View Full Version : Is God entitled to decide what is best?

10-21-2006, 10:55 AM
...or are all sentient beings equally entitled to have an opinion on "what is best?"

--I only ask because I'm sure God and humans would disagree on many issues.

--We would probably go along with God on whatever he decides because we are afraid of his wrath, but that's not the question.

--Let's assume that we're talking about the Christian God.

EDIT: also, Is God entitled to decide what is just?...

I ask this one because although I can see how God being omniscient could mean that God actually knows "what is best", cannot see how differeng opinions on "what is just" could be reconciled this way.

10-21-2006, 11:59 AM
Does god have 'opinions'?

If he's omniscient, and doesn't know what is 'just', then this says nothing is just. The counter is something like: what is 'just' is assigned by what we want in the first place, by our opinions. But if so, god knows this too.

10-21-2006, 12:53 PM
If there is some nature of justice such that God is inherently "entitled to decide it," then that nature is beyond human comprehension. God can never be entitled to decide what is just in the human sense. And those Christians that ascribe justice in the normal sense of the term to God (that is, almost all Christians - only AthenianStranger seems to be an exception on these boards) are full of [censored].