View Full Version : Counter Offensive, How we deter our politicians and keep our game

10-23-2006, 12:29 PM
Here is the one way to be effective in sending a message to politicians. Make them worried about keeping control of their power. That is what they are most afraid of. The reality is we are in an excellent situation to do this given the split electorate in our country. Both parties want to win Congress and next time around the White House. So, we simply need to let them all know we do no want them taking away our right to play poker.

I have heard many good suggestions about joining the PPA, making sure you vote, sending letters to congress, etc… All of these are excellent ideas which need to be kept up over the long haul to have the desired effect.

However, I don’t think we all desire to wait two years until carve out legislation and regulation is introduced in our snail pace legislative branch. Therefore, we need to act to make sure politicians do not go any farther with this crackdown. The only way to do this is to make them afraid of the consequences of inflicting this legislation on a group of people who are probably as evenly divided politically as the rest of nation. In other words we are a very very large group of swing voters.

Neither party can truly afford to alienate a voting block of such a nature, unless they feel we are of no threat to their success. So, we need to show them we can impact their control of power. My answer is quite simple, we focus our efforts as individuals at a single point where the most pain can be inflicted.
For this election, that point is the Senate race in Missouri. This race is currently at a dead heat and can still swing either way. I could have picked Tennessee also, but I had to choose and this race has been tied for a long time. See map (http://www.electoral-vote.com/).
For the record, I am a life long Republican, but unfortunately it was our idiot leaders who snuck passage of this garbage legislation into another bill without debate. So, the common sense response to me is protest this action by supporting the Democratic effort.
By the way, who wins or loses is far less important then presenting a demonstration of the will to impact future elections. This is what politicians are truly afraid of and will respond to when they think about enforcing this legislation or possibly passing legislation against the players, or whether or not to include a poker carve out. This is also why it really doesn’t matter if the Democratic candidate in Missouri (or the party) is truly in favor of the action. We simply want to demonstrate we are swing voters who will have our say in a painful manner.
Since we cannot all vote in Missouri as we are not all residents we need to do the next best thing (which may in reality be a bigger thing), which is send financial support to the democratic candidate. The amount we send does not matter, $10 a person is significant ($100 is better if you can afford it). Note, each of these candidates will spend around $3 - $4 million dollars on this campaign so if we could add $250,000 to $1,000,000 (there are 120,000 + members of the PPA alone) to this amount all centered around a single issue this would be very very significant, and very very noticeable.
Also, it is quite simple you just go to Claire McCaskill’s web site and there is a place to make a donation with your credit card. (Hopefully she will not place any bets with the money for you as this would be illegal now). Even if we are too late in the game for the money to get spent effectively, it is the action and amount of impact such an action can have which is most important. This will pay the dividends in future actions by politicians. The web site is: www.claireonline.com (http://www.claireonline.com) .
I also recommend we use a common subject line in sending an email around the donation: Donation to Claire McCaskill’s Senate Campaign to Keeper Poker Available - $10. You can change the amount at the end if you desire. I would also recommend you at least put a short note in the email. This shows you took a little time to take action. It will also create more recognition when a large number of donations are associated with identical email subjects. This will let them know the effort is organized, which is a more powerful threat to them. Lastly, copy the PPA, her opponent Jim Talent, Bill Frist, the White House, and any others you find appropriate. Take a screen shot of your donation when you send it from the web site so they know you really did it.
By centering our donations we will create a spike which is visible to all involved. Since, the next election cycle will be equally contested even the winner this time will have second thoughts about the actions they take in the future to avoid a similar activity (which we will have far more time to prepare for). I am quite certain it will have the desired effect, which will be a lack of enthusiasm to take this any further and most likely a much faster poker carve out.
Spread the word to everyone you know and any organization you can. Encourage others to pass on the idea.
Please join in this effort !
Additional email links of interest:
1. Very specific media campaign
a. Rush Limbaugh
i. Largest voice in radio, and a conservative
1. Can generate a wake up call to conservative voters and therefore politicians
2. Can make conservatives aware of the danger of outcasting a swing vote
3. rush@eibnet.com
b. Bill O’Reilly
i. Largest voice in television
1. Somewhat of an independent
a. Quirky enough that if enough voices come his way he may pick up on the story
b. Will be a conduit to other media outlets
c. Oreilly@foxnews.com
c. Large Missouri paper
i. This will make the state aware their race is being impacted by a specific interest group
ii. Their coverage will spread to other news organizations
iii. letters@kcstar.com
iv. Above is letters to the editor
2. Bill Frist
a. He needs to know what he has done
b. bill_frist@frist.senate.gov
3. Both Missouri Candidates
a. They need to know we are causing an impact, then word will spread in the political arena
b. http://www.claireonline.com/
c. http://www.talentforsenate.com/
4. George Bush
a. He won’t personally read the email but probably has someone who does
i. If enough email comes in it will gain notice
ii. comments@whitehouse.gov
5. Republican and Democratic National party orgs
a. So they take notice of the effort and are afraid of the consequences
b. Chairman@gop.com
c. Don’t have one for DNC, only a form on the website
6. PPA
a. They need to use the communication for evidence during their lobbying efforts
b. email@pokerplayersalliance.org
7. Every poker site
a. If you are a member, send them an email
b. Ideally you want them to put the counter-offensive link on their site as that will get donations from players who don’t participate in the forum
8. Poker media
a. Same reasons as above
b. ideas@cardplayer.com
c. editor@pokerpages.com

10-23-2006, 03:39 PM
Great post!!! this is what I am doing also, I am a life long reublican - i will vote out the incumbent at the local, state, and national level, and continue to do so every election, we have allowed our freedoms to be stripped from us, this is not the first time, and its up to us, to stop it

10-23-2006, 03:46 PM
damn good post bro...this is of uber importance. Can we please organize the easiest way to do this and cross post it in all forums????

Mods can you help with this ?? Im ready to ship some $mobkney.

10-23-2006, 04:08 PM
Very good post.

