View Full Version : NL25 SH AKo too passive preflop?

Yorkshire Pud
10-23-2006, 04:55 PM
I can't help but think I played this hand too passively, especially as the 10man table had dropped to 6 players.

I'd been running at 21/9/4 from 191 and only had 26 hands on the guy who limped then pushed all-in over a min raise and my re-raise. That villain was running at 65/19/0.4 over a measly 26 hands, only have 9 hands on second villain.

I honestly don't know what I put either villain on but I think I may have been too passive.

The hand is belowin a pokerhand link as the Crypto HH doesn't seem to work in the converters. I've hidden the results best I can!


10-23-2006, 05:02 PM
Looks fine to me. I fold this without thinking twice.

Yorkshire Pud
10-23-2006, 05:05 PM
I'mthinking I'm either behind or in a coinflp here and not willing to put my stack on the line to find out. Guess I'm just reading too much into the result rather than the play itself.