban you accessing these servers. Especially if they are smart enough to connect to other businesses which are not illegal. The tricky part still remains getting a Neteller/Firepay replacement and for the industry to continue to find ways to advertise and recruit new players. The technology is not the issue, just need poker companies and financial transaction guys who don't ever want to come to the US again. In exchange they get hundreds of millions of dollars. I think it will probably happen.

10-25-2006, 04:25 PM
immoral to want priacy? wow. nice call.

[/ QUOTE ]Agreed,if you were scrambling your IP Address to download child porn undetected,id be with you on the immoral comment.But if you are doing this with only the intention of enjoying poker,without being detected,with no intent on cheating or violating any agreement you made with the poker site itself(for example if the government goes to the extreme of blocking website addresses themselves with help from ISP`s),i find absolutely nothing immoral about that.And character flaw??? I think the people responsible for blocking your freedom as the ones with the character flaws.