Although you are right in pointing out that a pinpoint approach is better for this "assault", I just thought I would post the senate seats that are in contention, at least to have the voters in those states aware that their votes may make a difference:

New Jersey
Rhode Island

10-23-2006, 04:19 PM
Very good post.

Although you are right in pointing out that a pinpoint approach is better for this "assault", I just thought I would post the senate seats that are in contention, at least to have the voters in those states aware that their votes may make a difference:

New Jersey
Rhode Island

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Yah but if we don't keep the task simple and clear we won't get enough poker players behind us to make a donation and a difference. I'm personally asking the MODS here to help with this. We need to organize such an idea and sell it to the rest of 2+2 and the poker world ASAP.


10-23-2006, 04:32 PM

Yah but if we don't keep the task simple and clear we won't get enough poker players behind us to make a donation and a difference. I'm personally asking the MODS here to help with this.


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1. Samples of letters to send to polititians/newspapers, etc.
2. Places where elections are close.
3. Other things we can do.

How about a new thread called political action?

Now where is that statment?

10-23-2006, 04:45 PM
Statement is not necessary, too much blah blah blah anyway, political action thread is a good idea, but action not speeches is needed, if two plus two doesn't want to make a statement, then we need to

10-23-2006, 04:47 PM
This post might get a little bit more notice if the post was cleaned up some. Put some spaces between all the paragraphs, Highlight important topics, add your screenshot of your donation and an example email, etc. If the original poster can't or won't perhaps someone who's very knowledgeable and articulate could do so (not saying original poster isn't).

I think this is probably one of the better (if not the best) plans I've seen to date. Those big blocks of text look intimidating (or like rambling) to most people which might deter people from reading and, consequently, helping.

We want to streamline this and make it appealing so that we can get as high of a rate of people to contribute as possible. We have to essentially market this to the poker community.

Also on the the idea of donations I think something like 1% of a player's bankroll would be a good standard amount to donate. Obviously for people with exhoribtantly large/small bankrolls this guideline might not work, but to give people a good idea of a donation amount I think it would be effective.

10-23-2006, 04:52 PM
I am on board, squarehoop. I agree with your analysis, totally. I will be making my donation in Missouri tonight, with an copy of the e-mail going to the republican candidate. Now, how best to spread the word? I figure, at a bare minimum, we need 10,000 people donating an average of $20 each to make some waves. Can we make it happen?

Also, screw the statement. Donations + Your Subject Line = Our Statement

10-23-2006, 04:56 PM
if we raise enough money, we could do ads in USA today - that gets attention and awareness up, but IMO it has to be billed as an attack on freedom, not just gambling or poker

10-23-2006, 05:13 PM
im in. this is a great idea. ive read like 3 posts about ppl saying online poker is over, and just bendig over and taking it up the ass. [censored] that, we need to fight back any way we can.

10-23-2006, 05:31 PM
I am on board, squarehoop. I agree with your analysis, totally. I will be making my donation in Missouri tonight, with an copy of the e-mail going to the republican candidate. Now, how best to spread the word? I figure, at a bare minimum, we need 10,000 people donating an average of $20 each to make some waves. Can we make it happen?

Also, screw the statement. Donations + Your Subject Line = Our Statement

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We can do it!!!!!! Can we get the PPA to sponsor this idea ???


10-23-2006, 05:33 PM
Great Post! I'm in, but have a request. Just so you know, I am a life long Democrat, but this should not be a bout party politics. Therefore, can we choose a second race where we can support a Republican so the effort is truly bi-partisan. Perhaps someone can find a close House race where the Republican is favorable to our position and we can infulence the outcome of the election with finacial contributions. That way, the effort may be viewed as issue based.

10-23-2006, 05:49 PM
Perhaps someone can find a close House race where the Republican is favorable to our position and we can infulence the outcome of the election with finacial contributions.

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I'm in as well. The most important though at this point is to make sure one party does not control the House, Senate and Presidency so they can't force garbage like this through ever again.

After dinner I will definately make a contribution.

10-23-2006, 06:08 PM
Great Post! I'm in, but have a request. Just so you know, I am a life long Democrat, but this should not be a bout party politics. Therefore, can we choose a second race where we can support a Republican so the effort is truly bi-partisan. Perhaps someone can find a close House race where the Republican is favorable to our position and we can infulence the outcome of the election with finacial contributions. That way, the effort may be viewed as issue based.

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I understand your sentiment, but we really need to keep it simple. We need to maximize our leverage, too.

I nominate the OP for Post of the Day. Are there any moderators listening?

10-23-2006, 07:09 PM
Great Idea, but wouldnt a donation to the democratic party be more effective? If they were to see a huge influx of money coming from poker players they could spread the word to all democratic candidates and take a stance on the issue. Rather than this being only in MO. Granted its a day late and dollar short for this to effect the upcoming elections but it can send a message that poker players will band together and vote.

10-23-2006, 07:10 PM
It's not to late. There are places where traditionally GOP seats are up for grabs. Get out and vote and spread the word.

10-23-2006, 07:55 PM
Can we get the PPA to sponsor this idea ???

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I think it is a little too late for the PPA to put together something for this election cycle but it is something that Michael at PPA seems to be interested going forward. That is not to say that it is too late for individuals to contribute to specific races to affect things. I highly encourage something like this.

A few weeks ago I met with Berge for lunch and we had a bit of a brainstorming sesson about the merits of a poker player's political action committee and the possible speed bumps. I do not want to put words in Berge's mouth, but I think we both came to the conclusion that a PAC is doable and would defintely aid lobbying efforts.

I contacted Michael at PPA and had a very lengthy discussion about moving forward with a PAC and he seems keen on the idea and is currently exploring this option. I know there are still skeptics out there about the PPA but Michael seems to be really dedicated in his efforts and is doing the best he can with the resources at his disposal. Running a grassroots/lobbying campaign is no easy task and I have seen many groups do a lot worse with many more resources. I know at times it seems like Michael does not go into great detail on this board but I think many are begining to understand that sometimes it is not in an organization's interest to disclose every little detail about their day-to-day doings. We can not deny that the PPA is the best organized group representing poker players and we need to continue to further organize to maximize our ability to change things.

