View Full Version : Pocket pairs 22 - 99

10-19-2006, 09:37 AM
I'm curious how you play PP's pre-flop. I have a friend who plays NL400 and always tries to limp-in or call a modest PFR. It's my undestanding that one should almost ALWAYS put in a PSR. Are there times when it's ok to limp-in with PP's? Just curious what your strategy is when you get dealt PP's from 22-99 (TT - AA are not my concern as much with this post).

10-19-2006, 09:49 AM
its very dependent on FR/6 max and position.

if you look around there are lots of good posts and stickies about this kind of thing.

In nl, we use a 5/10 rule as a general guideline to seeing the flop. if you can see the flop for lss than 5% of the effective stacks, you SHOULD do it. If it will cost you less than 10% but more than 5%, use your discretion. there are good stickies about these things in the SSNL Master Sticky.

Good luck,

10-19-2006, 09:57 AM
I'll go look through some of the stickies/posts. Thanks for the help.