10-23-2006, 08:32 PM
Great Post! I'm in, but have a request. Just so you know, I am a life long Democrat, but this should not be a bout party politics. Therefore, can we choose a second race where we can support a Republican so the effort is truly bi-partisan. Perhaps someone can find a close House race where the Republican is favorable to our position and we can infulence the outcome of the election with finacial contributions. That way, the effort may be viewed as issue based.

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Great addition! I could get on board with this, with large contributions if we can set this up as non-partisan, i.e. one of each party, but I do not like singling out one party to blame.

After all, it was a Democrat behind this idea in Washington State, a Republican in Washington DC. The congressional vote was nearly unanimous with one Republican and one Democrat against it.

Edit: I should have read the other posts in this thread first. As I feared it is becoming a Democrat vrs. Republican thing. Most in either party would do this to us, people. The Democrat vrs. Republican thing will not work. My large contributions and I are out if this is another gimmick Democratic Party support thing.

10-23-2006, 09:24 PM
I agree, its not about politics anymore, its about freedom, and it slipping away, don't ake it about parties

10-23-2006, 09:44 PM
No generalization will be a 100%. But the liberals who tend to be democrats will more likely to be in our camp.

If you want to be more precise, email your reps and find out where they stand (assuming they are willing to tell you).

One of the best things we can do is bombard these people with emails to let them know there are millions of people out there in favor of online poker.

10-23-2006, 09:48 PM
I agree, its not about politics anymore, its about freedom, and it slipping away, don't ake it about parties

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And the OP has picked what is, as of this day, what is shaping up to be the most important swing race in the country. The polls are closer here than any other place. If we just pick a congressional seat, we risk getting lost in the shuffle.

The fact are this was passed by a Republican run US Senate. Since we can't target Frist, this is the best option. If it was passed by a Democratic Senate, I would advocate trying to pick off a Democratic candidate.

10-23-2006, 10:09 PM
Here is a copy of a letter I sent to my two U.S. Senators last week. I live in California where card rooms are legal, so you will need to modify it for your state.

Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Feinstein:
I am writing to you because I am angry about recent legislation that slipped into law. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement bill was added on to the Port Security Act. It is especially irritating the underhanded way the gambling prohibition was passed. (Of course, almost everyone is in favor of the Port Security Bill itself) Not even to mention it flies right in the face of the WTO’s 2005 upheld ruling against the United States.

Anyway, what’s done is done. Moving forward, I would like to see a bill legalizing online gambling (or at least poker) including funding of accounts that could be regulated and taxed by the appropriate government agencies. I have no idea if this would be done at the state or federal level. Either way, a powerful liberal state like California would be the perfect leader for such a bill/law.

I am specifically interested in the game of poker. Playing poker on the internet is one of my favorite hobbies. I love coming home from work and playing a few hours of poker in the safety and comfort of my home.

Playing poker is a game of skill, unlike most other forms of gambling. Poker players make many decisions throughout each hand they play. Players decide whether they bet, raise or fold on each betting round. In no limit, they also decide how much to bet and raise. While luck will have a lot to do with short term results, in the long run the best players will come out ahead. Poker is a game of strategy and psychology, not blind luck like playing the lottery.

Most other forms of gambling are house games. That means the players play against the casino. Of course, the house/casino always have an edge which make them the long term winner. In poker, players play against each other, not the house. This makes it possible to win in the long run.

In California, many forms of gambling are legal. In fact, the lottery, horse tracks and Indian Casinos all advertise to attract new customers and encourage us to gamble. Hundreds of legalized card rooms are in our state. Why should I have to drive to a card room when I can save my time, money, reduce the risk of accident, and conserve natural resources when I can play from the safety and comfort of my home?

Please support online gambling (or at least poker) including the ability to fund accounts. I am sure I speak for millions of Americans who enjoy online poker. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Richard S.
Registered Voter

10-23-2006, 10:09 PM
you will lose support if you make it about parties and not issues, vote out the incumbents and send a mseeage why...

10-23-2006, 10:17 PM
you will lose support if you make it about parties and not issues, vote out the incumbents and send a mseeage why...

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not completely disagreeing, but we need to pick one race to concentrate whatever power we have. We also need to stay focussed. Note the poster above yours using this thread to reprint letters he sent to the 2 California Senators. One of whom isn't running, the other is 30 points ahead in the polls.

This choice makes sense because the race is close and important. And Sen. Talent is a member of the party that controls the body that pushed for this bill.

10-23-2006, 10:54 PM
okay...I agree that the issue is important, I have trouble saying that one party will save us, maybe we are saying the same thing? get the message out by getting the incumbents out?

10-23-2006, 11:02 PM
agreed. we are 14 days before an election. lets pick 1 incumbent.

10-23-2006, 11:28 PM
Here is a rough draft of a letter for a more general audience (not a California Senator)

Dear _____________:
I am writing this because I am angry about recent legislation that slipped into law. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement bill was added on to the Port Security Act. It is especially irritating the underhanded way the gambling prohibition was passed. Of course, almost everyone is in favor of the Port Security Bill itself.

The World Trade Organization ruled that the United States cannot block other countries from offering Internet gambling to U.S. residents. The WTO protects our patent and copyright laws around the world and we expect it to do so. If we want other countries to follow the guidelines and rulings of the WTO, shouldn’t we set an example and do the same.

Many supporters of the bill claimed that online gambling was degenerative to our society, causing family problems and making it easier for children to gamble. While it is true some people are hurt by gambling, there are many forms of gambling legal in almost every state. To protect people and their families are we going to make all forms of gambling illegal? How far are we going to go to legislate morality and protect people? Are we going to bring back prohibition, to protect people from abusing alcohol causing harm to individuals and their families? As for children, there are programs like Net Nanny that could be used to block gambling web sites.

I find it ironic that Bill Frist indirectly received contributions from Harrah’s inc. and then authored a bill to help them eliminate their competition. After the bill was signed Harrah’s stock shot up 15% increasing their market capitalization 1.7 billion dollars.

I would like to see a bill legalizing online gambling (or at least poker) including funding of accounts that could be regulated, monitored and taxed by the appropriate government agencies.

While I am in favor of legalizing and monitoring online gambling, I am especially interested in poker. I believe poker is a game of skill, not chance and should be exempted from any law banning games of chance. Poker is a game of strategy and psychology, not blind luck like playing the lottery. Poker players make many decisions throughout each hand they play. Players decide whether they bet, raise or fold on each betting round. In no limit, they also decide how much to bet and raise. While luck will have a lot to do with short term results, in the long run the best players will come out ahead. Over one hundred books are available teaching the proper way to play winning poker. Players if they choose can learn basic, intermediate and advanced strategy and become winning players.

Most other forms of gambling are house games. That means the players play against the casino. Of course, the house/casino always has an edge which makes them the long term winner. In poker, players play against each other, not the house. This makes it possible to win in the long run.

In most states, many forms of gambling are legal. In fact, the lotteries, horse tracks, corporate owned casinos, and Indian casinos all advertise to attract new customers and encourage us to gamble. Most of the games offered are house games, leaving the gambler little chance to win in the long run.

Some states have legalized card rooms. Why should I have to drive to a card room when I can save my time, money, reduce the risk of accident, and conserve natural resources when I can play from the safety and comfort of my home?

Our country was founded on the beliefs of freedom and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans to enjoy. Playing poker on the internet is one of my favorite hobbies. I would like to be able to come home from work and play poker for a few hours on the Internet in the safety and comfort of my home should I choose to do so. I am sure I speak for millions of Americans who enjoy online poker. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.


Richard S.

10-23-2006, 11:30 PM
With all due respect Auto, this thread is not about writing letters. That day has come and gone. We need a scalp right now.

10-23-2006, 11:31 PM
Excellent post.

If the Democrats win, Barney Frank is in line to head some financial commission in charge of enforcing this law. And he spoke very eloquently against prohibiting online gambling.

The Republicans pushed this through to get donations from anti-gambling Christian organizations. What part of this statement do some posters not understand? Our main hope at the moment is a democratic congress.

Even if you can't donate, e-mail all candidates that this is a serious issue for 23 million Americans and could very well swing the elections.

10-24-2006, 12:08 AM
I kept it simple, but here is my action taken tonight:

To: info@claireonline.com
CC: bill_frist@frist.senate.gov, comments@whitehouse.gov, Chairman@gop.com, email@pokerplayersalliance.org, info@talentforsenate.com, support@johnkerry.com

Dear Ms. McCaskill,

Tonight I made a $25 contriubtion to your campaign since polls indicate you are in a very tight Senate battle which may prove critical to the make-up of our Senate. Specifically this is in protest of the recent Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement bill added on to the Port Security Act.

Poker is a game of skill enjoyed by millions of Americans and not every American has access to play in "government approved" venues due to location and/or personal circumstances. During an 8 month battle with cancer I was unable to be around crowds, but online poker allowed me to play the game I loved while keeping my mind occupied during a very scary time in my life.

Going forward, I would like to see online poker specifically legalized and regulated within the United States like other countries have begun to do.

Thank you,

Joseph D. XXXXX

Phone: (###) ###-####

10-24-2006, 12:32 AM
Some additional thoughts / suggestions:

1. Only focus on this race. Our time is too limited to gather enough support to create a noticeable spike if the effort is split amongst all races. This is why I would not pick a Democrat and Republican race or send money directly to say the Democratic / Republican party.

2. DO NOT GET THE PPA INVOLVED !!! Other then if you want to make them aware of the campaign. They should remain a non-partisan entity. We have the greatest impact if poker supporters appear as SWING voters. This is critical, it is what makes law makers COMPETE to get your votes! The role of the PPA is to lobby both parties and raise awareness of the number of players, potential voting strength, etc... ie, they tell the politicians, after the fact, what effect we had on this race so they remember next time (without appearing to have a favorite in the race, of course).

3. The same above holds true for poker sites, but to a lesser degree. They would be fine if they posted a notice about this or referred people to legislation section on 2+2. But, they have enough legal troubles without appearing to be siding with one political party or another.

4. Keep spreading the word. People have mentioned contacting the moderator here and doing cross posts. I have no idea how to do this so if any one wants to jump in and help please take the initiative.

Good Luck All.

10-24-2006, 12:42 AM
Great letter Owl. I sent $20 to her tonight. 9,998 donations to go. Only a few 100 people have read this post. How do we transmit this idea to more poker players?

10-24-2006, 04:40 AM
This is a great idea, but how do we get a few thousand poker players to make a contribution to Claire McCaskill? Right now, there are less than 700 views of this post. If 10% of those make a contribution of $25, then that equates only to a contribution of $1,750. That's not going to do anything! We need to have an overall contribution of over $100,000 if we really want to get our message out.

Mods, the PPA, and others need to spread this message if we really want this to work. How do we get that done?

In the meantime, I am visiting www.claireonline.com (http://www.claireonline.com) to make a donation. If you are reading this email, please do the same and make a donation along with a tag of why you are making the donation (to preserve online poker)! Everyone should be doing this. Please don't shy away because of political leanings! I've been a lifelong republican; but, right now, what is far more important is getting our voice out. Right now, this is about the best way to do it. So, don't wait! Make some kind of donation today!

10-24-2006, 06:21 AM
We can do it!!!!!! Can we get the PPA to sponsor this idea ???

[/ QUOTE ]

Contact Mike Omalley and others to gain, they should be able to chip in big time in such an effort.

10-24-2006, 08:41 AM
This action is not meant as either a Republican or Democratic thing (at least not by me, others will use it that way). I only chose the Democratic candidate because it makes a statement against a very specific action (not a party), which was a Bill Frist led event of attaching the legislation to the Port Security Bill. In general I think part of our problem with politicians is they have not put any thought around gambling legislation so the main purpose of this type of protest is to make both parties aware they are risking upsetting many voters who might otherwise vote for them.

10-24-2006, 09:02 AM
Agreed, its not about parties (sheesh i am cringing) its about issues, Earlier in the post there was a list of tight races, who is the incumbent, and who is running against them?

10-24-2006, 09:22 AM
I do not have favorable impressions of either Democrats or Republicans and expect better from mostly everyone.

That being said, I think it is important right now to have a two party government. This will not allow politicians to ram something through and also send a message hopefully that poker players as a group can make a difference.

10-24-2006, 09:39 AM
ill kick in a buy in if i see some action on this, otherwise im throwing money at a hand that cant win. can someone stick a donation counter on this or something?

10-24-2006, 09:52 AM
I am mostly a lurker, but this post motivated me to get off my but and do something.

I sent in my donation today.

10-24-2006, 10:11 AM
I kept it simple, but here is my action taken tonight:

To: info@claireonline.com
CC: bill_frist@frist.senate.gov, comments@whitehouse.gov, Chairman@gop.com, email@pokerplayersalliance.org, info@talentforsenate.com, support@johnkerry.com

Dear Ms. McCaskill,

Tonight I made a $25 contriubtion to your campaign since polls indicate you are in a very tight Senate battle which may prove critical to the make-up of our Senate. Specifically this is in protest of the recent Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement bill added on to the Port Security Act.

Poker is a game of skill enjoyed by millions of Americans and not every American has access to play in "government approved" venues due to location and/or personal circumstances. During an 8 month battle with cancer I was unable to be around crowds, but online poker allowed me to play the game I loved while keeping my mind occupied during a very scary time in my life.

Going forward, I would like to see online poker specifically legalized and regulated within the United States like other countries have begun to do.

Thank you,

Joseph D. XXXXX

Phone: (###) ###-####

[/ QUOTE ]

NH, sir!!!

10-24-2006, 10:31 AM
Noise needs to be made in Missouri. It's a perfect idea! Contributions are a nice start but press coverage would be better.

Are there any Poker Leagues or a Missouri Database of players that can be utilized to hang out at Malls and make noise organizing.

In the end perception is reality. Even if it's late in the game and it's near impossible to unite enough people to make an actual difference.

A group of loud residents of the show me state as swing voters could have a huge perceptual impact on the political landscape.

10-24-2006, 11:35 AM

I am not completely disagreeing, but we need to pick one race to concentrate whatever power we have.

[/ QUOTE ]

That race should be John Kyl vs Jim Pederson. John Kyl is the fourth ranking Republican in the Senate and has been nothing short of the single biggest driver of anti online gambling legislation for the last ten years. Because he is a work horse and not a show horse, he doesn't come up much in conversation. He is currently leading, but is vulnerable and needs to be knocked off. Even if the dems take control, he will continue to work the cloakroom with stronger legislative efforts.

10-24-2006, 11:35 AM
Great ideas...just sent in contributon to Claire McCaskill’s web site . I got an email thanking me for my donation. I replied to thier email with a short note explaining my positon.

10-24-2006, 11:51 AM
Should we send Missouri newspapers a quick explanation and link to this thread?

10-24-2006, 01:02 PM
KCpoker.org - any good?

10-24-2006, 01:35 PM

That race should be John Kyl vs Jim Pederson. John Kyl is the fourth ranking Republican in the Senate and has been nothing short of the single biggest driver of anti online gambling legislation for the last ten years. Because he is a work horse and not a show horse, he doesn't come up much in conversation. He is currently leading, but is vulnerable and needs to be knocked off. Even if the dems take control, he will continue to work the cloakroom with stronger legislative efforts.

[/ QUOTE ]

I very much agree. I have always voted Republican, but this time I am voting against Jon Kyl.

10-24-2006, 01:49 PM
I just shipped my $$$. I cross posted this in STTF as that is my home. Please cross post this in your respective home forums to get the word out.


10-24-2006, 02:08 PM
how do we add an email to our donations? did you just email them from the email adress you gave them after you donated?

10-24-2006, 02:11 PM
Jon Kyl was elected to the U.S. Senate from Arizona in 1994 and re-elected in 2000, after having served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. He serves on the Senate’s Finance Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight, and on the Judiciary Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security. As chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, he is one of six members of the Senate Republican Leadership.

This guy is toxic to online gaming. In 1997 he introduced S.474
Ten years ago! And of course he didn't give up between then; actually seeing some of his legislation pass the Senate only to die in the House. This guy is public enemy #1 for online poker. Send money to Pederson.

10-24-2006, 02:17 PM
Here is the letter that I sent with my donation:

Dear Ms. McCaskill,

Today I made a $25 donation to your campaign since polls indicate that you are in a very tight Senate battle. Specifically, this is in protest to the recent Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Bill that Senator Bill Frist snuck into the Port Security Act.

Rather than having an open debate around the issue of online gambling, Senator Frist decided to toss aside the interests of voters and poker players and infringe on the rights and freedoms of millions. As a life-long republican, I am personally ashamed of how my party has decided to legislate their own personal interests and twisted morality on the american people and I will now be voting straight ticket Democrat in November.

Poker is a game of skill and the goverment has no right to tell me how to spend my own money in the privacy of my own home. This silly gambling bill is highly hypocritical and has carve outs for state-run lotteries and horse-betting. Its just plain wrong what has happened under Repblican leadership, and thus, I am now your new supporter. In the future, I would like to see online poker legalized and regulated so that we can tax it and use the revenues to strenthen programs like social security and health care.


phone: xxx

10-24-2006, 02:20 PM
how do we add an email to our donations? did you just email them from the email adress you gave them after you donated?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. Make it a separate email.


10-24-2006, 02:29 PM
how do we add an email to our donations? did you just email them from the email adress you gave them after you donated?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. Make it a separate email.


[/ QUOTE ]

Also e-mail your Congressmen and anyone else of interest you could think of.. more bang for your buck, this Missouri race was originally picked due to it's toss up status.

I think Pederson is too far behind to for us to make a difference. This Missouri race is so close every bit helps.

10-24-2006, 02:36 PM
Was my letter (above) ok? I tried not to sound as emotional as I really am about all of this:)


10-24-2006, 02:44 PM
Was my letter (above) ok? I tried not to sound as emotional as I really am about all of this:)


[/ QUOTE ]

You came across rationally and not as a raging lunatic (as I am sure we all can be about this). Good letter, glad we are writing and doing something, feels good huh /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Anyhow here is a good link about the polls in this race:


Still looks like a pure toss up and it very well may determine who wins control of the Senate.

Maybe one of the experts here can chime in, but everything I read, is how close this race is, how close control of the Senate looks, and how $ will play a huge factor.

10-24-2006, 02:56 PM
It does feel good. I just hope that we can empower enough poker players to make a difference.


10-24-2006, 03:02 PM
I'm a life-long Libertarian who occasionally voted for the more palatable, libertarian-leaning Republicans. Not long ago I would have said it would be a cold day in hell before I'd ever vote for a Democrat.

Well, that day has unfortunately come. I plan to send my donation and e-mail tonight when I get home from work. I'm so pissed off and fed-up with the Republicans pandering to the lunatic religious right, I'm going to vote straight Democrat this November -- even though I oppose almost everything in their platform. I just want the Republicans to pay.

10-24-2006, 03:08 PM
I'm a life-long Libertarian who occasionally voted for the more palatable, libertarian-leaning Republicans. Not long ago I would have said it would be a cold day in hell before I'd ever vote for a Democrat.

Well, that day has unfortunately come. I plan to send my donation and e-mail tonight when I get home from work. I'm so pissed off and fed-up with the Republicans pandering to the lunatic religious right, I'm going to vote straight Democrat this November -- even though I oppose almost everything in their platform. I just want the Republicans to pay.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen brother. Actually, I've been a staunch libertarian/republican my whole life and even bad-mouthed democrats excessively. This is hard for me, but we cannot let the religious right and company strip us of the liberties and freedoms that our ancestors died for.


10-24-2006, 03:56 PM
le bump

10-24-2006, 05:41 PM
How about posting this on other poker forums? I used to read/post at Thepokerforum.com. We need to spread this great idea as wide as we can, as quickly as we can.

Wake up CALL
10-24-2006, 06:35 PM
I don't think picking Missouri is a very good choice for the below reasons at this link:

1. Money lost while gambling can be recovered through civil action.
2. Gambling is considered unlawful if promoted by a person, is played by an unprofessional, more than hundred dollars are put at stake.
3. The growth of casinos in Missouri is not fully advantageous because it also has certain ill effects like the crimes associated with casinos, where innocent parties are often harmed. In fact St Louis one of the prominent cities in Missouri is considered to be the 2nd most dangerous cities in the whole of USA, and this is primarily due to casino crimes. There are also other felonies like gambling corruption where insiders get benefited by corrupt practices. Also underage gambling is becoming a big problem in Missouri and experts say this can soon lead to addiction.
4. International Lottery and Internet gambling is strictly prohibited


I can't see any elected representative from Missouri no matter their party afilliation doing anything other than taking your money and smiling all the way to Washington DC.

10-24-2006, 06:51 PM
Great post!!! this is what I am doing also, I am a life long reublican - i will vote out the incumbent at the local, state, and national level, and continue to do so every election, we have allowed our freedoms to be stripped from us, this is not the first time, and its up to us, to stop it

[/ QUOTE ]

10-24-2006, 07:41 PM
if wake up call is correct, we should definitly look for a better place to send our money. i think we should keep looking around, then post all of our options and pick 1 that will help us out the most.

10-24-2006, 07:41 PM
if wake up call is correct, we should definitly look for a better place to send our money. i think we should keep looking around, then post all of our options and pick 1 that will help us out the most.

[/ QUOTE ]

there's no time for teh b.s. bro. the election is in 2 wks. this is a good idea.

10-24-2006, 11:45 PM
Come on man, you can't pull crap off of an anti-gambling website and expect it to be anything but one-sided. St Louis has more casinos than any city I've ever lived in and it specifically is NOT one of the sites often shut out by carious online casinos (pre-ban) or currently BonusWhores or anything else.

The point of this isn't to champion a legislator who we think is going to ride into Washington and demand poker legalization, it's to get those in the political scene talking about how all this money seems to be coming in from swing voters against Republicans because they pushed this ban through.

For those of you that like the Repubs in general (I'm a democrat myself), I think we have a better chance of traditional small-govt repubs putting some pressure on the party (Look this is ridiculous, as a party we're not about big government and now this pandering is costing us more votes than we are gaining from the RR, we need to win back these voters, blah blah blah) because of this, but only if they see/hear that the party as a whole is losing support because of its big-christian-morality-police fringe

10-24-2006, 11:51 PM
Please, let's not be sidetracked by this analysis of Missouri Laws. This is not an election for Governor of Missouri. We are trying to send both parties a message that poker players can be a political force. Trying to influence which party controls the U.S. Senate and dealing a defeat to the party that was in power when this bill was jammed down our throats is the best way to do this. Let's make it happen.

10-25-2006, 01:14 AM
Please, let's not be sidetracked by this analysis of Missouri Laws. This is not an election for Governor of Missouri. We are trying to send both parties a message that poker players can be a political force. Trying to influence which party controls the U.S. Senate and dealing a defeat to the party that was in power when this bill was jammed down our throats is the best way to do this. Let's make it happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored], do you work for the Mccaskill campaign? We are here because we support poker, not Democratic upstarts in Missouri. BTW, Talent is leading in the latest polls.

10-25-2006, 01:30 AM
Please, let's not be sidetracked by this analysis of Missouri Laws. This is not an election for Governor of Missouri. We are trying to send both parties a message that poker players can be a political force. Trying to influence which party controls the U.S. Senate and dealing a defeat to the party that was in power when this bill was jammed down our throats is the best way to do this. Let's make it happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored], do you work for the Mccaskill campaign?


We are here because we support poker, not Democratic upstarts in Missouri.

this is a great way to do it

BTW, Talent is leading in the latest polls.

too close to call
see link - http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2006/Sen_graphs/missouri.html<br />
[/ QUOTE ]

10-25-2006, 01:48 AM
Jon Kyl was elected to the U.S. Senate from Arizona in 1994 and re-elected in 2000, after having served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. He serves on the Senate’s Finance Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight, and on the Judiciary Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security. As chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, he is one of six members of the Senate Republican Leadership.

This guy is toxic to online gaming. In 1997 he introduced S.474
Ten years ago! And of course he didn't give up between then; actually seeing some of his legislation pass the Senate only to die in the House. This guy is public enemy #1 for online poker. Send money to Pederson.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm down with the Mccaskill money, but I checked the link above. Holy crap!! If you go there, have a look at the co-sponsors. My beloved (sw) Senator Feinstein is on the list as is Lieberman, Reid, etc. Democrats are no more on our side than Republicans. I think the op's idea is good and have contributed. I STRONGLY recommend staying on point and not getting into the Demo-Repub argument. Neither will listen unless we show we can hurt their incumbency.

Insp. Clue!So?
10-25-2006, 03:01 AM
You people should be crawling the tubes and wires of Myspace with this stuff.

Ditto, should be, Thomas Paine-like, spiking placards and quick-read bulletins on noticeboards in every dorm and mess hall in America.

Hang 'em there with bowie knives if you must.

And an editorial in every campus and community paper, emphasizing the destruction of personal freedom, the raw, arrogant invasion of our home by busy-body politicians, the cast expense enforcing unworkable laws, the flaunting of international law, the thief-in-the-night means of ramming the bill down our throats, and so on.

Onward, Poker Soldiers...Mason and others afflicted with the dread disease Affluenza (and the cowardice that necessarily follows...or the laryngitis, anyway) may well be asleep at the wheel, but you don't have to be.

10-25-2006, 10:25 AM
There are a lot of people missing the point... Missouri Laws mean nothing... Democrat/Republican/Libertarian Mean nothing...

The only thing that matters is having an effect... By Concentrating on a pivotal Swing State and focusing the energy of the poker playing community on that one Swing State if succussful shows the elected officials what they are up against...

It doesn't matter who the frickin candidate is... It's about uniting and presenting ourselves to the Nation...

10-25-2006, 10:47 AM
Jon Kyl was elected to the U.S. Senate from Arizona in 1994 and re-elected in 2000, after having served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. He serves on the Senate’s Finance Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight, and on the Judiciary Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security. As chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, he is one of six members of the Senate Republican Leadership.

This guy is toxic to online gaming. In 1997 he introduced S.474
Ten years ago! And of course he didn't give up between then; actually seeing some of his legislation pass the Senate only to die in the House. This guy is public enemy #1 for online poker. Send money to Pederson.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm down with the Mccaskill money, but I checked the link above. Holy crap!! If you go there, have a look at the co-sponsors. My beloved (sw) Senator Feinstein is on the list as is Lieberman, Reid, etc. Democrats are no more on our side than Republicans. I think the op's idea is good and have contributed. I STRONGLY recommend staying on point and not getting into the Demo-Repub argument. Neither will listen unless we show we can hurt their incumbency.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can't stay on point, when you completely and totally miss the point. My post has nothing to do with Dem vs Rep. It is absolutely true that Democrats have supported anti-gambling legislation over the years. HOWEVER, it is equally true that Senator Kyl has been THE leading crusader in the senate against online gaming. Remove Kyl and you remove a powerful zealot against our game. While its certainly possible a Dem might step up and craft legislation, so far all of these bills have been Republican originated with Democrat co-sponsor. Its politics and there will always be backscratching and gambling doesn't have a lot of friends anywhere.

Back to the message; Kyl is losing steam in his fight. One of the things to remember about Kyl is with Frist retiring, he moves up the seniority rankings consolidating and increasing his power in the Senate. Moreover, if he is there, getting a carve-out is going to be double tough. Removing this one guy would be an important step forward.

10-25-2006, 11:01 AM
I'd love to see Kyl lose... I hear ya clucking... But there is no reason to divide and be conquered... The Missouri race is more of a toss up and that is the point... It's a Key Swing State...

The Poker Community is nowhere near united enough to tackle Arizona and Missouri... Maybe in the Future but right now all energy should be targeted in one direction and the Missouri race is closer...

And to anyone debating Republican or Democrat at this time... That is a Division in our ranks and it will doom us... This effort has to remain non partisan...

10-25-2006, 11:06 AM
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showfl...e=0#Post7785392 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Number=7785392&amp;an=0&amp;page=0#Post 7785392)

Need suggestions in this thread, we are starting to unite and come up with ideas of how to fund, please help.... You're right, filtering through parties, will cost us

Wake up CALL
10-25-2006, 11:06 AM
There are a lot of people missing the point... Missouri Laws mean nothing... Democrat/Republican/Libertarian Mean nothing...

The only thing that matters is having an effect... By Concentrating on a pivotal Swing State and focusing the energy of the poker playing community on that one Swing State if succussful shows the elected officials what they are up against...

It doesn't matter who the frickin candidate is... It's about uniting and presenting ourselves to the Nation...

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with your points, herein lies the trouble. How is anyone going to either know or believe (including the winning candidate) that online poker players made any difference at all in a coin-flip situation? Can anyone here spell V A R I A N C E ? If you only want to make a point that we are a powerful group you need to make a public stand in a not so close race and attempt to turn a probable loser into a winner to get the point across. In other words if the candidate we choose to support loses the close race does that mean we had no effect? Likewise if they win it means the same, not much at all.

Please look at this realistically from the perspective of a poker player and it is easy to see we may get drawn out on and go BUSTO, win or lose.

10-25-2006, 11:08 AM
Again, to the point. The original post seeks to point out a close Senate race which could swing the balance to the Dems. Could happen, might not. Nevertheless, even if the Senate comes under Democratic control and John Kyl is still in his seat; he will continue to work behind the scenes to solidify and consolidate the gains he made this year in fighting online gaming. You don't work on an issue for your entire senate career and then abandon it.

If the Rebuplicans maintain control in the Senate, this guy will be even more dangerous because his rank ensures powerful committee chairmanships; a path to making sure gaming is part of the agenda.

So while I agree a Democratic senate would likely be less enthusiastic about gambling legislation, a senate without John Kyl would be dramatically less enthusiastic about gaming legislation.


Insp. Clue!So?
10-25-2006, 11:53 AM
This war will not end with one Senate election, or three, or whatever. There is no reason to "concentrate" that which can be replicated nationwide. You have the power to stimulate millions of young voters with a very powerful message...the theft of their freedoms by hacks and bluenoses of whatever political stripe...and message that has the added benefit of being the truth.

Remember, much of the impetus behind the 1776 revolution was anger over unfair taxes on tobacco. It took a nasty war to galvanize masses of youth in the 60s, but other, seemingly lesser issues can also set of poitical firestorms.

The real point is, target some money if you like at this or that vulnerable candidate but recognize that all these excellent ideas need to be deployed and used to their fullest, and in the broadest possible measure. There is a critical mass of 23 million players, and millions more just attaining political adulthood. That's the makings of a personal liberty revolution and if poker is the catalyst then all the better.

10-25-2006, 12:21 PM
Uncle... I don't care if Kyl is the Target... I would happily support Kyl's opponent... But Somehow Someway... Voices have to be united for effect...

23 Million Players is a great number to start with... But 9 million of those are republicans... 9 million are democrats... 4 Million are Libertarians and 1 Million are for Jean Luc Pacard...

Of the 23 Million Players... 3 million are mad but don't know where to turn and 19 million are either unaware or oh welling it away and saying it was fun while it lasted and 1 Million are wondering how come the moon seems to follow them at night...

You can't unite all of these people by confusing the issue... Have you ever tried to decide what Restaurant to take the family... One Kid wants McDonalds... The other kid want's Taco Bell... The Wife wants Seafood and you Buffalo Wings... Finally you just say the heck with it because no concessions are made and it's TV Dinners at home...

The reason people are getting excited about this idea was because it's possible if enough people got behind it... They could make a difference in a close race... In a Close Election where National Power is being decided... The Movement(if that's what you call it) is just getting started... There isn't enough right now to make a difference nationwide... One State seems plausible but it will never happen if the few numbers we have right now can't decide... Republican or Democrat... Arizona or Missouri...

Put the devisive issues behind you and focus on the issues that can unite... Poker and Freedom of Choice...

I now believe the issue is hopeless because of the unscientific Poll of Posters on this website... The 20 People posting and reading this website can't come to a consensus...


10-25-2006, 02:24 PM

If you want to take a macro approach, then I favor breaking the system completely. Until we have public financing of campaigns (true reform), our government belongs to funded groups. While at first this might seem logical in a capitalistic society, what has happened is so much of the process revolves around chasing the money, not a lot of real work gets done. In the above race, the two candidates will end up spending over 20 million dollars! What job is so important its worth buying for $20M?

10-25-2006, 03:24 PM
Intersting development in this race

Limbaugh Says Fox Was Acting
Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Claire McCaskill (D) "thought she had a winner when actor Michael J. Fox, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, endorsed her in an emotionally powerful commercial," according to the Kansas City Star.

"Then Rush Limbaugh jumped feet first into the petri dish, accusing Fox of 'exaggerating the effects of the disease.'"

My note: He later apoligized after his listeners took him to task

10-25-2006, 03:24 PM
Don't quit. People standing in the rain all night deciding which bar they want to go to only get wet! Set a time limit, then pick an idea and go with it. I recommend mine (I am biased but I think it will be the most effective). But, if you can't decide, number all the ideas, put them in a hat and pick one.


Be a leader, do something, do anything and tell everyone you can, as fast as you can that you did it. Then we will win. The other guys have a medium hand at best, make them lay it down.

10-25-2006, 05:32 PM
There are a lot of people missing the point... Missouri Laws mean nothing... Democrat/Republican/Libertarian Mean nothing...

The only thing that matters is having an effect... By Concentrating on a pivotal Swing State and focusing the energy of the poker playing community on that one Swing State if succussful shows the elected officials what they are up against...

It doesn't matter who the frickin candidate is... It's about uniting and presenting ourselves to the Nation...

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with your points, herein lies the trouble. How is anyone going to either know or believe (including the winning candidate) that online poker players made any difference at all in a coin-flip situation? Can anyone here spell V A R I A N C E ? If you only want to make a point that we are a powerful group you need to make a public stand in a not so close race and attempt to turn a probable loser into a winner to get the point across. In other words if the candidate we choose to support loses the close race does that mean we had no effect? Likewise if they win it means the same, not much at all.

Please look at this realistically from the perspective of a poker player and it is easy to see we may get drawn out on and go BUSTO, win or lose.

[/ QUOTE ]

If the candidate loses we try to walk away unnoticed. If the candidate wins, we attempt to take credit for the win. Victory has a thousand fathers. Defeat is an orphan.

10-25-2006, 05:55 PM
I agree with you, a tracking mechanism will be better. A couple points though. Since I can't do anything complex I will edit my post to include my email so I can be copied on donations. 1. The whole idea of focusing on a single point is to get enough money influx in a very short period of time so it is clear to all who look that it is not variance. If one candidate suddenly raises a mass sum of money when the other candidate does not increase at the same rate it will be noticed. All candidates have to carefully track campaign donations and that is why I left instructions to keep the Subject the same all the time. 2. I also recommend sending a copy of the email to all the other various interested parties, including media and the opponent. At the very least if we manage a large cash influx both parties will be very aware of this, they watch these things very carefully. This is half the battle, making them aware we are willing to take action. That is what makes them worried.

10-25-2006, 06:01 PM
Per several suggestions which I agree with, this is more effective if we can track this. So, please copy the following email address when you send your donation. Be sure to include the amount somewhere in the subject line. Only send it to me once please, my email may not handle it. Also, anyone who has already made a donation please send me an email:


I will try to track and update the post as best I can.

10-28-2006, 08:49 AM
I don't even support democrats. This is just an effective way to get our government to listen.

10-29-2006, 09:18 AM
Bump please we need to make sure we get the message out not to mess with us poker players